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UNIT 3 MATH VOCABULARY. By Noah Morisi. Algebraic Expression. An expression which is obtained by performing a finite number of the following operations on symbols representing numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power. Cell.

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  1. UNIT 3 MATH VOCABULARY By Noah Morisi

  2. Algebraic Expression • An expression which is obtained by performing a finite number of the following operations on symbols representing numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power.

  3. Cell • A cell is a part in a spread sheet that CAN or CANNOT hold information and can be arranged horizontally or vertically. • To find a certain cell’s name you find its coordinates. For example. B2, or D5.

  4. Column • A column is an arrangement of objects of cells and such that are arranged vertically. • For example, (see column below) the column would be B, Or A or C.

  5. Row • A row is like a column, only horizontally. The objects in a row can vary to almost anything. • For example, (see graph below) the row could be 1-8. Keep in mind that a column goes vertically while a row goes horizontally.

  6. Formula • A formula is a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols. • For example, X+Y= the answer. X+Y is the formula.

  7. (How to?) Evaluate (a formula) • To evaluate or A.K.A solve a formula or A.K.A problem. • An example would be 2+2, or, since were studying algebra, X+X. That would be a formula. To evaluate it or solve it, you simply add X and with X and you get the answer. .

  8. General Pattern • A general pattern is a number model where variables (A.K.A letters) take over the numbers. • For example “X” (“Y” + 3) / 2 equals the answer. A variable is the letter representing the unknown number. X being one, and Y being another.

  9. Rate • The rate is actually a unit of measurement. The rate of something is how much it goes up or down over a period of time. • For example, in the graph below, the number of degrees is the green line. How much it goes up or down is the rate.

  10. Special Case • (Mental Yippee!) A special case is basically just an algebraic form of a number sentence. The variables represent numbers. Every number is represented by a variable, and if the same variable appears twice, so does the corresponding number.

  11. Square Root • The square root of a number is when a number, NOT ITSELF, is multiplied by itself and equals that number. For example, 9x9 equals 81. Therefore the square root of 81 is 9. And So on and so on.

  12. Unit Rate • A unit rate is the cost of one unit of something. For example, 1 second. While a second is the unit, its one unit out of 60, which makes a minute. As well as a minute being a unit, 60 of those make an hour, and so on, and so on. • Another example would be money. Take one cent. The “cent” is the unit. 100 cents and you have a dollar. You get the point.

  13. Variable • A variable is basically a letter that corresponds to a number. For example, if in the sentence X+Y=, the X and Y are variables. Any number can be X, and any number Y. But if there are more than one of the same variable in the same sentence, that means the same number will appear as many times as its corresponding variable does. Variable

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