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In Persia, graves have always had a true artistic value outside of religious connotation. Built in the 19th century over the tomb of Emir Ali, a nephew of Shah Cheragh who also died here while en route to Khorasan to help Imam Reza, this shrine in Shiraz is the latest of several earlier incarnations destroyed by earthquakes.
Shiraz Emam Zadeh-ye Ali Ebn-e Hamze 1
Aproape fiecare oraş iranian îşi are mormintele sale sfinte, construcţiile tombale fiindfoarte răspândite. Ele sunt de obicei edificii modeste, dreptunghiulare, circulare sau octogonale, acoperite cu o cupolă, fără o valoare arhitectonica deosebită, ridicate pentru personalităţi mai importante, considerate sfinţi sau martiri. Almost every Iranian city has its holy graves; tomb constructions are a widespread element in Iran. Usually they are modest, circular, rectangular or octagonal buildings, covered with a dome, which do not have a special architectural value, raised for more important personalities, considered holy or martyrs
Mormintele rudelor celor 12 imami, numite Emamzadeh, structuri complexe, heteroclite, la care şi-au adus pe rând contribuţia mai multe generaţii de credincioşi, se numără printre cele mai măreţe şi în multe cazuri cele mai ample clădiri din Iran Most importantly, however, they contain the earthly remnants of the Prophet Muhammad's descendants.The tombs of the 12 Emamzadeh relatives, complex structures, heteroclite, to which several generations of believers have contributed, are among the greatest and, in many cases, the largest buildings in Iran. Unlike mosques, the style in which graves are built has an obvious regional character
Mormintele sfinte(Emamzadeh) au o imensă valoare culturală, fiind considerate lăcaşuri sfinte unde credincioşii vin pentru reculegere spirituală, căutând binecuvântarea Profetului, de oarece mulţi dintre descendenţii acestuia au trăit şi murit în Iran, mormintele lor devenind altare vizitate de sute de pelerini Sacred tombs have a tremendous cultural value, being considered altars where believers come for spiritual retreat, seeking the blessing of the Prophet, for many of his descendants lived and died in Iran's tombs, becoming altars where hundreds of pilgrims come. For Iranians, the cultural and spiritual importance of holy tombs is so great that they make regular pilgrimages to them
Emam Zadeh-ye Ali Ebn-e Hamze din Shiraz este mormântul sfânt al nepotului Imamului Shiit Moussa al-Kadhim (746-799 AD), al şaptelea din cei 12 imami shiiţi (martirizat şi mort în închisoare) Built in the 19th century over the tomb of Emir Ali, a nephew of Shah Cheraghwhoalsodiedherewhile en route to Khorasan to help Imam Reza, thisshrineis the latest of severalearlier incarnations destroyed by earthquakes.
Interiorul Emam Zadeh-ye Ali Ebn-e Hamze din Shiraz este o complicată decoraţie din mozaic de oglinzi. Highlights include the Shirazi dome, dazzling Venetian mirror work, stained-glass windows and an intricate wooden door. Visitors are welcome (chadors for women are loaned at the door) and photography is permitted
Pietrele de rugăciunesunt bucăţele de pământ, argilă, piatră, pe care se sprijină fruntea celui ce se roagă atunci când închinarea nu se face direct pe pământ. Ele se găsesc în orice moschee dar şi în fiecare cameră de hotel The Shia place a piece of stone or clay, known as Turbah, on the ground so that their forehead touches the stone when they prostrate themselves in prayer. They are found in any mosque but also in every hotel room
În curte sunt plantaţi chiparoşi, arborii care încă din vremea lui Zarathustra erau consideraţi sacri In the courtyard are planted cypresses, trees that since Zarathustra's time were considered sacred
În Persia mormintele au avutîntotdeaunaînafară de conotaţiareligioasă o realăvaloareartistică In Persia, graves have always had a true artistic value outside of religious connotation
Iran Fotografii: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical:The Sabri Brothers - Calligraphie et chant soufi