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Sponsorships Levels and Benefits

Sponsorships Levels and Benefits. Questions? Michelle Alcott malcott2@comcast.net 303.934.3117. Title: $15,000 SOLD. One Title Sponsor; Industry Sector Exclusivity Introduction of Governor or Primary Keynote Speaker (Title Sponsor’s Choice)

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Sponsorships Levels and Benefits

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  1. SponsorshipsLevels and Benefits Questions? Michelle Alcott malcott2@comcast.net 303.934.3117

  2. Title: $15,000 SOLD One Title Sponsor; Industry Sector Exclusivity Introduction of Governor or Primary Keynote Speaker (Title Sponsor’s Choice) Acknowledgment at all Keynote and Governor speaking events Primary billing on all printed and online materials, as feasible VIP Reception invitations with Keynote Speakers Designated table for Keynote and Governor events Four free conference registrations ($1200 value) Sponsor Table opportunity

  3. Platinum: $10,000 Six Sponsors Maximum; Industry Sector Exclusivity Introduction of Keynote or Governor (depending on choice of Title Sponsor) Prominent but secondary billing on all printed and online materials, as feasible Two free conference registrations/plus 50% off additional two registrations ($900 value) VIP Reception invitations with Keynote Speakers Designated table for all Keynote events Recognition and acknowledgment at all Keynote and Governor speaking events Sponsor Table opportunity

  4. Gold: $5,000 Secondary acknowledgment on all online and printed materials, as feasible One free conference registration/ plus 50% off additional two registrations ($600 value) Primary acknowledgment on PowerPoint screen at Keynote and Governor speaking engagements Sponsor Table opportunity

  5. Silver: $3,000 Secondary acknowledgment on all online and printed materials One free conference registration/ plus 50% off additional two registrations ($600 value) Primary acknowledgment on PowerPoint screen at Keynote and Governor speaking engagements

  6. Economic Partners: $1,000 Secondary acknowledgment on all online and printed materials Secondary PowerPoint acknowledgment at Keynote and Governor event 50% off two conference registrations ($300 Value)

  7. Economic Supporters: $500 Tertiary billing on all online and printed materials 50% off one conference registration ($150 value)

  8. Sponsors to Provide So we may provide you with maximum exposure, please send us the following materials as soon as possible: • High Resolution Logo, EPS preferred • As Wanted for Display • Company Name • Website • Contact Information • Company Overview (2-3 paragraphs) Title & Platinum Sponsors to also provide • Introductory Speaker Name & Title,Picture and Brief Bio Send Materials to Michelle Alcott at malcott2@comcast.net

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