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Task 3:Harmonization and the optimisation of the acoustic methodology. Involved participants : IFREMER, HCMR, CNR-Ancona, CNR- Sicily , IEO. Introduction.
Task 3:Harmonization and theoptimisation of theacousticmethodology Involvedparticipants: IFREMER, HCMR, CNR-Ancona, CNR-Sicily, IEO.
Introduction • The acoustic target strength (TS) is an important metric in fisheries and plankton acoustics to inform on fish characteristics and to convert the acoustic energy in biomass units. • TS = 20 log L + b20 • σbs = 10TS/10
Subtask 3.1.- Target strengthequationsforanchovy and sardine WP objectives: • To decide a commonprotocolforanalysis. • Literaturereview of existing TS equations (Mediterranean and elsewhere) concerningsardine and anchovy. • Toapplydifferent TS equations in pastacoustic data fromeacharea and comparisons of theresultingabundantestimateswillbemade. • Toestimate in situ TS equationsforeach target species (2002-2006).
1.- To decide a commonprotocolforanalysis. • Toapplythesame TS (sardine & anchovy) toalltheMediterraneanacousticsurveys? • Toestimatesardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulisencrasicolus) TS “in situ” in everyarea (Adriatic, WMed; EMed…) and toapplyeachonetoitsrespectivearea…?
2.- Literaturereview of existing TS equations (Mediterranean and elsewhere) concerningsardine and anchovy. -71.2 dB (Diner & Marchand, 1995; ICES 1997) -72.6 dB (Degnboletal., 1985) (Herring, Clupeaharengus)
2.- Literaturereview of existing TS equations (Mediterranean and elsewhere) concerningsardine and anchovy. -71.2 dB (Diner & Marchand, 1995; ICES 1997) -72.6 dB (Degnboletal., 1985) (Herring, Clupeaharengus)
2.- Literaturereview of existing TS equations (Mediterranean and elsewhere) concerningsardine and anchovy.
2.- Literaturereview of existing TS equations (Mediterranean and elsewhere) concerningsardine and anchovy.
2.- Literaturereview of existing TS equations (Mediterranean and elsewhere) concerningsardine and anchovy. Barangeet al., 1996; PIL (Sardinopsocellatus): -70.51; ANE (Engrauliscapensis/encrasicolus): -76.1 (South Africa)
3.- Toapplydifferent TS equations in pastacoustic data fromeacharea and comparisons of theresultingabundantestimateswillbemade. EcoCádiz 2004: TS anchovy = -72.6, TS sardine = -72.6, TS S. colias = -68.7 EcoCádiz 2004R: TS anchovy = -71.2, TS sardine = -72.6, TS S. colias = -68.7
3.- Toapplydifferent TS equations in pastacoustic data fromeacharea and comparisons of theresultingabundantestimateswillbemade.
4.- Toestimate in situ TS equationsforeach target species (2002-2006). • Fishinghaulsselection: • Frequency: 38 kHz. • At nigth, dispersed. • Highpercentage of onespecies, 70, 80, 90%? • Otherspecies? Differentlengthdistribution. • Betternotbimodal. • Echosounder performance? (Soule et al, 1995; Jech et al, • In situ target strengthmeasurements. Preliminary data of sardine (Sardina pilchardusW.) fromtheMediterranean Sea. 1993. Carrera, P., J. Miquel & M. Iglesias. Workingpaper. ICES FAST WorkingGroup. Gothenburg, April 21-22.
Fishingtrawlswithspeciespercentage = or > to 87% ECOMED 1990-2008
Fishingtrawlswithspeciespercentage = or > to 87% Green: raw data from EK60 (SIMRAD)