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1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the effects of North Korea ’ s communist government.

1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the effects of North Korea ’ s communist government. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A. What has communism done to the North Korean economy? B. How would you improve the North Korean economy?.

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1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the effects of North Korea ’ s communist government.

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  1. 1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the effects of North Korea’s communist government. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A. What has communism done to the North Korean economy? B. How would you improve the North Korean economy?

  2. Table of Contents 1. Create a new page called Isolation

  3. Intro • Draw a house you have 2 minutes • Add a sun • Add two trees • Add a car out front • Add 3 windows • Add a family to the left of the house • Add a pet

  4. Isolation Intro: Before modern technology, China was isolated from the rest of the world. As a result, China developed a unique culture. This is evident in Chinese writing, philosophy, and religions. (Basically European and Western culture was unable to diffuse to the region until recently).

  5. COPY BOTH TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Key Terms • Isolationism – a policy of national isolation by not trading with or being involved with other countries • Ethnocentrism – the attitude that one’s own group or culture is superior to other groups.

  6. Isolation (1800s) CREATE THE CHART BELOW Physical Causes Human Causes

  7. RECORD THE WORDS IN BOLD IN THE CORRECT SPOT ON THE CHART Physical Causes • Mountains (such as the Himalayas and the Tian Shan) and Deserts (like the Gobi Desert) acted as natural barriers to the spread of culture in and out of East Asia. • Location and Distance from other major civilizations allowed East Asia to develop in isolation and create a unique culture.

  8. Causes Physical Causes Human Causes Mountains Deserts Location Distance to other Civilizations Directions: 1. CHECK YOUR CHART 2. Sketch a picture by at least one of the causes.

  9. RECORD THE WORDS IN BOLD IN THE CORRECT SPOT ON THE CHART Human Causes • The Great Wall of China was built to keep invaders out of East Asia but it also kept out trade and cultural diffusion. • Ethnocentrism, or the attitude that one’s own group is superior to other groups prevented the adoption of outside cultures. • Isolationism was a political philosophy in many East Asian governments that prevented trade and travel with civilizations outside of East Asia.

  10. Causes Physical Causes Human Causes The Great Wall of China Ethnocentrism Isolationism Mountains Deserts Location Distance to other Civilizations Directions: 1. CHECK YOUR CHART 2. Sketch a picture by at least one of the causes.

  11. CREATE THE CHART BELOW Isolation Effects (1800s) Political Social Economic

  12. RECORD THE WORDS IN BOLD IN THE CORRECT SPOT ON THE CHART Economic Effects • LACK OF INDUSTRIALIZATION AND URBANIZATION until the 20th Century due to a lack of cultural diffusion. • NO TRADE with other civilizations eventually left East Asian countries in POVERTY. • East Asia became LESS MODERN than other civilization due to its isolation.

  13. Effects of Isolation (1800s) Directions: 1. CHECK YOUR CHART 2. Sketch a picture by at least one example from each column. Political Social Economic Lack of industrialization and urbanization No trade with other countries Poverty Less modern than other regions

  14. Social Effects • UNIQUE RELIGIONS such as Buddhism, Shinto, and Confucianism developed in East Asia. • EASTERN PHILOSOPHY developed differently than Western Philosophy. • ETHNOCENTRISM grew as these cultures developed distinct cultural and ethnic differences due to the isolation. • CHINESE CULTURE was the main cultural influence in East and Southeast Asian cultures

  15. Effects of Isolation (1800s) Directions: 1. CHECK YOUR CHART 2. Sketch a picture by at least one example from each column. Political Social Economic Unique religions developed Eastern Philosophy developed Ethnocentrism increased Chinese culture spread through Asia Lack of industrialization and urbanization No trade with other countries Poverty Less modern than other regions

  16. Political Effects • Due to the isolation, there were MANY WARS BETWEEN E. ASIAN EMPIRES. • By the 19th century, isolationism in China led to a WEAK MILITARY. • European countries were able to COLONIZE SE ASIAN COUNTRIES in the 19th century.

  17. Directions: 1. CHECK YOUR CHART 2. Sketch a picture by at least one example from each column. Effects of Isolation (1800s) Political Social Economic Unique religions developed Eastern Philosophy developed Ethnocentrism increased Chinese culture spread though Asia Many local wars between East Asian empires Led to a weakened military Enabled European countries to colonize parts of East Asia. Lack of industrialization and urbanization No trade with other countries Poverty Less modern than other regions

  18. To do: 1. Finish the worksheet from Friday. Go to S:) Student – Student Read Only – Orso Folder – Open the file called “SEA Communism – day 2” 2. Tape this in and get it graded. 3. Complete the SIDE dish portion of the project.

  19. Human Causes Write each human cause and your solution to address each cause. Physical Causes Sketch examples of technology that would address each physical cause. Assignment • Effects • Identify the economic, political, and social effect that you think is the worst. (one for each) • Justify your reasoning.

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