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In the province of Esfahan, Naeen is the midpoint along a trade road between these two major cities, Esfahan and Yazd. It is situated on the edge of the central plateau, provided the first available rest point for caravans and voyagers on their east-west journeys.
Internet image Nayin, the capital of Nayin County, Esfahan Province, is located on the southern rim of the Iranian central desert at an altitude of 1545 meters above sea level. It has a desert climate, where temperatures can reach 50 °C in summer and a minimum of -9 degrees in winter. Nayin has been a settlement where caravans stayed to rest and obtain provisions for their journey. Day and night temperatures during a year can differ up to 70 °C. (Rain usually falls in winter). Nayin, capitalauneidiviziuni administrative din provincia Ispahan, este situat la marginea sudică a deşertului central iranian, la o altitudine de 1545 metri. Vara temperatura poate ajunge la 50ºC, cu un minim de -9ºC iarna. Aşezat pe drumul care leagă două centre importante, Ispahan şi Yazd, era odinioară un loc de popas şi aprovizionare pentru caravane. Nayin
The Castle of Narenj (Narenj Qal'e)citadel it's the remnant of a structure that was also known as Narin castle. The construction materials used in the castle, as well as its style of architecture support the idea that it was built in the pre-Islamic era. According to surveys and evidences, this monument might belongs to Partiyan period. Vechea citadelă care domina odinioară oraşul este cunoscută sub numele de Castelul Narenj. Tipul materialelor şi arhitectura sa demonstrează că a fost construit înainte de cucerirea arabă, şi se crede că a fost ridicat în perioada parţilor, peste o structură de cult zoroastrian
In the center of the city, Narenj Ghaleh (or Qala, as most foreign sources called it) is situated on the highest natural elevation.
Narenj Ghaleh has the remains of a sacred fireplace (a Zoroastrian sacred element) and an underground channel extending toward the city boundaries. The old city was dominated by the castle.
In the province of Esfahan, Nayin is the mid point along a trade road between these two major cities, Esfahan and Yazd. It is situated on the edge of the central plateau, provided the first available rest point for caravans and voyagers on their east-west journeys. It is located on a bow like area surrounded by low mountains to the west and south. Because of these mountains underground water could be channeled to the town made agriculture their first source of life. Străjuit de arcul unor munţi de medie înălţime la vest şi la sud, pânza de apă freatică a fost uşor de canalizat spre oraş şi a făcut ca principala activitate din zonă să fie agricultura.
Iranian Traditional Houses possess an innate system of protection; they all have enclosed gardens with maximum privacy, preventing any view into the house from the outside world. Casele tradiţionale iraniene dispun de un sistem propriu de protecţie; ele posedă grădini închise cu ziduri groase pentru a asigura un grad maxim de intimitate, şi pentru a preveni orice privire indiscretă din afară. Arhitectura rezidenţială persană a oferit locatarilor o protecţie maximă în perioadele de tensiune şi pericol, asigurând totodată un microcosmos de linişte şi pace prin realizarea grădinilor numite „paradis”.
In Old town Nayin, passageways are long narrow corridors surrounded by tall walls and sometimes covered by arched ceiling and because of the hot and dry weather of this region, the most common passageway to decrease heat level in was arcade. They provide coolness and reduce intensity of daylight. The most important passageway in all Iranian old cities and towns is Bazaar. Bazaar has a linear plan with many branches which serve as neighborhood passages in residential areas (or Mahalleh). În oraşul vechi pasajele dintre cartiere sunt coridoare înguste mărginite de ziduri înalte şi acoperite cu multe arcade, din cauza climatului fierbinte al verilor de la marginea deşertului. Cele mai importante pasaje acoperite din vechile oraşe persane sunt bazarele. Ele au un plan liniar cu multe bifurcaţii care servesc şi ca legătură între zonele rezidenţiale numite Mahalleh (de unde vine cuvântul mahala)
Almost all of Nayin’s houses, as in many other parts in Iran are made of humble, local, earth.
Iran Text and this page image: Internet Pictures:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Alireza Eftekhari – Tasnif Karevan