Lloyd’s Market Briefing March 2004
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Agenda • Market profile in 2004 • Financial results • Building capital strength • Lloyd’s market ratings • Franchise performance & risk management • Appendix - Equitas
F R A N C H I S O R 165Lloyd’s Brokers CLIENTS MEMBERS FRANCHISEES 45 Managing Agents 66 Syndicates $26.78bn Capacity AM Best: A- S&P: A Reinsureds 53 Corporate Groups Commercial 2,048 Individuals (Unlimited Liability Members) 4Members’ Agents Service Companies 637Conversions Personal BUSINESS FLOW CAPITAL PROVISION Market profile in 2004 The Lloyd’s market in 2004 Source: Lloyd’s, based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003
Market profile in 2004 Structure of a Lloyd’s business Management Managing Agent Underwriting Syndicate Names Corporate Member 2 Corporate Member 1 Capital Provision
$bn 30 26.78 25.8 25 21.8 20.2 19.5 20 Capacity Other insurance industry 14% 18.2 18.5 18.1 18.2 17.9 17.7 15% US insurance industry 15.9 11% Bermudian insurance industry 15 42% UK listed and other corporate Names conversion capital 6% 10 Names (unlimited) 12% 5 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Market profile in 2004 Profile of capacity provision: 1993-2004 Based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003 Source: Lloyd’s, N.B. capacity figures shown at beginning of each year
$bn 30 26.78 26.60 25 2004 Other corporate capital 5% 20 UK non-listed 7% UK listed 30% Capacity 15 Trade investors 40% 6% Conversion capital Names (unlimited) 12% 10 5 0 2003 2004 Market profile in 2004 Profile of capacity remains largely unchanged Mid year pre-emption (Year End) (Jan 2004) Source: Lloyd’s, based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003
Major trade investors continue to support the Lloyd’s market 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 $m 2003 2004 Market profile in 2004 Capacity provided by owned corporate members (No 1 Stamp) Source: Lloyd’s, based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2003 2004 Market profile in 2004 Lloyd’s listed companies successfully grow their businesses $m Capacity provided by owned corporate members (No 1 Stamp) Source: Lloyd’s, based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003
7% 8% Geographical source Property Casualty 36% 9% Marine Direct 48% Aviation 52% Reinsurance Motor 11% Energy 29% 3% 5% 8% North America UK 12% 45% Europe Asia Pacific Latin America Africa/Middle East 27% Market profile in 2004 Business mix: 2004 year of account Class of business Source: Lloyd’s, Syndicate business plans
Financial results 2002 results summary • $1,493m annually accounted profit • Combined ratio of 98.6% • Balance sheet resources +85% • Central Assets +55% (Central Fund +70%) • WTC estimates remain stable: • $8.7bn gross and $3.3bn net • 89% of reinsurance asset ‘A-’ or above • US funding requirements met in full Source: Lloyd’s, based on exchange rates of £1: US$1.79 as at 31 December 2003
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 % 98.6% Lloyd's 121.3% US reinsurers* 107.2% US P/C** European 105.1% reinsurers*** Financial results Lloyd’s vs industry 2002 combined ratios * Source: Reinsurance Association of America 2002 Figures ** Source: Insurance Information Institute 2002 Figures *** Source: Credit Suisse First Boston 2002 Figures
Financial results Performance of the Lloyd’s listed companies*(combined ratio – 6 months interims 2003) * as at 30 June 2003 Source: 6 month interim results by companies
Financial results …standing favourable comparison with rest of industry Combined ratio – H1 2003 Source: Lloyd’s analysis of 6 month interim results announced by companies * Source: Credit Suisse First Boston 2003 Figures ** Source: Reinsurance Association of America 2003 Figures *** Source: Insurance Information Institute 2003 Figures
% 140 120 100 80 60 % growth 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 XL AIG AXA ZFS ACE Allianz Chubb St Paul Swiss Re Munich Re Lloyd's listed Berkshire Hathaway Financial results Market capitalisation: Lloyd’s vs peers Market capitalisation (10/09/01 vs 19/02/04) Source: Reuters, as at 19 February 2004
Building capital strength Net resources vs peers 2002 net resources* Lloyd’s net resources $15.7bn at H1 2003 Update * as at 31 December 2002 / net resources = total assets – total liabilities Source: Lloyd’s analysis, based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003
Building capital strength Net resources vs peers 2002 net resources % growth (YoY) Lloyd’s net resources grew 115% as at H1 2003 since 12/31/01 Update Source: Lloyd’s analysis
Building capital strength Growth in key components of chain of security End 2002 (% change from 2001) Corporate Members Individual Members Premiums Trust Funds (PTFs) Premium Trust Funds (PTFs) $30,749m (+28%) Funds at Lloyd’s (set by RBC) (FAL) Funds at Lloyd’s (set by RBC) (FAL) $16,053m (+16%) Other Personal Wealth (OPW) $503m (-14%) Central Fund Other central assets Central Fund + Other central assets $853m $155m $1,008m (+55%) Key: Several assets Mutual assets Source: Lloyd’s, based on exchange rates of £1: US$1.79 as at 31 December 2003
Building capital strength Lloyd’s risk based capital (RBC) model • The Lloyd’s RBC model was introduced in 1995 for Corporate Members • The model is used to calculate the capital (Funds at Lloyd’s / FAL) required to underwrite a planned book of business, expressed as a percentage of authorised premium • Lloyd’s applies a minimum requirement after the RBC calculation of 40% • The underlying concept of the model is to equalise the potential risk to the Central Fund irrespective of the portfolio underwritten
loss loss Central Fund Central Fund RBC + premium RBC + premium MOTOR CAT X/L time time Building capital strength Risk based capital concept
Building capital strength Risk based capital: summary • Security • Promote efficient distribution of capital in relation to risk • Aim to minimise loss to Central Fund for given level of market capital • Consistent with optimising policyholder security • Note that capital distribution optimal for risk, not profit • Competitiveness • Ensure policyholders not disadvantaged by paying extra premiums to service unnecessary levels of capital • Reduce possibility of each member being required to mutualise the losses of others • Best practice • To ensure Lloyd’s capital-setting process is in line with industry “best practice” in regulating capital to risk • Equity between members • To support the equitable allocation of capital between capital providers
Building capital strength Realistic disaster scenarios • Realistic disaster scenarios (RDS) deployed since 1995 to manage catastrophe exposure at a syndicate and market level • Generic scenarios include: • USA Windstorm ($50bn/Florida-Gulf of Mexico) • Aviation collision (two aircraft over major US city/$3bn liability plus hull & products) • Specific event-based scenarios with theoretical return periods include: • Florida Windstorm / Los Angeles Quake ($60bn/1-in-250-year return period) • Japanese Earthquake ($19bn/Zone 5 epicentre of magnitude MMI IX plus adjacent zones) • Further enhancements underway: • Introduction of terrorism RDS for 2003 • Inputs to capital allocation model (risk based capital) • Franchise guidelines Source: Lloyd’s
Lloyd’s market ratings Lloyd’s market ratings • Lloyd’s is interactively assessed by the leading two insurance rating agencies: • Lloyd’s is rated as a market: • All Lloyd’s policies are ultimately backed by the common security of the Central Fund • The Lloyd’s market ratings apply to all business underwritten by all 66 syndicates AM Best A- ‘Excellent’ Affirmed 17/07/03 Stable outlook Standard & Poor’s A ‘Strong’ Affirmed 12/02/03 Source: AM Best, Standard & Poor’s
Berkshire Hathaway Gerling Global Re Employers Re Hannover Re Converium Munich Re XL Capital Swiss Re Lloyd's Allianz SCOR 0 1 2 3 S&P notches downgraded 4 5 6 7 8 Unchanged since Sept 2001 Downgraded since June 02 Rating withdrawn since June 02 Lloyd’s market ratings Shift in S&P ratings of the world's largest reinsurers since September 11th Source: Standard & Poor’s
Lloyd’s market ratings Future rating prospects • Franchise Performance team takes a more active role in managing performance at Lloyd’s, particularly into next down cycle • Continued strong support from capital providers • Substantially improved operating performance from 2002 • Continuation of ‘hard market’ conditions through 2003-2004 • Maintenance of strong niche business position in global insurance and reinsurance • Reduction in exposure to reinsurance receivables, with overall credit quality of asset maintained • No material deterioration in Equitas solvency • Resolution of the Central Fund insurance dispute, with no material impact on Central Fund Source: Lloyd’s
Lloyd’s market ratings Syndicate-level measurements • The rating agencies apply a range of rankings and measures at a syndicate-level, none of which are endorsed by Lloyd’s • In general, Lloyd’s is not supportive of rating individual syndicates: • Security/solvency is at a member not syndicate level • All members are capitalised by Lloyd’s Risk Based Capital model - independently verified as one of the most technically sophisticated models in the industry • All policies underwritten by all syndicates are backed by the Lloyd’s Chain of Security which is partially mutualised by the Central Fund • Lloyd’s believes that brokers remain best placed to assess client needs based on a wide range of factors placing confidence in the strength of the common security underpinning all Lloyd’s policies on which the Market ratings are predicated
Franchise performance & risk management Lloyd’s change programme Lloyd’s change programme Drivers of change initiative Unacceptably poor performance between 1997 and n 2001 New corporate governance structure to promote n Huge disp arity between the best performing and more commercial, coordinated approach n worst performing businesses (syndicates) Focus on franchise performance/risk management n Business p rocess i mprovement s seek to address n inefficient and costly practices Need to provide a competitive trading platform n Premium levies for Central Fund eliminated for 2004 n Franchise performance controls and RBC model aim tominimise ‘costs of mutuality’ in medium/long term n Transition to full annual accounting from 1 January 2005 n Complex financial reporting and accounting , lack of n Commitment from HM Treasury to change tax n transparency ; antiquated concept of unlimited treatment to allow unlimited liability members to liability convert Target market rating initiative to determine target n IFS ratings and foc us on requirements to achieve Increased policyholder / cedant concern with n them financial security Source: Lloyd’s
Franchise performance & risk management Lloyd’s Franchise • A new franchise structure with the “centre” taking a more active commercial role • The Corporation of Lloyd’s has become the “franchisor”, the managing agencies, “the franchisees” • A new underwriting byelaw sets out the relationship between “franchisor” and franchisees” including a syndicate business planning process and franchise guidelines • The challenge is now to balance greater scrutiny whilst maintaining the opportunistic and entrepreneurial culture • The ultimate sanction is to remove a franchisee from the franchise Source: Lloyd’s
Franchise performance & risk management Franchise implementationKey milestones to date • Key franchise performance and risk management initiatives implemented • New syndicate business planning regime – structured commercial approach • Franchise guidelines - control / manage underwriting exposures • Syndicate risk assessment - provides focus for central risk management effort • Performance benchmarking – identify under performance at the earliest opportunity • Key strategic initiatives well advanced • New underwriting byelaw to provide a clear and transparent relationship between the Franchisor and Franchisees • Comprehensive review of Lloyd’s capital structure commenced • Benchmark profitability measures being established by line of business • On target to achieve conversion to annual accounting 1/1/2005 through changes in EU legislation Source: Lloyd’s
Franchise performance & risk management Franchise performance: primary areas of focus • Quarterly internal review of agents by Franchisor executive • Efforts concentrated on agents with underwriting and capital issues • RDS process reviewed for 2003 and 2004 • Review of pre-emption application process • Review of new syndicates seeking admission to the market • QQS policy reviewed Source: Lloyd’s
Franchise performance & risk management Qualifying quota shares (QQS) • Maximum level of QQS set at 10% for 2004 • QQS to be used where exceptional underwriting prospects exist – not to maximise capacity • No longer to be on all business written by the syndicate • Terms should reflect underlying profitability of the business • Applications require specific approval of FPD – an approved business plan stipulating intent to use QQS does not constitute approval of the QQS Source: Lloyd’s
Franchise performance & risk management Business planning process • All syndicates are required to submit business plans for the following year in September / October • All business plans reviewed in depth • Strategic plan • Forecast financial performance • Lines of business • Outwards reinsurance • Catastrophe exposure • Franchise guidelines • Close oversight of underwriting – but careful not to stifle opportunistic/entrepreneurial culture Source: Lloyd’s
Franchise performance & risk management Franchise guidelines • Gross underwriting profit on each line of business • Catastrophe exposure management using risk management modelling, minimum return periods and maximum gross and net exposures to a single RDS event (gross 75%, net 20% of syndicate capacity) • Approved reinsurer selection process • Maximum gross line size - 10% of capacity • Minimum reinsurance retention - 10% of gross line • Restrictions on multi-year contracts Source: Lloyd’s
Actual syndicate development Future year “expectation” 120% 120% 100% 100% 50% confidence interval 50% 80% 80% confidence Bottom quartile Bottom quartile interval Syndicate form 2 data 60% Loss ratio 60% Loss ratio Market median 40% 40% Market Top quartile Top quartile median 20% 20% 0% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Quarter (13 = ultimate) Actual syndicate development Quarter (13 = ultimate) 350% 300% 50% confidence 250% interval 200% Syndicate Loss ratio form 2 data 150% Bottom quartile 100% Market median Top quartile 50% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Quarter (13 = ultimate) Franchise performance & risk management Performance benchmarking Source: Lloyd’s
Appendix Equitas • Established as a company independent of Lloyd’s in 1996 • Formed as part of Lloyd’s R&R to reinsure the liabilities of Lloyd’s syndicates’ 1992 and prior years of account (excl. life syndicates) • Ahead in the reserving cycle: • Ground-up actuarial reviews conducted mid 90s; further augmented over last 3 years • Gross undiscounted asbestos reserves increased $5.7bn during 2000 - 2001. $716m discounted increase for 2003 • Equitas reserves consistent with Schedule F analyses • Survival ratio of 24.6 years1 1 Equitas survival ratio 2003 excludes buyouts and commutations; US Industry survival ratio 2003: Equitas sample incl. buyouts and commutations, if any Source: Equitas, based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003
% $m 30 12 1,400 1,215 10.3% 24.6 1,200 25 10 1,053 8.7% 1,000 931 20 8 800 Years 5.6% 15 6 600 11 10 4 400 2 5 200 0 0 0 Startup 2002 2003 Startup 2002 2003 US Industry Equitas Gross Appendix Equitas Accumulated Surplus Solvency Margin Survival Ratio Solvency margin = (accumulated surplus) / (net claims o/s) Equitas survival ratio excludes commutations; US Industry: AM Best report Oct. 2002 2001, 2002: Year end data Start up: September 1996 Source: Equitas, based on an exchange rate of £1 sterling: $1.79, as at 31 December 2003