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UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chehel Sotoon (Forty Columns) is a pavilion in the middle of a park built by Shah Abbas II to be used for his entertainment and receptions.
Esfahan 1 Cehel Sotoon Palace
UNESCO World Heritage Site,ChehelSotoon (“Forty Columns”) is a pavilion in the middle of a park built by Shah Abbas II to be used as Safavid royal palace for coronations and the reception of foreign embassies Cuprinspelistapatrimoniuluimondial UNESCO, palatulChehelSotoon a fostconstruitîn timpul domniei Şahului Abbas II în mijlocul unui parc, pentru a servi ca palat de încoronare, loc de distracţie şi loc de primire a ambasadorilor străini Esfahan
The name, meaning "Forty Columns" in Persian, was inspired by the twenty slender wooden columns supporting the entrance pavilion, which, when reflected in the waters of the fountain, are said to appear to be forty. This magnificent building is located inside a park, with the attractive terrace being the main draw of the building. Stone lions spouted water at the four corners and this water emptied into a large, rectangular basin. Numele său, care în persană înseamnă „Patruzeci de coloane” se pare că vine de la cele 20 de coloane care suportă elegantul pavilion de la intrarea în palat, a cărăr imagine reflectată de bazinul principal le dublează numărul. Palatul este situat într-un parc cu o suprafaţă de 67.000m² în care există numeroase bazine şi fântâni, apa având un rol esenţial în grădinile persane.
This porch of the building had a length of 38m, a width of 17m, a hight of 14m. Each of the four middle columns was erected upon a stone lion. The carving of the stone was in such a way that two lions have been shown with one head and water skirts out of the mouth of the four frontal lions spilling into the marble basin at the middle of the columned portch.
The ceiling on top is characterized by wide fretwork louvers which is very similar to the eastern Asian style of architecture. Although some of the decoration is no longer present now, but there were mirrors on the inner ceilings of the terrace, wood carvings on the doors, beautiful paintings on the walls, colored glass and uniquely carved pillars made from single trunks of trees. Deşi o mare parte din decor nu mai există, tavanul din oglinzi, nişa cu muquarnas îmbrăcate în oglindă, sculptura uşilor şi coloanele decorate sculptate fiecare dintr-un singur trunchi de copac împodobesc încă acest monument care face parte din patrimoniul mondial UNESCO
Iran Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Farid Farjad - Ashegh Shodam Man