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German Red Cross (GRC) Disaster Response – modular approach

German Red Cross (GRC) Disaster Response – modular approach. German Red Cross AidEx Exhibition Brussels 24. – 25. October 2012. Joachim Jäger German Red Cross Disaster Management. Disaster Relief – Modules (ERU – Water&Sanitation). Emergency Response Units – ERU (characteristics).

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German Red Cross (GRC) Disaster Response – modular approach

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  1. German Red Cross (GRC)Disaster Response – modular approach German Red Cross AidEx Exhibition Brussels 24. – 25. October 2012 Joachim Jäger German Red Cross Disaster Management

  2. Disaster Relief – Modules(ERU – Water&Sanitation)

  3. Emergency Response Units – ERU(characteristics) • Selfsufficient working & specialised Units • Rapid availability: 36 - 72 hours, depending on the module • High effectiveness due to shortened information- and decision lines • High efficacy in public (e. g. reports in the media)

  4. Disaster Response - Emergency Response Units the system is based on 3 major components Standard Operating Procedures - IFRC German Red Cross Human Resources Standard Operating Procedures - ICRC National Societies Concept Operating National Society Bilateral agreements Equipment Domestic Response Capacity GRC - Logistics Centre

  5. German Red Cross Logistics Center(close to the airport Berlin Schönefeld) The modules are: - readily packed, - properly stored and - ready for deployment

  6. support at the airport

  7. Modular approach various modules (readily packed, stored and labelled) for configuering all ERUs available with German Red Cross ADM Office Equipment LAB Laboratory WRD Ward GEQ Group Equipment INFHOSP Infrastructure Hospital IEHK Interagency Emergency Health Kit OPD Out patient Department MCH Mother/Child Health Care LAU Laundry FOD Delegates Food TCO Communication Equipment INFBHC Infrastructure (power, water, tents etc) OT Operation Theatre STO Medical store ACC Accommodation for 20 persons HYG Hygiene (Pers. Hygiene facilities for 20 Persons) ADM40 Office for 40 persons WH/Log Logistical Support X-RAY X-ray Equipment PHA Pharmacy KIT Central kitchen R&R Common and Dining area ISO Isolation Kit INFWAT Infrastructure Water Units WINTER Winter Equipment VEHICLE Toyota LC LHD/RHD HP5 Health & Hygiene Promotion SUMMER Summer Equipment Med Tech Advanced Medical Equipment SAN5 Sanitation for 5000 persons D&T Distribution & Trucking T&S Treatment & Supply F&S Filtration & Supply TWA Preacoat Filter TSU Technical Support WATLAB Water Laboratory National Resources

  8. Labelling Box No. Sub-Module e.g. Infrastructure BHCU Module e. g. Infrastructure BHCU Colour code prioritised erection Explanation

  9. Example: Modules used for: ERU WatSan Module 15 ADM Office Equipment LAB Laboratory WRD Ward GEQ Group Equipment INFHOSP Infrastructure Hospital IEHK Interagency Emergency Health Kit MCH Mother/Child Health Care OPD Outpatient Department LAU Laundry FOD Delegates Food TCO Communication Equipment INFBHC Infrastructure (power, water, tents etc) OT Operation Theatre ACC Accommodation for 20 persons HYG Hygiene (Pers. Hygiene facilities for 20 Persons) ADM40 Office for 40 persons STO Medical store WH/Log Logistical Support X-RAY X-ray Equipment PHA Pharmacy KIT Central kitchen R&R Common and Dining area ISO Isolation Kit INFWAT Infrastructure Water Units WINTER Winter Equipment VEHICLE Toyota LC LHD/RHD HP5 Health & Hygiene Promotion SUMMER Summer Equipment Med Tech Advanced Medical Equipment SAN5 Sanitation for 5000 persons D&T Distribution & Trucking T&S Treatment & Supply F&S Filtration & Supply TWA Preacoat Filter TSU Technical Support WATLAB Water Laboratory National Resources

  10. Example: Material used for: ERU WatSan Module 15

  11. ERU Water and Sanitation - “Water & Sanitation” – Module 40 (provides drinking water for up to 40.000 people; min. standards 15 ltr./ day = up to 600.000 ltr. / day) - “Water & Sanitation” – Module 15 (provides drinking water for up to 15.000 people; min standards 15 ltr./ day = up to 225.000 ltr. / day) Distribution via trucks

  12. 5 Deployments: ERU – Water & Sanitation Module 40between 1996 – 2011: Mozambique, Sudan (2x), Iran, Zimbabwe

  13. Flooding Sudan (Kassala) 2003 ERU Water&Sanitation Module M 40

  14. 13 Deployments: ERU – Water & Sanitation Module 15between 1996 – 2011: Congo, Kenya (2x), Sudan (2x), Nicaragua, Macedonia, India, Iran, Chad, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan (2x), Myanmar

  15. Pakistan Floods 2010 ERU Water&Sanitation Module 15

  16. ERU Water and Sanitation • “Mass Sanitation” – Module 20 for up to 20.000 persons • incl.: • Provision of Sanitary Facilities • Household Water Treatment - Disposal of Faeces - Insect and Pest Control • Disposal of Waste - Hygiene Promotion

  17. Deployments: ERU – Mass Sanitation Module 20In most cases MSM had been integrated into German Red Cross ERU Water & Sanitation deployments • Disposalof Faeces • Insect and Pest Control • Disposal of Waste • Hygiene Promotion • Houshold Water Treatment • Provision of Sanitary Facilities

  18. Logistics: Emergency Response Units - ERU Preparation – Shipment of ERU mobile Hospital to Port-au-Prince (Haiti) 21st January 2010 Airport: Berlin Schönefeld

  19. Logistics: Emergency Response Units - ERU Shipment ERU BHCU to Port-au-Prince (Haiti) 17th January 2010 Weather: Winter / Snow Airport: Berlin Schönefeld Cargo Plane: Iljushin 76

  20. International Disaster Response – Global Stock Relief Items für 2.500 Persons (GRC stock in Berlin) (GRC ERUs on stock in Berlin) 1 x Mobile Hospital2 x Basic Health Care4 x Water & Sanitation1 x Base Camp In addition – if asked for: 3 x Rescue Dog - Team Dubai Relief Items for 100.000 Persons (IFRC – RLU Panama) Panama Kula Lumpur Relief Items for 100.000 Persons (IFRC RLU Dubai) Relief Items for 100.000 Persons (IFRC RLU KL) Regional Logistics Unit - RLUERUs (with National Society) GRC stocks in Berlin and at RLU KL Relief Items for 20.000 Persons (GRC stock at RLU KL)

  21. Thank you very much for your attention !

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