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The Tier III TST Intervention Screen is a state-mandated program designed to provide intensive instructional services to students who need additional support. This program plays a key role in determining the instructional services required by each child.
TST • Teacher Support Team: • Created by state legislation in 1988 • Part of Chapter 20 Remedial Education • State Code 37-20-7 • Included in the requirements for funding • (e) The program must establish a teacher support team in each building wherein the program is implemented to play a key role in determining the instructional services by a child. • January, 2005 IEI adopted as part of MDE Board Policy requiring all districts to adopt the three tier instructional process
TST and Intervention A Regular Education processNOT a referral process for Special Education
TST and Intervention Included in Regular Education Policies and Procedures http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/public/IEI.htm
Overview of Three Tiers The model has three levels or “tiers ” of instruction: • Tier I – Effective Classroom Instruction • How can we help the student succeed in the classroom? • Tier II – Supplemental Instruction • What can we do differently for the student to help them succeed? • Tier III – Instruction for Intensive Intervention • Student is referred to the Teacher Support Team. MSIS Intervention screens are used at this point. This starts the 18 week timeline.
I II III Students Served by the Three-Tier Model Effective classroom instruction All students Approximately 20 –30% Supplemental instruction Intensive intervention instruction Approximately 5 –10%
Intervention for Tier III: When/Where • An intervention(s) is a current action that differs from the activities that normally occur in the child’s regular education program. • Should be part of the regular education program • Is not conducted outside regular school year (i.e. can not be during ESY) • Repeating a grade is NOT considered a type of Intervention
Intervention Timeline for Tier III • 18 weeks TOTAL • Develop and begin implementation within two weeks of referral to TST • TST must conduct a documented review within 6 and 12 weeks of implementation • Final review is due at the end of sixteen weeks of implementation of intervention
Intervention Tier III: How • Goals for the interventions must be set. Timelines for implementation must be outlined and evaluation criteria established to determine if these goals have been met. … • In accordance with the specified timelines for completion of the interventions, the Teacher Support Team must review the success of the interventions and make a determination as to whether: • A. The interventions were successful… ; • B. Additional interventions will be developed and implemented…; or • C. The interventions did not meet the child’s needs; … NOTE: Keep in mind that all the above must be completed within the 18 week timeline described previously.
Intervention Tier III: Who • TST Chair shall be the school principal as the school’s instructional leader OR the principal’s designee (NOTE: The designee’s primary responsibility can not be special education.) • Screen and reports are assigned to: • MSIS District Primary Contact • SPED District Role • TST Role – • this is the person responsible for the data that is entered into the Intervention screen • new role being created for the lead TST of each school
Intervention Tier III: Which Students • Students will be populated on the screen in August according to the following criteria: • Grades 1-3: A student has failed one grade (the previous school year) • Grades 4-12: A student has failed two grades (the previous school year plus one other year prior) • A student failed either of the preceding two grades and has been suspended or expelled for more than twenty days in the current school year. • Students who do not make adequate progress following Tiers I & II should be referred to TST and can be pulled into the screens by the district users
Criteria 1 and 2 Students • For the first two criteria: • Grades 1-3: A student has failed one grade • Grades 4-12: A student has failed two grades • MSIS will pull from Month 9 of the previous school year any student who has met the criteria above IF their SPED Indicator is set to N (new exception to this rule is the Language Speech ONLY students are populated or pulled into the screen if they met the criteria) • MSIS will populate these students at the beginning of each school year • Users have 20 school days from the beginning of school to refer these students to TST for intervention
Criteria 3 Students • For the third criteria: • A student failed either of the two preceding grades and has been suspended or expelled for more than twenty days in the current school year. • MSIS will run a procedure each weekend to check for any suspensions or expulsions to populate these students to the screen • Users should check at the beginning of each week for any of these students • Won’t see any of these students before the 20th day school is in session (theoretically)
Intervention Screen: Select District/School • Launch MSIS • Go to Modules -> Students-> Student Intervention Screen • Select School
Radio Buttons allow you to choose the type of student that you want to select: • Intervention Students – MSIS will populate based on the 3 criteria • Referral Students – students that are referred for Intervention (after going through Tiers I and II) or Child Study – user must query for these students Intervention Screen: Select Students
Select Students Tab: Intervention Students • For Intervention Students: • MSIS will populate any students that meet one of the three criteria on the Intervention Screen • MSIS will display the MSIS ID, Name, SSN, DOB, Grade Level, and Criteria • A check-mark will appear in the column under the Intervention criteria the student has met • Highlight the student for whom you wish to enter data
MSIS Populates: • School Year • District • School • MSIS ID • Name (Last Name, First Name, MI) • SSN • DOB • Grade Level • Race InterventionTab MSIS displays the grades where the student had a promote indicator of N – you can check this against the Enroll Tab on the View Student Data screen.
MSIS Populates: • Previously Referred – MSIS will indicate (N or Y) if the student has been referred in a previous school year • Previously Referred Date – the date the student was previously referred • Referred to Intervention Date – for #1 and #2, this will be the beginning date for school pulled from the District Events Calendar – for #3, it will be the date that the 20th day of suspension or expulsion was received in MSIS • Intervention Create Date – the date the procedure was run to populate the screen • L/S Student will be checked if student’s primary disability is L/S Intervention Tab
MSIS Populates: • Promoted Last School Year? – MSIS populates a Y or N, for all those that met the criteria for #1 and #2- an N will be displayed – this is pulled from the data that was submitted in Month 9 • Number of Suspension Days for the Current School – MSIS will display the number of reported suspension days Intervention Tab • MSIS Populates: • Promoted Last School Year? – MSIS populates a Y or N, for all those that met the criteria for #1 and #2- an N will be displayed – this comes from the data that was submitted in Month 9 • Number of Suspension Days for the Current School – MSIS will display the number of reported suspension days
Intervention NOTE • Intervention will follow a student if they move from district to district or school to school • EX: If a student in District A fails grade 3 at the end of the school year, then the student moves to District B over the summer, the student will show up on District B’s Intervention screen
Intervention NOTE • The number of days for suspension or expulsion will also follow the student from district to district and school to school within that school year • EX: A student with 8 days of suspension moves from District A to District B - District B suspends the student for 12 days, the student now has a cumulative total of 20 suspended days and will populate on District B’s Intervention screen
Intervention Tab: Entering Data Users will enter: • Referred to TST Date – enter the date you referred the student to TST -- limited to dates within the current school year • TST Decision Date – enter the date the TST made a decision on the success of the Intervention – can’t be before the Referral to TST Date • Intervention Success? – users have three choices: • Yes – Student remains in Regular ED • Yes – Student is referred to Child Study • No
Intervention Tab: Entering Data • Intervention Success? NOTE: • Yes – Student remains in Regular ED - - user should select this choice if student’s intervention was a success and the student will remain in regular education – user will NOT enter any further data for the student on the Intervention screen • Yes – Student is referred to Child Study - user should select this choice if the student’s intervention was a success but the student is still going to be referred to LSC (maybe the parent requested referral to the LSC, etc.) • No - user selects this choice if the intervention was not a success, the student will now be referred to LSC (Local Survey Committee)
Data Entry Note for LS Students • For LS only students, you will ONLY be able to enter data in the Referred to TST Date, TST Decision Date, and Intervention Success? Data fields. • You can NOT refer the LS students to LSC.
Intervention Tab: Student Referred to LSC When you select for Intervention Success? either “Yes – Student is referred to Child Study” OR “No”: • This will activate the LSC Referral Date data field – when you enter this date (can’t be before the TST Decision Date), you would want to notify your District SPED Office that you are referring a student to them for testing • The District SPED role will then enter the next five data elements if needed
Intervention Tab: Student Referred to LSC • The following three data fields have a Yes or No answer in the drop down box – everyone defaults to null • Parent Permission to Test – user selects yes if the parent has given permission to test, select no if the parent declines permission • Eligibility Decision – user selects Yes if the student has tested eligible or No if the student did not test eligible to be served • Parent Permission to Serve – user selects yes if the parent has given permission for the student to be served or No if the parent declines permission • A Yes in ALL THREE data fields is required to allow access to the next two data fields (Eligibility and IEP Dates)
Intervention Tab: Student Referred to LSC • After the user enters the Eligibility Date (can’t be before the LSC Referral Date) and IEP Date (can’t be before the Eligibility Date) AND a MSD (Monthly Student Data) or DSD (Daily Student Data) file is submitted to MSIS to update the student’s SPED indicator to Y, these two dates will be populated on the Student Update screen • NOTE: Once the student is indicated as being served by SPED, MSIS will begin checking the DSD and MSD files to make sure that you set the SPED Indicator to Y
SPED Data Entry Note • The screen will default the Parent Permission to Test, Eligibility Decision, and Parent Permission to Serve to Y for LS students. These are read-only fields and can not be changed. • On the compliance report, when MSIS first runs the procedure, the Elg and IEP dates will have an N if there were no dates to pull from the Student Update screen (some have not rolled their data at this point and others have rolled but have not entered data). Once you update the Student Update screen, the dates will pull into the Intervention screen.
Select Students Tab: Referral Students • For Referral Students (students that the users will pull into the screen IF Tier I and II were unsuccessful): • Select the radio button next to Referral Students • This clears the screen and will put you in Query Mode • Enter the MSIS ID for the student that you want to refer to Intervention or Child Study • Click the query button (flashlight) so that MSIS will find the student and pull them into the screen
Intervention Tab: Referral Students • Data field Type of Referral will become active for the Referral Students only • User may select “Intervention” OR “Child Study” • If user selects Intervention, the next three data elements become active to allow data entry by regular ed
Intervention Tab: Referral Students • If Child Study is selected, LSC Referral Date becomes active to allow data entry • Note: ALL Intervention data element fields are made inactive – the user can NOT enter any Intervention Data if Child Study is selected as the referral • User follows same rules as before entering the remaining data elements
Referral Student • Once data is entered for a Referral student on the Intervention tab, the Referral student will now show up when the Intervention radio button is selected • Users will not be able to query for the student by selecting the Referral radio button • MSIS will place a check under the appropriate referral column to indicate the selection that was made previously as to why the student was referred
New to Intervention • After Month 1 is complete AND the Summer Activity screen has been populated, a procedure will run to remove these “no-shows” from the Intervention screen – if the student returns at a later date, the user can query and pull the student into the Intervention screen • The weekly procedure will check for dropouts to remove them from the screen
New to Intervention cont. • The weekly procedure will check for students whose ownership has changed, once MSIS receives an E code from the new school, the student will move to the new school’s intervention screen (NOTE: on the Student Intervention Report an * will denote those students whose ownership has changed but who does not yet have a new enrollment code from the school that now owns them.) • The weekly procedure will also check for any change in disability, if the primary disability changes from LS, the student will be removed from the screen
New to Intervention cont. • L/S Indicator for students whose primary disability is Language Speech • New legends at the bottom of each report to explain the report
Q & A • Who should oversee the data entry on the Intervention Screen? The Lead TST of each school. • Why is the screen being assigned to the District SPED Role? Many SPED District Offices assist Regular Ed with Intervention and if a student is referred to LSC, the SPED user will need to enter the data elements after that.
Q & A • Why do I not have any students on my school’s Intervention screen? Check one of the Promote reports (Reports-> Student Data-> Promotions), if you see zero under the Non-Promoted column, then ALL your students were promoted and they did not meet the criteria the procedure uses to pull students into the screen. You can pull students into the screen by following the instructions on the Referral slides.
Q & A Interventions are not: • Accommodations or modifications • Simply alternate settings • Existing placements or programs that are not specific to the student’s needs • Special Education placement • Interagency referrals • Assessments, evaluations, or screenings • Classroom Observations • Advice and consultation contacts that are not child specific, not targeted to a specific behavior, or that do not generate data that can be graphed or tabled to show change over time • Parent contacts • Retention • Home work • Suspension
Q & A • Why does ESY not count toward Intervention?Extended School Year (ESY) is beyond the normal school year of the local district… In other words, this is not a sufficiently regular education setting to allow for proper intervention. It can be a beginning but the student should at least be monitored in the new school year.
Q & A • Why does Summer School not count toward Intervention? Summer School is also beyond the normal school year of the local district… Most summer school programs are not designed for a specific need but rather to repeat a specific course. Again, it can be a beginning but the student should at least be monitored in the new school year.
Q & A • Why is the repeating of a grade for a student not intervention – even if they are making straight A’s the second time around? Policy states that intervention is a current action that differs from the activities that normally occur in the child’s regular education program, therefore even though the student is now excelling in their repeated grade, they should be monitored to ensure that the progress continues.
Q & A • Why do we have an Intervention Create Date? The screen will be populated by a procedure that is run on the weekend. The users will need to know when that procedure populated the student on the Intervention screen.
Q & A • Where does MSIS pull the Referred to Intervention Date? For those students that meet criteria 1 or 2, MSIS will pull the first day of school from the District Events Calendar (Modules ->Calendar ->District Events)
Intervention Reports • MSIS will provide two reports that are generated from data entered on the Intervention Screen: • Student Intervention Report – alpha roster per school of what is seen on the screen • Student Intervention Compliance Report – alpha roster per school that lists Y and N for compliance for specific data elements • In MSIS, Go to Reports->Student Data ->Intervention…
Intervention Student Roster Report Data Elements • Name (Last Name, First Name, MI) • MSIS ID • Inv # 1, Inv #2, Inv #3 – an “X” will appear in the column to reflect the criteria the student met • Type of Referral – “Inv” will represent Intervention and “CS” will represent Child Study • Prev Referred Date – dates are populated ONLY if the student has appeared on the Intervention screen previously • Inv Create Date – the date the procedure was run to populate the screen
Student Intervention Roster Report Data Elements • # of Suspen Days – number of days reported to MSIS for suspension for the current school year • Referral to TST • TST Decision Date • Inv Success – MSIS will populate a • Y = user selects Yes - Student remains in Regular ED • C = user selects Yes – Student is referred to Child Study • N = user selects No • LSC Referral Date
Student Intervention Roster Report Data Elements • Parent Perm To Test – defaults to Null and must be set to Y or N by user • Elig. Dec. – Eligibility Decision defaults to Null and must be set to Y or N by user • Parent Perm To serve – defaults to Null and must be set to Y or N by user • Eligibility Date • IEP Date • L/S Indicator displays a Y or N to indicate if the student has a primary disability of L/S