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RACE TO THE TOP 2 Bright Futures for Nebraska Students

RACE TO THE TOP 2 Bright Futures for Nebraska Students. Nebraska Department of Education Dr. Roger D. Breed, Commissioner May 17, 2010. Race to the Top. Purpose To encourage and reward states implementing comprehensive reform across four key reform areas Goals

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RACE TO THE TOP 2 Bright Futures for Nebraska Students

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  1. RACE TO THE TOP 2Bright Futures for Nebraska Students Nebraska Department of Education Dr. Roger D. Breed, Commissioner May 17, 2010

  2. Race to the Top • Purpose • To encourage and reward states implementing comprehensive reform across four key reform areas • Goals • drive substantial gains in student achievement • improve high school graduation and college enrollment • narrow achievement gaps • Competitive Grants to States - $3.4 billion • Phase 2 grants due June 1, 2010 • Awards made September, 2010

  3. Bright Futures for Nebraska Students • Establishes a plan for Nebraska’s education system in the future • Enables the State to meet the four school reform assurances • Serves as an application for federal funds to support our efforts • Sets a course for the state response to student and school district learning needs

  4. Nebraska Students in the Future • All students shall have opportunities to learn that • begin in early childhood • prepare them to be college and career ready • support improved graduation rates • raise achievement while closing gaps • are equitable regardless of zip code

  5. Nebraska Teachers/Principalsin the Future • All teachers and principals • are well prepared and mentored upon entering the profession • are supported throughout their careers with professional growth and development • meet high standards used for ongoing evaluations including measures of effectiveness

  6. Nebraska Districts in the Future • All districts • have a continuous improvement process for accreditation that is research-based, built on standards, and focused on student learning • assign effective teachers/principals according to student needs • have access to high quality data to improve instruction • provide supportive and caring environments through family and community engagement

  7. Nebraska Schools in the Future • All schools • employ effective principals and teachers • demonstrate high expectations for all students • offer a rigorous curriculum aligned to 21st century standards and assessments • provide access and use technology to support student and staff learning • receive intervention and support as needed

  8. Bright Futures for Nebraska Students Goals • Higher levels of achievement for Nebraska public school students • Dramatic reduction of achievement gaps • Increase high school graduation rates • Increase college going rates

  9. How do we get there? • Collaborative effort and united support from • Governor, Legislature and State Board of Education • School districts • Policy partners • Educational Service Units • Postsecondary education • Federal comprehensive centers and regional labs • Parents and communities • Nebraska Department of Education and U.S. Department of Education

  10. RTTT2 Components • Rigorous standards and balanced assessments • Effective teachers and principals • Accurate and appropriate use of data for informed instruction and decisions • Support and intervention for low performing schools • Expansion of early childhood opportunities • Equitable access to rigorous STEM curriculum

  11. Standards/Assessments • Adopt the common core standards • work with national groups • close match with Nebraska’s revised standards • Collaborate with other states in a consortia to develop assessments for the common core standards • Provide training in unpacking standards and aligning curriculum

  12. Nebraska Virtual School:STEM Academy • Provide a statewide approach to increasing STEM capability and college and career readiness • Create equal access to a complete high-quality, rigorous STEM curriculum instructed by highly effective teachers • Establish a caring and supportive learning environment for students including tutors and local learning coaches/mentors continued . . .

  13. Nebraska Virtual School:STEM Academy (continued) • Assist schools in meeting increased graduation requirements • Collaborate with educators to implement professional development for local school teachers in STEM knowledge and pedagogy

  14. Effective Teachers/Principals • Develop teacher/principal standards • Develop and implement a statewide teacher/principal evaluation system based in part on instructional outcomes • Support induction and mentoring programs for beginning teachers /principals • Provide continuous professional development • Implement teacher/principal performance-defined certification renewal • Provide support and accountability for teacher/administrator preparation programs

  15. Data Systems • SFSF: Implement assurances and America COMPETES Act elements: • Building the PK-postsecondary data system • Linking teachers to courses to classes to students • Providing growth data and teacher impact data (future) • RTTT Application: • Provides dashboards to access improvement data • Provides training and support for instructional use of data • Expands the data steward and staff development network

  16. Low-Performing Schools • SFSF: Identify the Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools (PLAS) • RTTT Application: • Provides state level leadership, support, and technical assistance • Provides support and resources for districts to serve and turnaround their identified schools • Supports an intervention model that does not require replacing the principal • Expands professional development on identifying and implementing research-based, evidenced-based, and/or promising practices

  17. Early Childhood Opportunities • Expand opportunity for professional development and technical assistance (effective curriculum, assessment, family engagement, program quality, effective teachers/leaders) • Support partnerships and technical assistance to enhance quality in community- and school-based programs for PLAS and high poverty districts

  18. Standards &Assessments Adopt the Common Core Implement a balanced assessment system Use a Nebraska virtual school to increase access to rigorous instructional opportunities in STEM Nebraska's Race to the Top Proposal Nebraska Race to the Top plan supports all districts and their schools in continuously improving student performance. The state's proposal features: T&L Effectiveness Provide statewide educator evaluation Provide statewide professional development Prepare teacher and principal preparation and accountability Establish performance-defined certificate renewal School Turn-Around Identify all struggling schools Support small state schools transformation intervention model Expand professional development support Data Systems/Use Improve the use of data to support Instruction Provide access to data for key stakeholders Create placement incentives & ongoing support

  19. Memorandum of Understanding NOTE! Several RTTT initiatives are either required under SFSF or may be required under revised ESEA • All districts will be invited to support the State’s application by signing a MOU • State gains points in the competitive application for MOU signed by Superintendents, School Board Presidents and Teacher Union representative • ONLY districts that submit a signed MOU are considered to be participating and can apply for funds • Letters of Support

  20. Participating District RTTT Funds • Options among identified activities • Support for standards and aligning curriculum • Nebraska Virtual School STEM Academy • Improve use of data to support instruction • Data stewards and other support for data systems • Provide access to data for key stakeholders • Support for professional growth and development • Induction/mentoring programs for beginning teachers/principals continued . . .

  21. Participating District RTTT Funds (continued) • Assistance with implementing teacher/principal evaluation processes • Assistance with recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining highly effective teachers/principals • Support for turning around persistently lowest achieving schools • Expanded learning time • Implement identified research-based, evidence-based and/or promising practices • Employ early childhood specialist

  22. Bright Futures for Nebraska Students RTTT2 • Nebraska can apply for up to $75 million • One-half ($37.5 million) will go to participating districts • Distributed through the Title I formula • Application will be online in the grants management system • School districts will have 90 days after Race to the Top funds are awarded to specify participation • Phase 2 application due June 1 • Awards made September, 2010

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