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Academic Vocabulary Set 5. Vocabulary. Each set of squares (10 words) is worth 30 points. We will introduce and discuss 2 words a day. When we finish a set of 10 words, you will take a 20 point vocabulary quiz. The day you take the quiz you will also hand in your picture squares.
Vocabulary • Each set of squares (10 words) is worth 30 points. • We will introduce and discuss 2 words a day. • When we finish a set of 10 words, you will take a 20 point vocabulary quiz. • The day you take the quiz you will also hand in your picture squares. • There are 5 readings and short-answer questions (10-30 points each) that will be included throughout the marking period. • This is your grade for homeroom.
stipend noun Definition: a sum of money allotted on a regular basis, usually for some specific purpose Teaching Assistant positions at the university often pay a student’s tuition and housing, as well as a small stipend for living expenses. Teaching English abroad over the summer, the student was awarded a weekly stipend of 300 Euros.
stipend noun Definition: a sum of money allotted on a regular basis, usually for some specific purpose The artist’s stipend covers expenses for _______ and ______ while he is working. The student’s stipend was a meager ________ per month. The university awards stipends to students who… (what do the students do for the university?)
equilibrium noun Definition: the state of equal distribution or balance The smell of baking bread permeated through the rooms until it reached equilibrium and was noticeable in every corner of the home. Once equilibrium had been established, the rate of oxygen movement into and out of the cell was zero.
equilibrium noun Definition: the state of equal distribution or balance You disturbed the equilibrium of the canoe when you… The arm-wrestlers were in perfect equilibrium because… (what did they do/not do to demonstrate equilibrium? My internal equilibrium was affected when I… (what did you do?)
lumber noun Definition: the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material The construction company placed an order for the lumber needed to complete the new school. After my rowboat sprung a leak, I had to replace the rotten boards with new lumber.
lumber noun Definition: the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material The builders needed enough lumber to complete… (what?) The lumber company cuts wood in the following lengths: ______, _____, and ______. Different types of trees used for lumber include: _____, _____, and ______.
diverse adjective Definition: 1. made up of several different things 2. distinctly dissimilar or unlike The diverse flora and fauna of the region include several endangered and threatened species. The newspaper is dedicated to including articles from diverse viewpoints in order to attract a wide variety of readers.
diverse adjective Definition: 1. made up of several different things 2. distinctly dissimilar or unlike The costal community is extremely diverse in terms of _____, _____, and _____. Her diverse interests and hobbies include ______, _____, and _____. The two cell phone companies are diverse in terms of… (why are they different?)
Note: Usually one adjudicates ON SOMETHING, or one adjudicates SOMETHING. adjudicate verb Definition: to put on trial, to hear a case, to sit as judge at trial Adjudicating on the validity of a law’s constitutionality is the responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. The experienced lawyer has adjudicated on issues such as abortion, affirmative action, and other controversial issues.
Note: Usually one adjudicates ON SOMETHING, or one adjudicates SOMETHING. adjudicate verb Definition: to put on trial, to hear a case, to sit as judge at trial The lawyer will adjudicate on… (what issue/case?) The wise old judge was called on to adjudicate on the trial of _____ (whom?). The controversial issue of _______ was adjudicated by the Supreme Court.
heresy noun Definition: 1. a belief that rejects the orthodox (official) tenets of a religion 2. any opinions or doctrines at variance (that differ from) the orthodox position Many scientific facts and theories that today are taken for the truth were initially declared heresy by the Catholic Church. Many readers of Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code denounced its anti-Christian themes as heresy.
heresy noun Definition: 1. a belief that rejects the orthodox (official) tenets of a religion 2. any opinions or doctrines at variance (that differ from) the orthodox position Many women were condemned for heresy during the ___________. The false prophet’s heresy led many to believe that… It is considered heresy to play __what artist?___ on the classical rock radio station.
commodious adjective Definition: large and roomy While college dormitories are rarely considered commodious, they always offer students the bare necessities. The Mini Cooper, despite its size, is actually quite commodious; those over 6’ can comfortably sit in the front seat.
commodious adjective Definition: large and roomy The commodious apartment offers residents… (what perks?) The commodious hotel along the river’s edge can easily provide rooms for ______ guests. She rented a commodious apartment in order to accommodate her _______ collection.
homogenous adjective Definition: all of the same or similar kind or nature; uniform, Politicians are fairly homogeneous in terms of their looks, speech, and behavior. In a homogeneous mixture, you are unable to see the solute in the solvent.
homogenous adjective Definition: all of the same or similar kind or nature; uniform, The girl was part of a close-knit and homogeneous group; they all _____ alike, ______ alike, and ______ alike. I would/would not like to live in a homogeneous community because _______. I created a homogeneous mixture by dissolving _____ into _____.
flotilla noun Definition: 1. a fleet of small craft (boats) 2. a United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships With the approval of Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Drake set out from Plymouth with his small flotilla on December 13, 1577 to circumnavigate the globe. To increase their numbers, the two commanders decided to combine their squadrons into a flotilla, to be headed by the commodore.
flotilla noun Definition: 1. a fleet of small craft (boats) 2. a United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships The flotilla sailed from _______, heading to _______. Flotillas are often comprised of a homogeneous group of the same class of vessel, such as ________ or _______. Involved in the naval battle were flotillas from the following countries: ______, ______, and _____.
liquidate verb Definition: 1. to convert into cash 2. to eliminate by paying off (as in debts) Individuals may engage the services of a pawn shop in order to liquidate their valuables and obtain quick cash. Border’s bookstore has been forced to liquidate all its merchandise due to bankruptcy.
liquidate verb Definition: 1. to convert into cash 2. to eliminate by paying off (as in debts) Visiting the pawn shop, he liquidated _______ in order to purchase _______. The company, going out of business, must liquidate __________. The court ordered the company to liquidate everything they had in order to pay for _____________.