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Identify the Workload of Fieldworkers (FWAs) under Changed Circumstances. Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam Associates for Research Training and Computer Processing (ARTCOP). Objectives.
Identify the Workload of Fieldworkers (FWAs) under Changed Circumstances Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam Associates for Research Training and Computer Processing (ARTCOP)
Objectives • The general objective of the study is to identify the workload of the field workers (FWAs) under changed circumstances. • The specific objectives were a. To determine the specific reasons for workload of the FWA b. To assess how far family planning program is affected due to workload
c.To assess the impact of workload on the FP performance d. To investigate the measures to be taken to reducing the workload of the FWAs
Methodology Study design: The study followed a cross-sectional design. Data sources: Primary Secondary
Respondents: Basically three categories of samples were selected for the study purpose, viz.
Sampling Multi-stage sampling procedure was followed to select the samples. At the first stage, all the upazillas of Bangladesh were listed according to population size. From the list 20 upazillas were selected by Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) method. From each selected upazilla 6 unions were selected by simple random sampling technique. One village was selected randomly from each selected union.
Key findings Specific reasons for work load • Increase in the number of couples • Increase in the number of other activities like 1. CC 2. EPI/ NID 3. Arsenic searching 4. Satellite clinic etc. • Required to be engaged on various dibosh • Have to render other health services • Have to be engaged in other government assigned extra work from time to time • CSBA trained FWA have to perform ANC, normal delivery, PNC, new born care and refer the complicated cases
In addition to these they require to prepare report on their activities to submit it the higher officials
Major reasons to fail to cover the area • A large number of field workers failed to cover the target due to: • Extra pressure of work • Being involved with other projects
Effects of excessive workload on family planning services • The number of permanent method users is not increasing as expected. • Clients suffering from various complications fail to get proper treatment / services / advice or facilities. • Sufferings of the clients create a negative impact on the other people of the locality and they become de-motivated towards permanent and long term methods. • Field workers cannot render proper services to pregnant mothers resulting in creation of complications during pregnancy.
In the absence of effective follow-up services, most of the complicated patients failed to get proper services and this may ultimately increase the maternal and child death. • People of the locality remained deprived of MCH services. • Number of underweight and ill health children is increasing. • New–born suffer from various diseases after their birth and many of them died within a year. This is likely to increase the infant and child mortality.
Lesson learned/Impact • Partial coverage of the assigned works thus has left negative impacts in the implementation of family planning program and service delivery. • Number of permanent method users is not increasing as expected. • Clients suffer from various complications but fail to get proper treatment/services/advice or facilities. • People become de-motivated towards permanent and long term method
Creates complications during pregnancy. • Increase the number of maternal and child deaths. • Increase the number of malnourished children.
Recommendations • A revision of the existing target in terms of the coverage should be considered to lessen the burden on the workers However, an assessment to this end is required to determine the feasibility of this target. • Field workers should be withdrawn from the community clinics. • Field workers should not be engaged in the programs of the various dibosh of the family planning.
Proper steps should be taken to reduce the extra burden of the imposed other programs on the workers. This may include recruitment of more field workers. • An efficient and supportive supervision system should be introduced for smooth operation and functioning of the family planning program to undertake the responsibilities referred to above. • Steps should be taken to provide further training on issues not covered thus far.