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Note Taking

Note Taking. Background on Notetaking. Verbatim note taking is the least effective way to take notes Notes should be considered a work in progress Revise & add to notes AFTER lecture during study periods…NOT just prior to a test Notes should be used as study guides for tests.

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Note Taking

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  1. Note Taking

  2. Background on Notetaking • Verbatim note taking is the least effective way to take notes • Notes should be considered a work in progress • Revise & add to notes AFTER lecture during study periods…NOT just prior to a test • Notes should be used as study guides for tests

  3. Why Take Notes? • If you do not write anything down, • 42% of the information will be forgotten after 20 minutes • 56% after 1 hour • 66% after 1 day • 75% after 1 week • 80% after 1 month

  4. How to write? • If something is confusing, put a big ? In the margin • BOX or CIRCLE vocabulary words • Draw pictures of important ideas • Write key words or phrases • Use symbols and abbreviations to save time • SPREAD OUT your writing – fill in important information LATER • One fact per line • Paraphrase when possible – get the GIST

  5. Note taking is an important part of academic life. • To be successful at note taking, you need to: • Improve your listening skills. • Develop your note taking skills. • Be able to use your notes to study.

  6. What to write? • If it’s on the board, write it down • Listen for words that signal important information (i.e. “pay attention,” “I want to emphasis this…”). • Listen for clues that tell you how many details will be listed (i.e. “there are three major themes in this story…”).

  7. Practice. • Develop your own style. • After the lecture, rewrite your notes and fill in any missing info ASAP

  8. Note taking = Dictation Note taking is writing complete ideas; dictation is writing complete sentences.

  9. Examples Dictation: History 1002 meets 2 days a week, from 10:00 am to 10:50. Notes: Hist 1002 - 2 d/wk 10 – 10:50 am

  10. Successful Note taking: Use space. Indent. 3 keys to green environ 1- educate public 2- improve techn. 3-help demand for rcylng Three keys to green environment – educate public, improve techno., and help increase demand for recycling.

  11. Use space to show relationships. Use vertical space. Use horizontal space. Classes to Take 9th 10th 11th 12th 3 keys to green environ 1- educate public 2- improve tech. 3-help incr. demand for recy.ing

  12. Use headings to organize ideas. To create headings, use - • CAPITAL LETTERS BOXES • underline • -- indent below the heading

  13. Bad Example: • Stimulants are drugs that increase energy and alertness. They include cocaine, methamphetamine, and amphetamines. • DON’T rewrite what’s already there. Waste of time.

  14. Good Example: • STIMULANTS • energy/alertness • Cocaine: • Meth. • Amphtamines:

  15. Use symbols and abbreviations. Mr = ! Mrs % w/ ‹ pop › & #  w/o x

  16. Example • If you’re taking notes on statistics, use symbols. • Example for the following: Methamphetamine use increased from 1990 to 1998, while Amphetamine use dropped from 2000 to 2008. • Use: Meth fr. 1990-98. Amph. fr. 2000-08

  17. Get the BIG PICTURE! What’s the speaker’s main point? What does he want you to learn?

  18. Sjkjdfoweui voifofwerow pskfpkfdfghhjrttrrtyry • Asddadereegghhjyjhytyutyuyutyjsk • dfjfijeirjeww • jkjdfoweu • voifofwerow • Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyo • lweojwe ehuwehfweweoirweor • fjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyolweojwe ehuwehfweweoirweor • Sjkjdfoweui • voifofwerow pskfpkfdfghhjrttrrtyry • Asddadereegghhjyjhytyutyuyutyjskdfjfijeirjeww • Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyolweojwe ehuwehfweweoirweor • Sjkjdfoweui voifofwerow pskfpk • Fdfghhjr • ttrrtyry • Asddadereegghhjyjhytyutyuyutyjs • kdfjfijeirjewwSjkjdfoweui voifofwerow pskfpkfdfghhjrttrrtyry • Asddadereegghhjyjhytyuty • uyutyjskdfjfijeirjeww • Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyolweojwe ehuwehfweweoirweor • Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyolweojwe • ehuwehfweweoirweor One More Point Quantity is important! Sjkjdfoweui voifofwerow pskfpkfdfghhjrttrrtyry Asddadereegghhjyjhytyutyuyutyjskdfjfijeirjeww Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyolweojwe Ehuwehfweweoi weorSjkjdfoweui voifofwerow pskfpkfdfghhjrttrrtyry Asddadereegghhjyjhytyutyuyutyjs kdfjfijeirjeww Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgpor ojwe ehuwehfweweoirweor Sjkjdfoweui voifof wero w pskfpkfdfghhjrttrrtyry Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyolweojwe ehuwehfweweoirweor Sjkjdfoweui v oifofwerow pskfpkfdfghh jrttrrtyry Asddadereegghhjyjhytyutyuyutyjskdfjfijeirjeww Dfjfjiefjwekglhkglhkgportyolweojwe ehuwehfweweoirweor

  19. Now let’s change sentences to ideas . . .

  20. Change dictation into notes: Studies on worldwide literacy* rates show that almost 80 percent of the world’s population over the age of 15 is now literate. This includes more women than ever before. *Literacy = ability to read

  21. One way to write this info Studies ww literacy rt = almost 80 % world pop over 15 yrs now literate + grtr # of women than bef

  22. Change dictation into notes: UNESCO’s study shows a drop in illiteracy from twenty-two and four-tenths percent of the world population in 1995 to twenty and three tenths in 2000.

  23. One way to write this info UNESCO’s st shows fr 22.4% ww pop in ’95 to 20.3% in 2000 What important information is missing? What is the decrease in? The LITERACY rate INCREASED – the drop was in the number of people who CANNOT read – the ILLITERACY rate dropped.

  24. Another way to write it. WW literacy rates - almost 80% of ww pop 15+ yrs - literate - more women than bef - illiteracy 1995 2000 22.4% (ww pop) 20.3%

  25. Remember • Use • Key words • Space • Headings • Abbreviations and symbols • Complete ideas • Quantity!

  26. Remember • Get the big picture! • Rewrite your notes. • Develop your own • style and Practice, practice, practice.

  27. Notes from Listening and Reading • Practice • We will listen to a few clips and you will practice taking notes • Much easier to take notes off of a PPT than a verbal presentation PPT dev by Debra A. Wilson

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