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Lilacs have been a source of inspiration for artists throughout history
Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) Lilac in the sun Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) The lilacs, grey weather 1872 Musée d'Orsay
Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) The Parc Monceau Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pieter Faes (Flemish, 1750-1814) A marble vase of lilac with other flowers on a marble shelf Jacob Meyer de Haan (Dutch, 1852-1895) Still life with lilac
Dsir-Alfred Magne (French, b. 1855) An entranceway filled with flowers Giovanni Boldini (Italian, 1842-1931) Profile of a young woman
Eugene Henri Cauchois - Lilac and mallow branches, circa 1900 Eugene Henri Cauchois (French, 1850-1911) Bouquet de fleurs au vase bleu Eugene Henri Cauchois Summer flowers with hollyhocks
Jean Capeinick (Belgian, 1838 - 1890) Lilacs Jean Capeinick White lilacs (lilas blancs)
Judith Pond Kudlow (American, 1946) Roses and lilacs, 2010 Johan Willem Fleur (Dutch, 1888 - 1967) A pitcher of lilacs
John C. Traynor (American, 1961) Lilacs, 1990
Camille Pissarro (French, 1830-1903) Bouquet de lilas William Mason Brown (American, 1828-1898) Apples and lilacs Sold USD 60,000
Kees van Dongen (Dutch, 1877 - 1968) Bouquet de lilas, 1940 Lilas et tulipes (circa 1925)
Chat et lilas, 1937 Kees van Dongen (Dutch, 1877 - 1968) Lilas, 1922
Marjorie Nevshehir Owen (British, active from 1930s) Lilac, 1930 Kees van Dongen (Dutch, 1877 - 1968) Oeillets et lilas
Martiros Sarian (Armenian, 1880 -1972) A lilac bush, 1922 Edmund Blair Leighton (English, 1852–1922) Lilac, 1901
Maria Tilipaul-Kistler (Austrian, 1884-1963) Lilac bouquet Konstantin Stoitzner (Austrian, 1863-1934) Flowering trees, blooming lilac
Alfejs Bromults (Latvian, 1913-1991) Lilac time
Alfejs Bromults (Latvian, 1913-1991) Lilac blooms, 1977
Alfejs Bromults (Latvian, 1913-1991) Lilac blooms
Frederick Childe Hassam (American, 1859-1935) Lady in the park also known as In the garden
Frederick Childe Hassam (American, 1859-1935) Mrs Hassam in the garden
Alfred de Breanski (British, 1821-1886) Lilacs and roses Myles Birket Foster (British, 1825 - 1899) Picking up lilac
Abbott Fuller Graves (American, 1859-1936) Lilac in a basket
Henri-Julien Dumont (French, 1859 - 1921) Still life with lilac
Rosen Flieder und Osterglocken, 1911 Lovis Corinth (German, 1858 - 1925) Lilac in a glass jug
Marie Egner (Austrian, 1850–1940) In the blossoming bower
Marie Egner (Austrian, 1850–1940) A view of the courtyard
Arthur Hughes (English, 1832-1915) The Lady of the lilacs
Flieder in Vase Karl Vikas (Austrian, 1875-1934) Fliederstrauß in Vase, 1925
Text and pictures: Internet All copyrights belong to their respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2022 Sound Louis Armstrong - Jeannine, I dream of lilac time.
19 24 19 Lilacs1 Slava Fokk Japan Rain, Snow & Art19 25 5 Summer shine25 Lilacs2 Lilacs3 Scent of Summer VirpiPekkala Spring Lilacs7 Lilacs6 Lilacs8 Lilacs5 Lilacs4 Lilacs12 Lilacs11 Click Lilac13 Lilacs9 Lilacs10