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Academic Vocabulary Set 6. Vocabulary. Each set of squares (10 words) is worth 30 points. We will introduce and discuss 2 words a day. When we finish a set of 10 words, you will take a 20 point vocabulary quiz. The day you take the quiz you will also hand in your picture squares.
Vocabulary • Each set of squares (10 words) is worth 30 points. • We will introduce and discuss 2 words a day. • When we finish a set of 10 words, you will take a 20 point vocabulary quiz. • The day you take the quiz you will also hand in your picture squares. • There are 5 readings and short-answer questions (10-30 points each) that will be included throughout the marking period. • This is your grade for homeroom.
disband verb Definition: 1. to break up the organization of a group 2. to stop functioning as an organization or group The company, after declaring bankruptcy, was disbanded until financial reconstruction could take place. After the football team won the Super Bowl, the police were summoned to the stadium to disband the celebrating fans.
disband verb Definition: 1. to break up the organization of a group 2. to stop functioning as an organization or group The principal had to disband… (whom?) when they… (what did they do?) The corporation was disbanded when…(what happened?) The police disbanded the rioters by… (what did the police do?)
vestige noun Definition: 1. a mark, trace, or evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence 2. a very slight trace or amount of something There remains not a single vestige of the ancient culture; everything has been lost to time. Summoning his last vestige of strength and willpower, Hercules defeated the Hydra.
vestige noun Definition: 1. a mark, trace, or evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence 2. a very slight trace or amount of something Digging in the desert, the archaeologists discovered the vestiges of…. (what?) With the last vestige of my patience, I turned to my baby brother and said, “…….” Any vestige of doubt about his love for her vanished from her mind when he said, “…”
interminable adjective Definition: tiresomely long, seemingly without end While four years of high school may seem interminable right now, you may look back on your time at Terry and think that time flew by. Traveling across hundreds of miles of desert with neither a map nor a guide will be an interminable journey.
interminable adjective Definition: tiresomely long, seemingly without end The interminable play was _____ hours long with no intermission. Listening to her grandfather’s interminable stories about growing up, she… (what did she do?) The interminable project required _______, ______, and _________.
cuisine noun Definition: 1. a style or method of cooking, esp. as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment 2. food cooked in a certain way Cajun cuisine is often spicy and contains large amounts of pork, seafood, and rice. I enjoy eating Italian cuisine; I love pasta, tomatoes, and beef!
cuisine noun Definition: 1. a style or method of cooking, esp. as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment 2. food cooked in a certain way I enjoy eating _________ cuisine because… (why). The sous chef’s specialty is _________ cuisine. Some of my favorite ________ cuisine includes: _____, _______, and ______.
edify verb Definition: to instruct, especially in moral or religious knowledge Religious paintings and artwork often portray Biblical tales and parables in an attempt to edify viewers about these stories. The priest is very enlightening; his parishioners are as much edified by his good example as by his excellent discourses.
edify verb Definition: to instruct, especially in moral or religious knowledge My religion edifies its followers to _______. Fairy tales may edify young children not to _____ (what might fairy tales warn children about?) It is a preacher’s responsibility to edify his parishioners on _________.
dissipate verb Definition: 1. to spread out to the point of vanishing 2. to use up wastefully or foolishly Always avoid setting laptops on carpet; the fan will be blocked and unable to dissipate the computer’s heat, causing the computer to overheat. He watched her anger dissipate into a sense of relief as the truth of what he said sank in.
dissipate verb Definition: 1. to spread out to the point of vanishing 2. to use up wastefully or foolishly Once the fog dissipates, she will be able to see… (what?) The heat from the fire was dissipated by… (what?) As her fever dissipates, the doctors hope that… (what will happen?)
martial adjective Definition: 1. of or relating to the armed forces 2. characteristic of a warrior During times of war and other national crises, many governments have declared marital law and submitted to the control of their military leaders. He has a very martial attitude to resolving problems, preferring to attack and defeat those who oppose him rather than resolve and mediate conflicts peacefully.
martial adjective Definition: 1. of or relating to the armed forces 2. characteristic of a warrior There are several different styles of martial arts, including _____, _____, and _____. His martial demeanor made him the perfect candidate for __________ (what job?). Taking advantage of his powerful army, the martial king decided to… (do what?)
ameliorate verb Definition: to make better or to improve Some believe that political leaders may worsen our country’s problems, rather than ameliorate them. The negative effects of the chemotherapy would be partially ameliorated by a decrease in the cancer patient’s dosage.
ameliorate verb Definition: to make better or to improve If you would like to ameliorate your grades, I would suggest _______ and _______. Hoping to ameliorate his football skills, the quarterback… (did what?) The policemen attempted to ameliorate the traffic jam by… (doing what?)
mesmerize verb Definition: 1. to hypnotize 2. to fascinate or attract strongly She was so mesmerized by the fictional world created by J.R.R. Tolkien that she read the entire Lord of the Rings series in a week. Criss Angel has mesmerized audiences all over the world with his tricks and illusions.
mesmerize verb Definition: 1. to hypnotize 2. to fascinate or attract strongly The young children were mesmerized by the magician’s trick when he… (did what?) Mesmerized by the butterfly, the kitten… (did what?) The hypnotist mesmerized the student and made him… (what did the hypnotist have the student do?)
trenchant adjective Definition: 1. sharply perceptive 2. forceful and effective in expressing ideas The recent report provided a trenchant and detailed analysis on the potential financial consequences of delaying a price increase on merchandise. The trenchant therapist immediately identified the root of the patients’ psychological struggles.
trenchant adjective Definition: 1. sharply perceptive 2. forceful and effective in expressing ideas The CEO’s decision to _________ received much trenchant criticism. Faced with trenchant reactions to her decision to drop out of school, she decided to... (do what?) Police detectives must be trenchant in order to… (do what?)