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UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chehel Sotoon (Forty Columns) is a pavilion in the middle of a park built by Shah Abbas II to be used for his entertainment and receptions.
Esfahan 4 CehelSotoon Palace
UNESCO World Heritage Site,Chehel Sotoon (“Forty Columns”) is a pavilion in the middle of a park constructed during the reign of Shah Abbas I to be used as Safavid royal palace for coronations and the reception of foreign embassies Cuprins pe lista patrimoniului mondial UNESCO, palatul Chehel Sotoon a fost construit în timpul domniei Şahului Abbas cel Mare în mijlocul unui parc, pentru a servi ca palat de încoronare, loc de distracţie şi loc de primire a ambasadorilor străini Esfahan
The palace contains many frescoes and paintings on ceramic. Many of the ceramic panels have been dispersed and are now in the possession of major museums in the west. They depict specific historical scenes such as a reception for an Uzbek King in 1646, when the palace had just been completed; a banquet in honor of the Emir of Bukhara in 1611; the battle of Chalderan against the Ottoman Sultan Selim II in 1514 in which the Persians fought without firearms; Palatul este decorat cu frescă şi cu panouri din plăci de ceramică pictată şi smălţuită (din care mare parte s-au risipit fiind acum în marile muzee din apus). Ele descriu scene istorice cum ar fi primirea Regelui Uzbek în anul 1646 când a fost terminat palatul; un banchet în onoarea emirului din Buhara în anul 1611; bătălia de la Calderan împotriva sultanului otoman Selim al II-lea în anul 1514 pe când perşii nu aveau încă arme de foc.
Shah Esmāīl’s triumph over the Janissary aga at the battle of Čālderān The battle of Chalderan against the Ottoman Sultan Selim II in 1514 in which the Persians fought without firearms The Battle of Chaldiran occurred on 23 August 1514 and ended with a victory for the Ottoman Empire over the Safavid Empire of Persia (Iran). As a result, the Ottomans gained immediate control over eastern Anatolia and northern Iraq. The battle, however, was just the beginning of 41 years of destructive war between the two Islamic empires that only ended in 1555 with the Treaty of Amasya. At Chaldiran, the Ottomans had a larger, better equipped army numbering 60,000 to 200,000, while the Iranians numbered some 40,000
A more recent painting depicts Nadir Shah's victory against the Indian Army at Karnal in 1739. The Battle of Karnal (February 13, 1739) was a decisive victory for Nader Shah, the emperor of Persia, during his invasion of India. Shah's forces defeated the army of Muhammad Shah, the Mughal emperor, in little more than three hours thus paving the way for the Persian sack of Delhi.
During careful restorations sponsored by the Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Rome (IsMEO), a surprising number of extraordinary wall paintings were discovered in the small flanking rooms, where they had been hidden under a coat of whitewash applied in the Qajar period. Large paintings also cover the walls of the two wooden-columned porticos at the ends of the banqueting hall. Floor-length windows in the northern and southern walls of the banqueting hall open onto these porticos. The wall paintings resemble those in the Ālī Qāpū, with representations of Europeans. Also there are remains of a wall painting in the western ayvān.
Unfortunately, the Chehel Sotun has been badly damaged since then, especially when the Afghans occupied the town and covered the paintings with a thick coat of whitewash. It is now being extensively restored under the aegis of the Institute Italian Per il Medio Oriente. Din păcate palatul a suferit stricăciuni mari mai ales în timpul ocupaţiei afgane când picturile au fost acoperite cu un strat gros de var. Acum au fost amplu restaurate sub egida Institutul Italian pentru Orientul Mijlociu şi Îndepărtat
As opposed to Ottoman architecture focusing on scale and grandeur, Safavid architecture considers itself more subtle. Spre deosebire de arhitectura otomană care punea accenul pe măreţie şi grandoare, arhitectura safavidă se consideră mai rafinată şi mai subtilă
The Palace, which was the epicenter of grandeur, elegance and color which marked royal receptions, was badly damaged during the Afghan occupation of Isfahan, and is now a museum of Persian paintings and ceramics.
Iran Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Youngrobv Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Alireza Eftekhari - Tasnif Dele Shekasteh