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Arg-e Karim Khan is the 18th-century royal castle of the well-known ruler of Zand dynasty, Karim Khan. As Shiraz became the capital of Iran in the Zand era (1751-1794), this citadel was built in 1766 and is one of the earliest buildings constructed in Shiraz under the Zand rule.
Shiraz Arg-e-Karimkhany (Citadela)
Citadela care pare o fortăteaţă medievală a fost construită în anii 1766-1767 ca reşedinţă a şahului Karim Khan The Arg of Karim Khan was built in 1766-7 as part of a complex during the Zand dynasty and is named after Karim Khan, and served as his living quarters. It is the biggest and the most important building of the Zand Dynasty
Vitraliilepersanesuntmontateîn lemn Old wooden window from inside garden of the old citadel Karim Khan
Înainte de a avea sticlă erau doar ca nişte paravane perforate (Mashrabiya în arabă) din spatele cărora femeile puteau privi fără să fie văzute Când europenii au inventat obloanele pentru a se proteja de lumina prea puternică a soarelui le-au numit persiene
Preluat de francezi ca jalousie de la italienii care referindu-se la orient numeau geloso acele paravane care nu permiteau să fie văzute femeile, noi folosim azi jaluzelele fără să ştim că vin din Persia! Une des caractéristiques les plus originales de l'Art décoratif est incontestablement l’invention des " Moucharabieh " ou treillages en bois découpé et tourné, qui, adaptés aux fenêtres des maisons, permettent aux femmes de regarder dans la rue sans que les passants puissent les apercevoir
Într-o încăpere s-a reprodus o audienţă la curtea lui Kharim Khan, fiind primit un ambasador european Wax figures scenewith Mohammad Karim Khan Zandking in the middle in Castle of Karim
Karim Khan a fost un bun conducător, care a restaurat pacea în regat după prăbuşirea dinastiei safavide. A murit în anul 1779 la vârsta de 74 de ani Mohammad Karim Khan Zand, was the founder of the Zand Dynasty and the Shah of Iran, ruling from 1751 to 1779. While Karim was ruler, Iran recovered from the devastation of 40 years of war, providing the war ravaged country with a renewed sense of tranquility, security, peace, and prosperity
Dupămoarteasarăzboiul civil devastator se vasfârşidoarodată cu instalareadinastieiQajar în 1796. Chiar şi mormântul lui a fost profanat din răzbunare de către succesorul său, Agha Mohammad Shah ((1742-1797) din dinastia Qajar. Following Karim Khan's death, civil war broke out once more, and none of his descendants were able to rule the country as effectively as he had. The last of these descendants, Lotf Ali Khan, was killed by Qajar ruler Agha Mohammad Khan, who became the sole ruler of Iran
După căderea dinastiei Zand, în timpul dinastiei Qajar, citadela a fost sediul şi reşedinţa guvernatorului provinciei Fars After the fall of Zand Dynasty and during the Qajar period, the citadel was used as the governors seat and turned into the residence of Fars governors. This situation continued until the early years after the coming to power of the Pahlavi dynasty
După căderea dinastiei Qajar, în epoca Pahlavi, a fost transformată în închisoare (1937-1974) şi toate picturile precum şi sculpturile moqarnas au fost acoperite cu tencuială iar camerele au fost transformate în celule mici despărţite cu ziduri It was converted to the big city prison and was put at the disposal of the police department during the reign of Reza Shah, the first Pahlavi monarch (1925-1941) and afterwards. During all this time, all paintings were covered with plaster and all rooms and halls were turned into small prison cells by constructing walls
În anul 1971 edificiul a fost cedat Organizaţiei privind Moştenirea Culturală a Iranului şi în 1977 a începutrenovarea In 1971 it was given to Iran's Cultural Heritage Organization. Although damaged as a result of misuse, from this time attention is paid to rehabilitation of the building
Baia The citadel has a tea room, itselfhousedwithin a bathhouse
Iran Fotografii:Sanda Foişoreanu NicoletaLeu Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical: Masters of Persian Music - Faryad -Torkman