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CIPS Business Plan FY 04. E nergy & Utilities February 2003. PwC. Industry Sector Vision.
CIPS Business PlanFY 04 Energy & Utilities February 2003 PwC
Industry Sector Vision • We aim to be the preferred provider of services to the top-tier companies in our sectors: companies that are important due to their size and reach, or strategically important due to their unique geographic or political positioning in the global marketplace. • To be the firm of choice for audit and related governance and controls services to our sectors, also in providing leading edge taxation, legal and financial advisory services (including M&A and regulatory) where our clients permit a broader range of services from their auditor. For non-audit clients, we aim to be selected as the primary provider of the widest range of services from all service lines. • Our objective is to add value to our clients through outstanding service and quality of advice, helping them find success in turbulent markets through robust, ethical governance and management practices.
Strategic prioritiesNew Thought Leadership 1 • IAS (International Accounting Standards) Hot Topics for E&U: • To develop and launch the thought leadership report covering Utilities and Petroleum sectors • To launch business development tool to territories that accepted or plan move to IAS by 2005 or later. • Sustainability Agendas for E&U Companies (TBD?): • Address new energy forms: green house gas - emission trading, wind energy, nuclear debate • Business performance improvement: climate change strategies - survey of companies (including Mining) to look how companies are addressing climate change strategy, or prepare a white paper based on PwC own insights • Strategic regulation management: environmental, social compliance, packaging, product release, local law and licences • Develop positioning material and services framework around it to capture business development opportunity for the Industry. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Strategic prioritiesNew Thought Leadership 2 • Target Regional Thought Leadership: • To develop and roll–out the thought leadership project that addresses regional Industry issues of global importance (privatisation, liquefied gas, etc. TBD?) for our target territories: MENA, Rest of Africa, AsiaPac/China, CEE • EU Enlargement: Eurofirm thought leadership project that addresses EU enlargement implications for E&U companies – tariff channels, transportation, single market issues • Petroleum Risk Monitor – web based thought leadership tool analysing risk areas by geographies for petroleum industry. • Mega Mergers: Operating the New Company - Petroleum • Company specific post-merger management issues /enterprise wide solutions in Petroleum. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Clients and targets 1 • Our objective is to retain and where possible grow our current market share. To achieve this goal, ensure that the key elements of the CRM methodology are adopted rigorously by all PwC 300 E&U GRPs (mandatory for Channel 1, for Channel 2 applied as appropriate): • Hold a fully prepared Account Planning Workshop each year (client attendance at APW preferred) for each G300 • Prepare and document a Client Service Plan • Seek the views of the client through an independent reviewer (SRP) • Building on this, given the needs of the next tier of clients (major nationals covered mainly by PwC1000), to extend the reach of the Industry global programme to all countries.
Clients and targets 2 • PwC 300 / Additional Actions : • To tailor specific actions for Channel 1 and Channel 2 clients • To develop a strong presence with identified key companies that meet the criteria of strategic players • To support the local teams with targeting activity, provide both materials, skills and KM support to their targeting efforts • To ensure our top targets receive special attention from the sector leaders - to ensure that the teams are making the right progress and are getting the right support. • PwC1000 / Key National Client and Target Programmes: • To develop our key target regions: MENA, Rest of Africa, AsiaPac/China, CEE • For other countries where there are PwC 1000 clients and targets, to introduce strategic planning into each account • To provide support through the marketing, BD, L&E and KM programmes and provide a selected support to country targeting efforts as resources allow • To assist client teams in these countries by coordination with the Global programme through Eurofirm, SOACAT, Americas representatives on E&U Council • To conduct targeting workshops.
Clients and targets 5Key Performance indicators • To constantly improve the quality of our services and to measure success of our Business Development activities: • Channel 1 • To set revenue targets and evaluate revenue generation • To ensure successful completion of APWs, SRP visits, Client service Plans • for all E&U G300 • Set satisfaction objectives and scoring • To take advantage of partner rotation, to encourage better use of resources in the world through global deployment programme in particular for target regions. • Channel 2 • Measure LoS penetration in Channel 2 clients • Set scoring for measure the relationship level: team, project, partner.
External Positioning 1 Market Positioning Our Industry marketing is focused on ensuring that we are visible in the market, are seen to be creating value for clients, are known to have insights into the industry issues of the day, and are a first choice provider in the minds of our clients and targets around the world. Public Relations: • To provide a constant coverage through a blend of our leading thought leadership material, with press, broadcasts and other media coverage • Generation of press coverage around white papers on specific industry topics consistent with our new products and solutions sets offered to the market • Leverage of E&U Business Compass expertise through PR vehicles: building external experts’ profiles • PR coverage generated around PwC targeted events around the world, featured in our target media. Events/Sponsorship: • Sponsorship of key Industry platforms: CERA Week, World Energy Congress • PwC E&U Global client and key teams’ conference – planned for autumn 2003 in Houston (TBD, or split by sub-sectors?) • EBF on Sustainable Development Report – E&U Industry section sponsorship TBD?
External Positioning 2Market Positioning Web Marketing: www.pwc.com/energy : • Toredesign our E&U web site to integrate the global Mining content • To further develop Industry strategic thought leadership microsites as additional vehicle to promote Industry expertise • Petroleum Risk Monitor: to launch globally via web channel • To further increase visitors’ rate: ‘Tell the Colleague’ function, promotion of web tools via thought leadership roll-out programs. New Product Advertising (optional TBD if budget allows): • To consider developing products’ tailored advertising campaign in our target media to raise new products awareness among our target buyers • Our target trade media - Petroleum Economist (Oil&Gas) andHarts Energy Markets (Utilities).
External Positioning 3Thought Leadership Internal Marketing: • Our internal clients are E&U GRPs, Global Council, LoS Leaders, territory E&U Leaders, territory marketing community and knowledge managers • Our marketing professionals work closely with our BD and KM and also CIPS L&E resources in an integrated manner, to achieve synergies and add value to client propositions and ensure we get internal visibility of new releases of thought leadership, KM and L&E materials. External Positioning: Channel 1/2 • To build thought leadership material for different target groups with Channel 1 and Channel 2 clients: targets include CEO, CFO, CIO, Boards of Directors • Our external targets also include media, influencers, trade associations • Local client teams are encouraged to take the marketing material to their clients and are provided with a ‘toolkit’ of solutions (client presentation, Q&A doc), to ensure success in either enhancing the client’s view of the firm and its expertise, or facilitating a new sale.
External Positioning 4Thought Leadership In addition to our strategic thought leadership programme includingIAS Hot Topics for E&U, Target Regional Thought Leadership, Sustainability Agendas for E&U Companies, Mega-Mergers in Petroleum we also run our annual projects: Movers&Shapers Global Utilities/Petroleum Survey (TBD: can CFR cover partly?): • A survey of major global Industry players, forecasts of Industry tendencies • Proposition refreshed: to extend to global Petroleum and regionally to AsiaPac theatre in FY04 • To survey participants on extension of the topics of the survey, internal and external client satisfaction review. Power Deals - Half Year and Annual Review (proposed web launch only)?: • Covers X-border M&A deals in the electricity and gas sectors • Further split the analysis by territories (Western/Eastern Europe, Russia). Also Gas Future White Paper (deferred from FY03 due to budget constraints –TBD? to seek option to launch in FY03): • Positioning with Petroleum & Gas companies: roll-out of thought leadership white paper • Develop services approach around positioning, targeted clients campaign.
External Positioning 5 Key Performance Iindicators • Increased Industry expertise and products awareness through targeted thought leadership campaigns, targeted at Channel 1 and Channel 2 clients • Increased media coverage: profiling our Industry expertise via target media channels • Increased territory penetration: help territories to enhance their local Industry profiles and provide additional root to PwC1000, evaluate leverage in target regions • Evaluated client satisfaction through internal project review process and external surveys • Equipment of territories with BD toolkits for strategic thought leadership materials to target Channel 2 clients • Achieving synergiesand economies by integrating Marketing, KM, BD and L&E around major thought leadership initiatives.
New Product Development 1 • Industry Tailoring of LOS Products/Solution Sets: IAS Hot Topics for E&U • To develop and launch the thought leadership report covering Utilities and Petroleum sectors • To launch business development tool to territories that accepted mandatory move to IAS by 2005 to capture BD opportunities • Sustainability tailored to EMUmarkets: • to present a more cohesive picture of our capability around building long term value for clients, whereas at present we are selling 'point solutions' (supply chain compliance, real option valuation, climate change) • Development of Industry Specific Solution Sets: Emission Trading • To develop and launch a solution set that would allow us to address the sales opportunity around Emission Trading. • Tax new product:TBD? in consultation with Allan Davidson
New Product Development2Key Performance Indicators • To launch new products internally, building awareness and sales teams in target territories by providing tailored L&E programs • To develop and provide the saleskit/solutions sets for new products & propositions • To build awareness within target buyers of the new product offering via thought leadership, media and advertising, client and target presentations • Revenue generation evaluation and global leverage.
Knowledge Management 1 • E&U KnowledgeCurve • Integrate Mining content into E&U KCurve site • Deploy Lotus Notes version to servers in all territories of MENA, South & Middle Africa, and CEE (already in China) • Maintain and update Our People section also covering Mining. • Internal Communications • E&U Global Sector Leadership to meet quarterly with BD, Marketing, KM and L&E managers to ensure effective communications & progress on the Global Business Plan • Global E&U Council Structure – TBD? communications challenge • Build up information in KCurve for new target geographies • Redesign monthly e-newsletter to accommodate Mining • Global thought leadership launch announcements: communicating to Global E&U • Build up mail groups to include Mining and new target geographies • Continue monthly X-LoS Utilities call in US and E&U quarterly Eurofirm call/meeting • Re-consider G300 Channels 1 and 2 calls split by Utilities/Petroleum • Institute a Petroleum call in the US (Randol Justice as possible host).
Knowledge Management 2 • E&U Business Compass • Expand Business Compass to include Mining and other target geographies • Work with SMEs to network, share knowledge, fill the gaps and update site information • Build out to include industry tailored solutions sets. • External Content • Manage, publicize and leverage subscriptions: CERA, Oil & Gas Journal, Platts, Scudder, and Mining subscriptions • Identify and obtain global subscription to Petroleum Economist or equal caliber publication which includes power content • Publicize and train users on Datamonitor, Factiva, and other knowledge sources. • Engagement Knowledge • Continue E&U Knowledge Broker program in the UK • Integrate our processes into Next Generation Assurance as appropriate • Publicize to other geographies and assist in implementing a similar program where there is interest.
Knowledge Management 3 Key Performance Indicators • Survey Global E&U practice to determine how well knowledge • needs are being met • Increase of viewership on E&U KnowledgeCurve • - Overall X-firm • - In new target geographies • More robust information in Business Compass • Greater participation in Our People directory • Increased knowledge sharing by client service personnel • Improved rankings on industry knowledge in ECLIPSE surveys.
Learning & Education 1 L&E Strategy • We have identified the performance and knowledge gaps preventing us from reaching our business goals. • Conducted a performance needs survey for the Eurofirm, MENA and African E&U practices to identify global and local priorities. • Priorities are: (TBD?: to prioritise based on Business Compass topics) Energy Trading Risk Management IAS for E&U companies and Industry hot topics. • Continue to develop learning solutions within the E&U xlos curriculum – providing L&E to three levels: introductory, intermediate and advanced. • Continue to use technology to deliver L&E throughout the global practice • Global L&E event - networking.
Learning & Education 2 Introductory level • Industry Insights available– improved implementation for key territories for both the O&G and Utilities e-learning programmes • Mining Insights module is available through Industrial Products Insight • Wildcat training – Oil & Gas training programme – covering specific accounting topics which utilizes Centra eClassroom. Intermediate level • Hot Topic Briefings- develop and implement hot topic e-learning sessions (Centra eClassroom) in conjunction with Industry issues and experts from the Business Compass programme. E.g. Wind Energy, Emissions Trading, IAS and more – TBD if these are the year’s priorities? • Energy Trading Risk Management programme – TBD ? a four step learning programme utilizing technology and local workshops to develop improved risk management services to our clients.
Learning & Education 3 Advanced level • Territory/ Global Conference – format/budget constraints TBD? • All US based E&U personnel are attending sub-sector internal conferences
Learning & Education 4Key Performance Indicators Introductory level – KPI’s • Improved use of industry Insights in territories identified with poor usage statistics • Increased involvement in industry learning programme by MENA, Africa and SOACAT • Improvement of individuals’ industry knowledge reflected through client satisfaction and internal appraisal process. Intermediate level – KPI’s • Reaction post each e-Centra session to capture immediate feedback on learning experience • Increased contribution to business compass programme/sme groups as a result of wider advertising • 6 – 12 month follow up to establish if there is an improvement in learning & performance • Energy Trading Risk Management programme need to set performance indicators to measure 1) Improved risk management 2) Increased sales of RM services.
Learning & Education 5Key Performance Indicators Advanced level • Territory/ Global Conference need to set performance measurements – based upon objectives – increased sales? Increased client satisfaction? Increased brand recognition. Can’t be clarified until we know what we want to achieve from the events. To be discussed with Mining (their experience with Global Mining conference)?