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Officiating High School Volleyball . Doing It Right… [Notes to accompany DVD from www.vbofficiating.com ]. INTRODUCTION.
Officiating High School Volleyball Doing It Right… [Notes to accompany DVD from www.vbofficiating.com]
INTRODUCTION This video offers some great information about officiating high school volleyball. The narrator is USAV National Referee Jim Beyer. Be sure to jot any questions on your handout for a discussion afterwards.
CHALLENGE The DVD uses the services of officials who have been asked to demonstrate some scripted scenarios. Keep in mind the point being illustrated in each segment of the video, and try to identify and don’t hesitate to critique the signals, mechanics, techniques and protocols that are shown. Identifying both good and bad things that other officials do can help you grow your own officiating as well as sharpen your mechanics and better understand techniques and proper procedures as communicated through the NFHS Rules Book and Case Book/Manual.
Becoming the Best OfficialThat You Can Be The intent was to facilitate a video volleyball clinic for high school referees and umpires. It is intended to provide information to help you be the best official you can be and: • Encourage a dialogue between you and a mentor • Aid in small group discussions about officiating • Provide a tool for local volleyball associations to use in helping to train officials, and • Offer training that a state association could choose to use with coaches and officials to promote common understandings
Officiating High School Volleyball • This video was developed for high school volleyball officials in order to: • Provide consistency in presentations • Assist in improvement of officials’ performance while maintaining the highest standards of professionalism of the sport • Be used in conjunction with NFHS Rules Book and the NFHS Case Book & Manual
Officiating High School Volleyball Overview • There are many factors to officiate a high school volleyball contest: • To become an official, you must obtain a state license or certification, and should strive to attain the highest level possible • You must maintain this certification by meeting annual requirements including attending meetings • You must adhere to NFHS Rules in your officiating and any adaptations your state may have adopted
Officiating High School Volleyball Preparation • Begins before season gets close through making a commitment to offering quality officiating and includes: • Developing a Realistic Schedule • Constantly Assessing Your Skill Level • Understanding How to Get Matches
Officiating High School Volleyball Develop a Realistic Schedule • Your ability to get matches starts by understanding who makes matches available and when they may become available, and this varies from state to state • Your state association may provide information to help • Working with local volleyball association assigners is key • Some leagues or conference commissioners may have matches to offer • Local school administrators (Athletic Directors/designees) who don’t use an assigner may have matches to offer
Officiating High School Volleyball Develop a Realistic Schedule • Avoid attempting to work matches that are well beyond your current ability (assess your skill level constantly) • Working a match for which you’re not ready can cause a lack of confidence in you and affect future contracts • Honor your contracts (this is a statement about your integrity) • Keep a notebook/planner so you can accept/reject dates quickly and to ensure you show up to all your matches • NEVER, EVER double book: honesty is paramount
Officiating High School Volleyball Working Toward Advancement • When get a chance to work higher-level match and you’re already booked, the assignment you accepted is binding • Consult your assigner/mentor if you have any questions • Even if you could find a suitable replacement and get released, this might not be the right thing to do • Asking to be released to work another match can cost you future contracts and is not the professional thing to do • Contact partner and host school no later than a week before match to ensure information you have is accurate
Officiating High School Volleyball Know the Rules and Be a Student of the Game • Study the rules before each season begins • Consider attending higher-level matches when you are not working including college women’s volleyball to learn current playing techniques and skills • Attend your local association meetings and use this time to grow your knowledge and lock in the new rules • Ask questions and keep reading, thinking about and discussing the rules throughout the season • Work matches – “Experience is the best teacher”
Officiating High School Volleyball Learn a Practical Approach to Theory • To be the best you can be requires a practical approach to theory – knowledge of the rules is not enough • Each rule has an intent, and the rules – taken together – provide broad guidance to officials • Rules represent theory, and practical rule application is what moves you toward becoming an effective official • Understand why you are officiating and what your role is in high school volleyball • Learn how match facilitation provides better officiating and puts matches in the hands of the student-athletes
Officiating High School Volleyball Learn a Practical Approach to Theory • Observe higher-level matches to get a feel for match flow, how skills are applied and judged in terms of legality • Get a feel not so much for what should be called but for what should not be called • Practice proper officiating mechanics and use of signals that look professional and that communicate effectively • Use of proper mechanics is necessary to conduct a match that benefits all who participate • Use a mirror to catch bad signaling habits
Officiating High School Volleyball Perception Is Reality • Your character and conduct will always be under scrutiny • Don’t show the type of casual and unprofessional behavior that the official in the video is showing with feet up at the officials’ table, talking on a cell phone • At no time should your give the impression of partiality, comment on the performance of a team or fellow official or accept a match at a school in which you have a personal affiliation
Officiating High School Volleyball Teamwork and a Cooperative Attitude • Your pledge to give your best effort, support your partner and keep emotions in check must be constant • These are part of teamwork and a cooperative attitude • Make impartial decisions, recognizing the possibility errors may occur • Reflect on situations after the match so your attention is on that next call • Do not allow yourself to be distracted or influenced by players, coaches or spectators
Officiating High School Volleyball Impartiality • Maintain the highest level of professionalism • Again, perception is reality • Over-familiarity is as harmful as being unapproachable or showing an air of superiority • Slap on the hands with player can be seen as bias • The hand-in-the-face to the coach is inappropriate
Officiating High School Volleyball Plan to Leave the Court Together • After performing necessary tasks at the conclusion of the match (signing/initialing scoresheet), you should plan to gather your belongings and leave together • Try to use a non-spectator exit • Neither avoid nor seek contact with coaches or players • At no time, are public comments to be made concerning the match to anyone • Report any irregularities or unsportsmanlike incidents immediately to your state association and assigner
Officiating High School Volleyball Reflecting upon the Match • Keeping a journal of an honest assessment of your performance and experience can pay rich dividends for future matches • No matter what level, each match deserves your best effort • Take time for a post-match discussion to grow your officiating • Arrange your post-match when you have your pre-match with your partner
Officiating High School Volleyball Violations Must Be Penalized • When violations occur, they must be penalized • Where actions or words could be used to prevent a violation, officials are permitted to issue a warning before there is a violation that has to be penalized • Preventive officiating includes warnings, reminders, seeking information and, if need be, ignoring and denying requests that do not give an advantage to either team • This concludes the Overview (Chapters 1 and 2)
THE CLINIC Three Main Areas of Responsibility/Focus: • Pre-Match (Chapter 3 begins at 7:05) • During the Match • Post-Match
Pre-Match Develop an Entrance Plan with Your Partner • No later than a week before the match, contact partner and host school to verify details • Ensure accuracy of information you are going by • Initial information could be wrong so assume nothing • This communication establishes the cooperative team effort that promotes the importance of the match • Don’t leave messages on answering machines or email without asking for a reply • Have cell phone numbers of your partner, assigner and host management to deal with unforeseen delays
Pre-Match Arrival at the Site • Ideally, establish a time to meet to ride together or meet at the location • If at all possible, meet and walk in together (reinforces concept of teamwork) • Ensure time for pre-match discussion with partner to set expectations and understandings • Delay in arrival should be the exception, not the norm
Pre-Match Arrival at the Site • Minimize outside contact with anyone other than event manager, typically the Athletic Director or designee of the home school and might be one of the home coaches • Find this individual and find out where host management will be available before, during and after the match • Identify secure room for dressing/storage of belongings • Before (or after) getting dressed, go over any special ground rules, inspect the court and equipment and identify any special promotions that might affect the timing of the matches including delay in starting time
Pre-Match Arrival at the Site • If the host school has provided a private and secure area, hopefully with bathroom and shower facilities, this can be a good place to conduct the pre-match meeting • Find out if water will be provided and anything from concessions but do not push the concessions issue • Pre-match discussion with partner sets expectations and creates understandings – this occurs most comfortably in private but if a partner is delayed may have to occur courtside
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion • Can use a pre-match checklist which is available at www.vbofficiating.com • Before the officials go to the court, they should meet in private to discuss referee and umpire responsibilities • This is a key time for creating understandings between the officials so they can function as a team throughout the match
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist (Chapter 4, 9:17) • Referee/Umpire Pre-Match Conference is led by the referee • Maintain eye contact/communication before, during and after every rally (centering, part of referee’s scan) • Deer-in-the-headlights look (umpire takes lead, same with referee if umpire is stuck) • If referee looks at umpire during play, a shake of head by the umpire typically means that the play was okay, nothing should be called, play on
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist • However, there can be an agreement between referee and umpire that a ball hit into the tape with a block up where the umpire believes that the block did not touch the ball would be shown with a head shake that will mean “I didn’t have a touch by the block” • There should be an agreement that the umpire will get the referee’s attention quickly for game interruptions such as time-outs, substitutions, lineup checks, floor wipe, shoe tie, blood issue, and time needed at officials’ table
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist • Agreement upon discreet/informal signals is crucial • Preference should be set regarding how to show that the next contact will be 4 hits (show early/not show early, etc.) • Typically, umpire doesn’t show a touch signal based on philosophy of only showing rally-ending information • Should discuss that umpire will step out with a clear 4-hits signal for the unanticipated 4 hits (extra contact seen by umpire – this is a “trust me” call)
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist • Umpire stepping to side of team umpire has losing the rally lets referee know what help umpire is offering • Should discuss hands calls where umpire believes the referee has been screened (illegal hits, 2 hits) • In addition, discuss whether the umpire should show an informal signal for illegal hit or 2 hits when the umpire sees ball handling that the referee has already whistled as a fault earlier in the match (not in the range of what the referee has been allowing – considered a “rescue” call)
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist • Umpire leads on bang-bang attack/block/antenna play or ball untouched by block into the tape and landing out • Illegal attack (back-row/attack of serve/libero/attack off a libero set in attack zone) or illegal block • Umpire should step out to show a ball down that touches the court, and the referee should scan to pick up the call but if not – and the referee does not shake off the call – no longer discreet and the umpire should whistle it • Referee has to trust the umpire on these calls since it will be the umpire who explains the call to the affected coach
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist • On illegal attack or block, umpire shows informal signal, hesitates to see if referee looks but, if sure, whistles/calls if referee doesn’t look but not if referee “waves it off” • The important thing is to get the call right • Game point on shoulder of team that has game point after umpire verifies with scorer – referee does not signal back • If ball goes behind referee, umpire takes the next contact (signaling ball-handling fault, out or touched out) while referee takes the center line and net calls • If there is an intermission, agree where to go
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist • Exit plan for leaving court at the end of the match and leaving the venue/school • Meet with coaches on court with both officials present, cordial greetings and wish good luck • Officials divide duties with referee typically checking the net height and using the chain as a plumb bob/line to properly place the antennas • Umpire checks game balls with pressure gauge (no “Charmin” test and can mark valve to identify game balls)
Pre-Match Pre-Match Discussion Checklist • Referee typically briefs or instructs line judges on expectations, signals and techniques and ball shaggers • Umpire verifies experience of scorer and assistant scorer (libero tracker) and reviews libero replacement with libero tracker and libero serving with both • Umpire establishes rapport with scoretable staff including timer/scoreboard operator and announcer • Identify where host management representative located • Umpire steps to the sideline to request a card (no secret) • If umpire puts toes to the line, referee will call across court
Pre-Match In Uniform at the Court • You must be in uniform at the court no less than 30 minutes before the scheduled starting time • This is a minimum amount of time, and more time is actually needed to ensure ability to handle any net or other equipment problems and to conduct an effective pre-match with your partner • Your first impression walking in can establish your credibility for the entire match and the future • You get one chance to make a first impression
Pre-Match Initial Impression, Professional Expectations • Appearance sets the tone of professionalism, and walking in with your partner emphasizes that you are a team • A neat, clean, pressed uniform, a fit appearance and proper “equipment” is expected • Carrying your uniform to the school rather than wearing it to the site is preferred since this makes it less likely that you will have a wrinkled look • You should have two official shirts and two pair of black dress pants, preferably without cuffs, as back-up
Pre-Match Initial Impression, Professional Expectations • Black dress shorts if the venue is extremely warm • Your shoes/socks combination should match the options approved by your state association • If a jacket is worn to the court, it should be black • Your equipment should include a small bag that you bring courtside that contains a variety of needed tools of the trade
Pre-Match Professional Expectations • Tools of the trade include: • A flipping coin between a quarter and a dollar or a special coin with easy-to-understand designations • Yellow and red cards • A wrist watch with stopwatch ability • Two whistles (preferably black with black lanyards)
Pre-Match Professional Expectations • Small carrying bag you bring courtside: • A net-measuring device • Ball-pressure gauge • Ball pump • Rule Book and Case Book/Manual • Extra watch • Pen and pencil • Breath mints to help with whistle breath
Pre-Match Schedule Duties So Match Starts on Time • Both officials re-check court to ensure properly marked • Determine and address safety & equipment concerns • Identify any special ground rules • Check padding of referee stand, both posts, antenna placement, exposed metal, and anything else that involves safety • As a courtesy, at an appropriate time, greet the coaches when both are courtside
Pre-Match Take A Little Time with the Coaches • Be cordial but brief • Spend equal but short amount of time with each coach • Ask if the coaches have any questions (early season, these would probably be more focused on new rules) • Communicate any special ground rules • Do NOT be overly familiar to avoid the appearance that the officials might show favoritism • End the meeting by saying good luck or have a great match
Pre-Match Divide the Pre-Match Duties: Referee • Measures net, checks for tightness of net • Places antennas using net chain as plumb bob/plumb line so inside edge of antenna is right over the outside edge of each sideline • Ensures metal at bottom of antennas is covered • Verifies necessary padding is present for both posts, referee stand, metal net pulls, etc. • Ensures referee stand is stable and proper height
Pre-Match Divide the Pre-Match Duties: Umpire • Assures that benches, chairs and tables are positioned correctly • Measures suitability and pressure of each ball to be used in the match, ensuring game balls are stamped with NFHS authentication seal • Ensure all balls used are inflated to same pressure between 4.3 and 4.6 pounds per square inch • Marks valves to distinguish game balls
Pre-Match Identify Location of Host Management • If there are equipment issues, knowing where the representative of host management is located can help with timely resolution • This is especially true if there are net adjustment or referee stand problems or if additional padding or coverings are needed
Pre-Match Conduct Conference and Coin Toss (Chapter 5, 12:06) • This occurs prior to timed pre-match warm-up • Referee and umpire facing the court together, showing you are a team • Referee blows whistle and calls for head coaches and captains to meet for pre-match conference and coin toss • Head coach and at least one captain from each team are required to attend the conference which is administered by the referee
Pre-Match The Referee • Conducts the conference and indicates that coaches and captains should introduce themselves (shake hands, say names) • Introduces self and the umpire by name • Clearly explains ground rules, the format for the match and warm-up protocols (x minutes shared court, x minutes serving team, x minutes receiving team) • Asks if there are any questions and asks the umpire for additional information
Pre-Match The Referee • To be proactive, mentions that all players remove all jewelry and any hair control that are not legal (coaches, captains, are both your teams legally equipped and properly attired?) • Conducts coin toss which should precede the timed warm-ups after verifying bench selected by home team • Shows both team the side of the coin that will be heads and the side that will be tails (or any other insignia used to call the toss)
Pre-Match The Referee • Identifies which visiting team captain will call toss and which home team captain will verify what she called • Instructs visiting team captain to call the toss in the air, noting that the coin will be tossed, caught and uncovered and, if dropped, there will be a re-toss • Tosses the coin which should rotate in the air, catches the coin and uncovers the result without turning the coin over • Conducts a re-toss if the toss is not properly called or the coin is dropped
Pre-Match The Referee • Shows the result of the toss to both teams • Since the home team has already chosen its side, notes the options for the winner of the toss are serve or receive • Verifies the choice made by the winner of the toss, reiterates warm-up protocol (shared court, who will have exclusive use of the court first) • Puts coin in pocket of team that will serve first with frame of reference being the referee’s position on the stand while the umpire does the same with frame of reference being the officials’ table
Pre-Match The Referee • Indicates the expectation of good sportsmanship and something along the lines of have a great match or good luck • As players and coaches shake hands, both officials put their coins in the pocket of team that will serve first with referee using position on the stand and umpire using the officials’ table as frame of reference • Immediately instructs scorer who serves first while umpire instructs timer when to begin timing warm-up • As back-up both referee and umpire keep time on their watches
Pre-Match Coin Toss Prior to a Deciding Game • Teams go to end lines, and referee whistles and signals for captains to meet with umpire for the toss • The coin toss may occur near the referee stand where the referee can observe the toss • Home team captain will call the toss, and winner of toss has options of serve, receive or bench/side • Umpire reports results of the toss to the referee who whistles and signals teams to either switch sides or report to their current benches • Umpires wishes players good luck and verifies outcome to scorer and ensures timer starts clock