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The tomb of the Persian poet known by his pen name Hafez is a masterpiece of Iranian architecture. The tomb, its gardens, the library containing 10,000 volumes dedicated to Hafez scholarship are a focus of tourism in Shiraz.
Shiraz Hafeziye
The Tomb of Hafez and its associated memorial hall, the Hafeziyeh, are two memorial structures erected in the northern edge of Shiraz, Iran, in memory of the celebrated Persian poet Hafez (1320 – 1389) Hafez (1320 - 1389), marele poet liricpersan, s-a născut la Shiraz şi, cu excepţia unei scurte călătorii, şi-a petrecut acolo întreaga viaţă. Popularitatea lui extraordinară a făcut din mormântul său un venerat loc de pelerinaj
Hafez was buried in a garden located in Gulgasht-iMusalla, a famous resort on the northern outskirts of medieval Shiraz that was covered with gardens and praised frequently in Hafez’s poems for its beauty and cool breezes that "one could not even find in paradise.” Hafez a fost înmormântat într-una din multele grădini din Gulgasht-i Musalla, (un cartier faimos din periferia din nordul Shirazului), pe care de multe ori le-a cântat în poeziile sale, pentru frumuseţea lor şi pentru răcoarea adierii vântului cum „cineva nici în paradis n-ar putea găsi”
According to literary sources, an aged cypress tree said to be planted by the poet stood at the head of the his grave Conform surselor literare bătrânulchiparos de lângămormântarfifostplantatchiar de Hafez
By the sixteenth century, the garden had become a popular Shiraz cemetery called Khak-iMusalla, with Hafez’s grave at its center. În secolul XVI grădina a devenit un cimitir popular numit Khak-i Musalla, având mormântul lui Hafez în centru
The present complex was shaped in the 1930s when the central talar was extended from both sides, incorporating the four original columns into an elongated colonnaded hall 56 meters in length. Complexul actual a fost amenajat în 1930 prin extinderea galeriei de coloane a lui Kharim Khan Zand (talar) colonada actuală având 56 de metri lungime
The pool and surrounding tombstones (except for a few belonging to well-known figures) were eradicated, and a modern open pavilion was erected over Hafez’s grave Bazinul central şi mormintele au fost mutate, cu excepţia câtorva aparţinând unor personalităţi cunoscute
Tea drinking is an integral part of Iranian hospitality. No social occasion passes by without it being offered. The teahouse in the gardens of the Hafez mausoleum is a lovely courtyard with a cushioned niches around the walls and a large pool in the middle În complex mai există o ceainărie tradiţională (Chaykhune) şi două librării excepţionale
Every visitor to Shiraz comes to this tomb - often with a purpose; people believe that if they have a wish and open at random the Diwan-e Hafez and read a ghazal in full, they will know (by interpreting the ghazal) if their wish will turn into reality or not.
Even after all this time,the sun never says to the earth,"You owe me."Look what happens with a love like that.It lights the whole sky. „Încântător este Shirazul şi fără asemănare măreţia lui! Doamne, fereşte-l de nenorociri!” (Hafez)
Here in Shiraz, people come to pose by his grave, to pray at his grave, to meditate and to understand the future.Iranians say that all homes should have two things; the Quran and Hafez.... Iranienii vin cu veneraţie la mormântul Poetului iar în parc îi întâlneşti recitându-i versurile. Ei spun că dintr-o casă iraniană nu pot lipsi două lucruri: Coranul şi Hafez
Iranians are frequent pilgrims, visiting shrines of saints, poets, clerics, and even fallen heroes of politics or culture În ceea ce priveşte cultul morţilor, iranienii au o legătură specială cu cei decedaţi
Cemeteries are among the places where Persian poetry is a visible presence. Many gravestones carry a line or two by a poet, classic or modern - "If you come to see me, come gently and slowly", or "One whose heart was sustained on love will never die.” Familiile merg la diferite morminte sfinte (Emamzadeh) sau la mormintele poeţilor la fel ca şi în cimitirele unde au fost înmormântaţi aparţinătorii lor, pentru a se ruga pentru aceştia şi pentru „a-şi petrece vremea cu ei”
La mormintele poeţilor se roagă pentru odihna sufletelor celor plecaţi, recită versuri sau îşi ghicesc viitorul. O credinţă populară spune că dacăvreisă-ţi cunoşti destinul trebuie doar să deschizi o carte a lui Hafez şi totulîţi va fi dezvăluit “One regret, dear world,That I am determined not to haveWhen I am lying on my deathbedIs thatI did not kiss you enough.” (Hafiz)
Relations between non-Muslim men and Muslim women are illegal Relaţiileîntrefemeilemusulmaneşi bărbaţii ne-musulmanisuntpedepsiteprinlege
As a tourist woman in Iran, you would be strongly advised to dress conservatively and to cover your hair appropriately. You should also wear loose fitting garments (e.g. coats / long tops) which cover your arms and legs up to at least the knee area. Men should not dress in shorts / short trousers under any circumstances Haineleturiştilor trebuiesa fie conservatoare, iar femeiletrebuie săaibăcapul, picioareleşi braţeleacoperiteîn public
The only face covered woman we saw in Iran, and her husband wanted to show us her beautiful clothes!! Singura femeie cu faţa acoperită pe care am văzut-o în Iran, dar soţul a dorit să ne arate ce haine frumoase are!!!!
An example of the distinction of public and private can be seen through taarof, a system of politeness, communicated both verbally and non-verbally, that has deep roots in the Iranian tradition of treating your guests better than your own family and in being great hosts Dacă un iranianîşi dăseama căstă cu spatele la cineva - faptconsideratjignitor - îşicereimediatscuze, iarpersoanacealaltătrebuie să spună: „O floare nu are nicifaţă, nici spate”. Dacăteafliîntr-o încăpereşiintrăcineva de vârstă similară sau mai mare, trebuie săte ridiciîn picioare
Iran Text: Internet Pictures:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2011 Sound:Googoosh - Buye safar