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The Persian carpet is an essential part of Persian art and culture. Carpet-weaving is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished manifestations of Persian culture and art, and dates back to ancient Persia.
Persian rugs ahwaz
Ahvaz is the capital of Khuzestan Province. The name of the region appears in medieval Syriac sources as Bet Huzáyé, literally meaning "land of the Huzis", which refers to the non-Arabic original inhabitants of Khūzestān. The word Houz means Raw sugar usually produced locally from sugar cane field north of Ahwaz up to Shoush where the people of Khouzistan were known for this raw sugar produce since Elamite period. It was built near the beginning of the Sassanid dynasty. The city had two sections; the nobles of the city lived in one part while the other was inhabited by merchants.When the Arabs invaded the area in 640, the part of the city home to the nobility was demolished but the Hūj-ī-stānwāčār "Market of Khūz State", the merchant area, remained intact. Ahvaz este capitala provinciei Khuzestan.Numele regiunii apare în sursele medievale siriene purtând numele de „Tărâmul poporului Huzis", cu referire la locuitorii (de origine non-arabă) care trăiau în Khuzestan. Cuvântul Houz înseamnă zahăr brut, fabricat din trestie de zahăr în toată zona de la Ahwaz până la Shoush, fiind vestiţi pentru acest produs încă din perioada Elamită. Oraşul a fost întemeiat la începutul dinastiei Sassanide şi avea două secţiuni, una în care trăiau nobilii iar în cealaltă locuiau negustorii. În anul 640 când arabii au cucerit oraşul au dărâmat zona nobilă dar au cruţat partea locuită de negustori.
Persian Calligraphy is the calligraphy of Persian writing system. It has been one of the most revered arts throughout Persian history. It is considered to be one of the most eye catching and fascinating manifestations of Persian culture.
Pictures: Nicoleta Leu Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: A.W. Ketèlbey - In a Persian market