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Hand weaving cloak workshop is one of the most important handicraft & historical art of Nayin. The center production of this industry is in Mohammadie precinct of Nayin which is located at the middle of excavated workshop.
Nayin is a city and the capital of Nayin County, Isfahan Province. Hand weaving cloak workshop is one of the most important handicraft & historical art of Nayin. The center production of this industry is in Mohammadie precinct of Nayin which is located at the middle of excavated workshop. Nayin cloak winter textile are very famous and are produced by to type of sheep and camel wools, Now this place is one of the central visitors attraction Nayin estecapitalajudeţului Nayin din provincia Esfahan. Ţesutul pelerinelor este una dintre cele mai importante activităţi artizanale tradiţionale în Nayin. Atelierele de producţie sunt situate în vechiul cartier al oraşului numit Mohammadie, iar majoritatea atelierelor sunt situate sub pământ, în grote răcoroase. Pelerinele de iarnă ţesute la Nayin (un fel de aba) sunt faimoase şi ele sunt produse fie din lână de oaie fie din păr de cămilă. Atelierele artizanale subterane au devenit un punct major de atracţie turistică . Nayin
The oldest trace and trail of hand woven fabrics in Iran dates back to 4000 years BC in Susa. One of the traditional hand woven articles in Iran is cloak which has been from old days in regions such as Bushehr, Isfahan, Nayin and Kouh Payeh. At present, the weave of the most famous and the most high quality wool cloaks is done in a historical borough of the old town of Nayin called " Mahmoudieh " situated at 150 Km from the city of Isfahan. Cele mai vechi urme privind ţesutul manual în Iran datează de peste 4000 de ani, la Susa. Unul dintre cele mai apreciate articole este pelerina de aba, care se mai produce încă în atelierele subterane din cartierul " Mahmoudieh ".
The branch of handicraft industry has been the major meal - ticket in the income of the residence of Mahmoudieh recent centuries by preserving its traditional methods and natural raw materials. Sheep wool and camel fleece are the main materials for cloak weaving. The cloak weaving loom is made of wood. Această activitate artizanală a fost de secole sursa principală de câştig a locuitorilor din acest cartier iar ei au păstrat metodele tradiţionale de producţie şi materia primă. Războiul de ţesut este făcut din lemn.
Due the simple weave and color with no design, there are only to heddles which are used for providing a gap and for passing the shuttle through the lower and higher threads. After warp winding woof is drawn and combing is done. In the last stage and after weaving, finishing operation is performed which leaves the surface of cloak soft and smooth. In this stage the cloak is dismantled from the reel and is washed with a solution of water, Henna ground leaf and the little soap is abraded by jade stone. Finally margins are trimmed with a pair of scissors. Operaţiile de finisare sunt spălarea şi lustruirea cu o piatră de jad, obţinând o suprafaţă moale şi catifelată.
The important part of cloak weaving loom are front and back reels, comb, bobbin and backside. The tools employed in finishing are finishing needle, cloak shaving needle, cloak shaving rasor, jade stone, and charcoal iron Părţile cele mai importante ale războiului sunt cele două suluri (cel de urzeală şi cel de ţesătură), piaptănul, bobina şi spata. Pentru finisaj se folosesc ace, brici, piatră de jad şi fier de călcat cu cărbuni (Şi la noi abaua era dusă la dârstă, înmuiată în apă, apoi bătută cu ciocanele de lemn pentru a-i conferi densitate si durabilitate)
Iran Text: Internet Pictures:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Internet All copyrights belong to their respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Ehsan Khajeh Amiri - Salame Akhar