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Marzano Art and Science Teaching Framework Learning Map. Teacher Evidence Element 1 Teacher has learning goal posted Learning goal is a clear statement of knowledge or information (not activity) Teacher makes reference to the learning goal throughout the lesson
Marzano Art and ScienceTeaching FrameworkLearning Map Teacher Evidence Element 1 • Teacher has learning goal posted • Learning goal is a clear statement of knowledge or information (not activity) • Teacher makes reference to the learning goal throughout the lesson • Teacher has a scale or rubric that relates to the learning goal posted • Teacher makes reference to the scale or rubric throughout the lesson Student Evidence Element 1 • When asked, students can explain the learning goal, how their current activities relate to the learning goal, and the meaning of the levels of performance articulated in the scale or rubric Teacher Evidence Element 2 • Teacher helps student track their individual progress on the learning goal • Uses formal and informal means to assign scores to students on the scale or rubric showing status on the learning goal • Teacher charts the progress of the entire class on the learning goal Domain I: Classroom Strategies & Behaviors Lesson Segment: Involving Routine Events DQ 1: Communicating Learning Goals and Feedback 1.Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales (Rubrics) The teacher provides a clearly stated learning goal with scale or rubric the describes levels of performance relative to the goal 2. Tracking Student Progress The teacher facilitates tracking of student progress on one or more learning goals using a formative approach to assessment
Lesson SegmentInvolving Routine Events Teacher Evidence Element 4 • Teacher involves students in designing classroom routines • Teacher uses classroom meetings to review and process rules and procedures • Teacher reminds student of rules and procedures • Teacher asks students to restate or explain rules and procedures • Teacher provides cues or signals when a rule or procedure should be used Student Evidence Element 4 • Students follow clear routines during class • When asked, students can describe established rules and procedures • When asked, students describe the classroom as an orderly place • Students recognize cues and signals by the teacher • Students regulate their own behavior DQ 6: Establishing Rules & Procedures 4. Establishing Classroom Routines The teacher reviews expectations regarding rules and procedures to ensure their effective execution
Lesson Segment: Addressing Content“Teaching the Thinking” Teacher Evidence Element 9 • Teacher stops at strategic points in a verbal presentation, video, reading information or story, and/or providing demonstration Student Evidence Element 9 • When asked, students can explain why the teacher is stopping at various points and the students know what is expected of them when the teacher stops at strategic points Teacher Evidence Element 13 • Teacher asks student to state or record what they are clear about and what they are confused about, how hard they tried, what they might have done to enhance their learning Student Evidence Element 13 • When asked, students can explain what they are clear about, what they are confused about. • When asked, students can describe how hard they tried and what they could have done to enhance their learning Lesson Segment: Addressing Content DQ 2: Helping Students Interact with New Knowledge (Guided) 9. Chunking (modeling) Based on student needs, the teacher breaks the content into small chunks of information that can be easily processed by the students 13. Reflecting on Learning The teacher engages students I activities that help them reflect on their learning and the learning process
Lesson SegmentAddressing Content“Teaching the Thinking” Teacher Evidence Element 15 • Teacher organizes students into groups with the expressed idea of deepening their knowledge of informational content, and/or practicing a skill, strategy, or process Student Evidence Element 15 • When asked, students explain how the group work support their learning • While in groups, students interact in explicit ways to deepen their knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process ( asking each other questions, obtaining information from their peers) Teacher Evidence Element 19 • Teacher engages student I practice activities that are appropriate to their current ability to execute a skill, strategy, or process (Guided if not able to perform, independent if student can perform) Student Evidence Element 19 • Students perform the skill, strategy, or process with increased confidence DQ 3: Helping Students Practice and Deepen New Knowledge (Independent) 15. Organize Students to Practice and Deepen Knowledge The teacher utilizes grouping in ways that facilitate practicing and deepening knowledge 19. Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes When content involves skill, strategy, or process, the teacher engages student in practice activities that help them develop fluency
Lesson SegmentAddressing Content“Teaching the Thinking” Teacher Evidence Element 22 • The teacher engages student with an explicit decision making, problem- solving, experimental inquiry, or investigation task that requires them to generate and test hypotheses • Teacher facilitates students generating their own individual or group task that requires them to test hypotheses Student Evidence Element 22 • Students are clearly working on tasks that require them to generate and test hypotheses • When asked, students can explain the hypothesis was confirmed or disconfirmed • Students artifacts indicate that they can engage in decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, or investigation DQ4: Helping Students Generate and Test Hypotheses (Autonomy) 22. Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks Involving Hypothesis Generation and Testing The teacher engages student in complex tasks (decision-making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, investigation) that require them to generate and test hypotheses