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Colorado Growth Model & SchoolView (Brief Introduction)

Colorado Growth Model & SchoolView (Brief Introduction). Prepared for: Platte Park School Committee October 8, 2013. Growth Model History. Developed by CDE and the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment.

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Colorado Growth Model & SchoolView (Brief Introduction)

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  1. Colorado Growth Model & SchoolView(Brief Introduction) Prepared for: Platte Park School Committee October 8, 2013

  2. Growth Model History Developed by CDE and the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. Measures growth for every student (regardless of where they start), comparing individual students to others who have the same score history. Measures student-level “growth to standard” to determine if students are on track to be ready by exit The model includes metrics for individual students, disaggregated groups of students, schools, and districts. The growth model is the centerpiece of our State Accountability System (50%-75% of accreditation ratings). 2 *Adopted from Center for Transforming Learning and Teaching presentation (2012)

  3. Questions Addressed by the Growth Model Individual Student Growth 3- *Adopted from Center for Transforming Learning and Teaching presentation (2012)

  4. Colorado Growth Model (CGM) A statistical model to calculate each student’s progress on state assessments over time. The student growth percentile tells us how a student's current test score compares with those of other similar students (students across the state whose previous test scores are similar). Student growth percentiles are calculated using a complex statistical model (i.e. quantile regression) while being conceptually simple to understand.

  5. Characterizing Individual Growth

  6. Individual Student Report 6

  7. Exploring Individual Student Reports Answer the following questions: • How many years of achievement results are available for this student? How many years of growth? • What were this student’s growth percentiles for each year in math? In reading? • When did this student make low, typical or high growth? • What level of growth would this student need to make to move proficiency levels for the next year in math? In reading?

  8. Catch-Up & Keep-Up Growth To be eligible for and to make catch-up growth: • The student scores below proficient (unsatisfactory or partially proficient) in the previous year. • The student demonstrates growth adequate to reach proficient performance within the next three years or by 10th grade, whichever comes first. To be eligible for and to make keep-up growth: • The student scores at the proficient or advanced level in the previous year. • The student demonstrates growth adequate to maintain proficiency for the next three years or until 10th grade, whichever comes first.

  9. Summary Reports • Growth measures for math, reading and writing: • Median Growth Percentiles • % on track to catch-up, keep-up, and move-up • Data provided about each measure for: • school overall, by grade level, and by disaggregated groups. • the district and state. • Data provided for 3 years for each measure.

  10. Example School Summary Report 10

  11. SchoolView • The previously discussed public reports are all available in SchoolView: www.schoolview.org • Let’s take a Quick Tour! 11

  12. www.schoolview.org In-Depth Data on a Single School Data Center 12

  13. www.schoolview.org In-Depth Data on a Single School • School Performance Frameworks • Unified Improvement Plans • School Growth Summary Reports 13

  14. www.schoolview.org Visualize and Compare Performance of Schools • Colorado Growth Model Visualization 14

  15. Resources • CDE Accountability Website: http://www.cde.state.co.us/Accountability/index.asp • Growth Model Website (in development): http://www.cde.state.co.us/Accountability/ColoradoGrowthModel.asp • SPF Tutorial: http://www.cde.state.co.us/media/training/SPF_Online_Tutorial/player.html • Growth Questions: • e-mail: growth.questions@cde.state.co.us

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