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The LA-SiGMA project aims to address common computational challenges and barriers in materials science research, focusing on biomolecular, energy, and electronic materials. Through the use of multiscale simulation tools and computational algorithms, the project aims to provide testable predictions and refinements to methods and models. The project will also promote statewide research and education programs in materials science and establish a national center of excellence in simulation-guided materials applications.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LA-SiGMA Project Administration

  2. Louisiana Alliance for Simulation-Guided Materials Applications (LA-SiGMA) Common Computational Challenges and Barriers: Multiple length & time scales, multiscale interactions & correlations Biomolecular Materials Energy Materials Electronic Materials Testable Predictions Refinements to methods & models Common Computational Tools Monte-Carlo, Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics Formalisms, methods  algorithms, high-performance codes Data  visualization, visual data analysis Shared Experimental Facilities (AMRI, CBM2, CAMD, IfM) OUTCOMES Strong Multidisciplinary and Multi-Institutional Research Teams Multiscale Simulation Tools for 21st Century Computing Environments Statewide Research and Education Programs in Materials Science National Center of Excellence in Simulation-Guided Materials Applications

  3. State EPSCoR Committee External Review Board (ERB) & External Evaluator Project Director Michael Khonsari LA EPSCoR Staff Project Execution Team (PET) Science & CI Jarrell (LSU) Pratt (Tulane) Evaluation & Assessment Ramachandran (LA Tech) Stevens (Xavier) External Engagement & Workforce Development Hall (LSU) Derosa (LA Tech/Grambling) Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) Industrial Liaison Team (ILT) DAC Coordination Bagayoko (SUBR) Hall (LSU) ILT Coordination Whittenburg (UNO) Ramachandran (LA Tech) Science Driver and Computational Teams Faculty, Students, and Postdocs

  4. Teams & Committees External Engagement & Workforce Dev. • Randall Hall (LSU)Pedro Derosa (GSU)Bagayoko (SUBR)Mainardi (LA Tech)Meda (Xavier)Moreno (LSU)Pesika (Tulane)Rick (UNO) Eval & Assessment • Ramachandran(LA Tech)Stevens (Xavier)Whittenburg (UNO)Jha (LSU)?? (SUBR) • ?? (Tulane) Science & CI Jarrell (LSU) Pratt (Tulane) Wick (LA Tech) Mobely (UNO) ?? (SUBR) ?? (Xavier) • Diversity Advisory Council • Coords: Hall, Bagayoko • Bill Lester, UC Berkeley, ChairDiOnetta Jones, MITBetsy Willis, SMUMike Tomasello, University of CaliforniaStephanie Adams, VCUSheila Edwards Lange, U of WashingtonIsiah Warner, LSUJuana Moreno, LSU • Jenna Carpenter, LA Tech Industry Liaison Team Coords: Whittenburg; Ramachandran IP Directors from Tulane, LA Tech, LSU Jeff Lynn, Louisiana FastStart Roy Keller, LA Business & Technology Center

  5. Project Execution • Weekly seminars, starting in Sept. (LONI Institute/LA-SiGMA). • Weekly “group meetings” among science driver focus area teams. • PET members will “meet” at least once a month. • Sub-committees of PET may meet more often. • PET will meet with the Project Director (Khonsari) at least once every two months. • Bi-Annual “All-Hands” meetings. One will be attended by the ERB. • Assessment will be an ongoing activity: • Initial survey to establish baseline (formative evaluation) - within the first 90 days, so as to “inform” the strategic plan. • Annual surveys to collect data on progress (diversity, workforce, external engagement, cyberinfrastructure, publications, collaborative proposals, ...) • Peer evaluations • Need 100% response rate on these surveys – cooperative agreement requires greater accountability.

  6. Additional Resources Jim Gershey’s table (handout) – Assumes a July 1 start date. An outline of the NSF report format is also available on the SVN. Need to establish a well-coordinated procedure for project reports (entered into LOGAN by staff at LSU and LA Tech with sufficient lead time for review by Project Director) WHO NEEDS AN SVN TUTORIAL?

  7. Budget details • A set of “policies” are being drafted and will be discussed by PET members; then circulated for discussion. • LA-SiGMA PI’s on each campus would be in charge of administering the budget on each campus: • LA Tech: Ramu Ramachandran • LSU: Mark Jarrell • SUBR: Diola Bagayoko • Tulane: Lawrence Pratt • UNO: Scott Whittenburg • Xavier: Cheryl Stevens • Expect postdocs to have a large impact – need to hire with coordination between SD and Computational teams. • When making plans for travel funds, • please don’t forget postdocs and students. • Also don’t forget the expenses of attending the bi-annual meetings.

  8. RII Philosophy • NSF budget is “seed funding” to be used for building inter-institutional teams. • We are to leverage LA-SiGMA collaborations to pursue additional multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team funding. • Evidence of close collaborations and productivity through collaborations needed for a successful CEMRI or ERC application. • The ultimate goal of EPSCoR program is to make the State a non-EPSCoR state (“graduation”).

  9. Q&A

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