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Zinat Al-Molk House is a historical house and a museum a historical building from the Qajar era. The 20 finely decorated rooms are embellished with paintings, stucco decoration and mirrors, and the mosaic floors were designed to resemble ornate Persian rugs.
Shiraz Zinat-olMolk 2
Minunata reşedinţă în stil Qajar a aparţinut odinioară familiei Qavam ol-Molk şi poartă numele Zinat-ol Molk (sora lui Mirza Ebrahim Khan- e Qavam, guvernatorul provinciei Fars în perioada Qajar) Zinatol-Molk is the private part of the large mansion that the wealthy Qavam family built in Shiraz, the public reception area being the Naranjestan-e Qavam.
Din păcate tavanele sunt cele mai degradate Unfortunately, the ceilings are the most degraded
Pavajul din mozaic ceramic pare un adevărat covor The ceramic mosaic pavement looks like a real carpet
Iran • Fotografii: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu • Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu • www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda • https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical:Ahmad Pejman - Saraab (Miraj) - Ofogh