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Unit 7 Travel

Unit 7 Travel. Unit 7 Travel. Unit 7 Travel. Lead-in. I. What means of travel does each of the following sentences refer to? Match them with the pictures. d. b. a. c. 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______. Unit 7 Travel. Lead-in.

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Unit 7 Travel

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  1. Unit 7 Travel

  2. Unit 7 Travel

  3. Unit 7 Travel Lead-in I. What means of travel does each of the following sentences refer to? Match them with the pictures. d b a c 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______

  4. Unit 7 Travel Lead-in II. Work in pairs. Discuss what is good about each way of travelling. Example A: Which way do you prefer? B: I prefer travelling by train. A: Why? B: Because it’s fast and comfortable. When we ask about preferences, we often use: Which … do you prefer? Which … do you like better?

  5. Unit 7 Travel Text A Background Information Venice Carnival威尼斯狂欢节。起源于欧洲古代的神农节,是当今世界上历史最久、规模最大的狂欢节之一。 The Venice Carnival

  6. Unit 7 Travel Text A Background Information Plague Doctor 瘟疫医生。十四世纪时,欧洲治疗瘟疫的医生往往穿上齐脚的宽大外衣,头戴鸟嘴状的面具,以保护自己免受传染。

  7. Unit 7 Travel Text A Background Information Lent 四旬斋。为了纪念耶稣在四十天中的荒野禁食,信徒们就把每年复活节前的四十天时间作为自己斋戒及忏悔的日子,叫做四旬斋。

  8. Unit 7 Travel Text A Background Information Easter 复活节。西方的一个重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。为纪念耶稣被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。

  9. Unit 7 Travel Text A Translation Nor yet forget how Venice once was dear, The pleasant place of all festivity, The revel of the earth, the masque of Italy! —Byron TEXT A

  10. Unit 7 Travel Text A Translation The Venice Carnival Hi Chris, 1 I hope this finds you well. I’m really sorry I haven’t written for so long, but the beginning of the year was really busy for me—and then I went off to Venice for the carnival. In fact, I only got back to Boston last night!

  11. Text A Translation 2Venice was absolutely amazing. You would’ve loved it. I stayed with Nina, a friend of mine. It was really kind of her to put me up — and it meant I didn’t have to struggle with trying to find a hotel, which would’ve been almost impossible! The city was completelypacked with tourists for the whole ten days, and prices really shoot up.

  12. Text A Translation 3 Nina lives about ten minutes’ walk from the main square, where they hold the big costume parade on the first day. Lots of tourists were dressedup in all kinds of crazy costumes — giant rabbits, cats, even hot dogs — but the locals tend to stick to traditional costumesand they all wear masks as well. My favourite costume is called the Plague Doctor. It’s really scary and I was told it’s based on real doctors, who used to look after the dead and dying when the plague hit Venice.

  13. Text A Translation 4 The word carnival means “farewell to meat”. Traditionally, the carnival took place in the week leading up to Lent, 40 days before Easter, during which time people fasted. That’s why food is really important during carnival, and people tend to eat a lot.

  14. Text A Translation 5Venice is as beautiful as everyone says — very romantic and pleasant. All through the carnival, though, it’s transformedas they have big fireworks displays, parties and so on. People also set off fireworks all the time, which can give you a real shock if you’re not expecting it. I nearly had a heart attack several times.

  15. Text A Translation 6 I’ve attached a few photos, which I hope you enjoy. I’ve uploaded loads more onto my website, if you fancy having a look. 7Anyway, hope to hear from you soon. All the best, Clare

  16. Text A New Words

  17. Unit 7 Travel Text A • Choose the best answer for each question or statement below. • 1. Before Clare came back to Boston, she had been to. • A. Venice • B. London • C. Paris • D. Washington A

  18. Unit 7 Travel Text A 2. Clare didn’t live in the hotel during the carnival because. A. it was too expensive B. it was impossible to find one C. she stayed with Nina D. she didn’t want to live in a hotel C

  19. Unit 7 Travel Text A 3. What happened on the first day of the carnival? A. There was a big costume parade. B. Many people went crazy. C. Many tourists bought different kinds of animals. D. The local people were frightened by the fireworks. A

  20. Unit 7 Travel Text A 4. The carnival took place . A. 40 days before Lent B. on Easter Day C. 40 days after Easter D. in the week leading up to Lent D

  21. Unit 7 Travel Text A 5. What can we learn from the 5th paragraph? A. Venice is not beautiful and romantic during the carnival. B. Venice is not as pleasant as usual during the carnival. C. Many people have heart attacks during the carnivl. D. Clare nearly had a heart attack several times because of fireworks. D

  22. Unit 7 Travel Text A II.Check whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. ( )1. Hotels are a bit more expensive during the carnival. ( )2. Clare’s favorite costume is called the Giant Rabbit. F a bit→much F Giant Rabbit→Plague Doctor

  23. Unit 7 Travel Text A ( )3. Traditionally, the Carnival took place in the week after Lent. ( )4. People tend to eat less during the carnival. ( )5. Clare was shocked at the way people behaved during the carnival. F Carnival celebrates the coming of Lent. F less→a lot T

  24. Unit 7 Travel • Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from the text and then put them in order. • 1. During the carnival, people tend toeat ________. • 2. During the Venice Carnival, the city is full of ________. • 3. They have big ________ displays, parties and so on. • 4. On the ________ day of the carnival, people hold a big costume parade in the main square. • Order: □-□-□-□ a lot a lot tourists fireworks first 2 4 1 3

  25. II. Write a summary about the Venice Carnival, using the four sentences above. Makenecessary changes to make the summary smooth. Tip You may need to use in addition to this to make yoursummary more fluent.

  26. During the Venice Carnival, the city is full of tourists. On the first day of the carnival, people hold a big costume parade in the main square. During the carnival, people tend to eat a lot.In addition to this, they have big fireworks displays, partiesand so on. ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

  27. Unit 7 Travel Text A Words and Phrases I. Complete the following sentences with correct prepositions. 1. I’m really sorry I haven’t called you _______ so long. 2. The end of the school term will be really busy ________ me. 3. I got back from New York ________ Shanghai last night. 4. Those who attended the party were dressed up ________ strange costumes. 5. I’ve uploaded the photos ________ the website. for for to in onto / to

  28. Unit 7 Travel Text A Words and Phrases II. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the given words 1. This park is always full of __________ (tour) in summer. 2. In America, __________ (tradition), the college senior class gives a ball each spring. 3. I __________ (complete) forgot that it was his birthday yesterday. tourists traditionally completely

  29. Text A Words and Phrases 4. The theme park is an __________ (amaze) place to go. 5. It was a real __________ (shocking) to hear that the hotel would have to have. amazing shock

  30. Text A Words and Phrases III. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box below. Change the form if necessary. 1. It’s __________ for us to catch the flight since there are only five minutes left. 2. I’m going to __________ a lovely card to each present. 3. Iwill be waiting at the __________ entrance of the park. 4. Jack’s idea is the __________ one among the many strange ones. 5. I __________that I will be back on Sunday. impossible attach main craziest expect

  31. Text A Unit 7 Travel Words and Phrases IV. Complete the following sentences with the phrases in the box below. Change the form if necessary. 1. The film ____________ a short story by Thomas Mann. 2.I wish you’d stop shouting at me ____________. 3. Prices ____________ during the war at the beginning of last century. 3. I will be waiting at the ______ ___ entrance of the park. 4. China is developing with an __________ speed. 5. You cannot __________ others help you forever. is based on all the time shot up

  32. Text A Words and Phrases 4. My cousin is in Canada, and I ____________ him every two months. 5. A burning cigarette ____________ an explosion in his kitchen last night. 6. Mary’s wedding ____________ on her thirtieth birthday. hear from set off took place

  33. Text A Words and Phrases V. Translate the following sentences into English withthe given words or phrases. 1.妮娜的住处离威尼斯市中心广场只需步行十分钟。(ten minutes’ walk) Nina lives _________________________ the main square in the city centre. only ten minutes’ walk from

  34. Text A Words and Phrases 2. 刚到南京时,我费了很大的力气寻找一个栖身之地。(struggle with) When I first came to Nanjing, I __________________ a place to live. 3. 许多威尼斯当地人仍然保持着传统的风俗习惯。(stick to) Many __________________ in Venice ____________ traditional customs and habits. struggled with finding local / local people stick to

  35. Text A Words and Phrases 4. 他们能留我过夜真是太好了。(put ... up) It was very nice of them ______________________. 5. 你们中一些人会去上大学,另一些将开始工作。(go off to) Some of you __________________________ and the others will be starting jobs. 6. 今年夏天,这个岛上将会挤满来自世界各地的游客。(be packed with) This summar, the island ______________________ from all over the world. to put me up for the night will be going off to university will be packed with tourists

  36. Text A Grammar and Structure I. Rewrite each pair of sentences below as one sentence, using a non-defining relative clause (非限定性定语从句). Example It’s based on real doctor. The real doctors used to look after the dead and dying when the plague hit Venice. →It’s based on real doctors, who used to look after the dead and dying when the plague hit Venice.

  37. Text A Grammar and Structure 1. It contains the tomb of Qinshihuang. Qinshihuang was one of the greatest Chinese emperors. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. We’re coming up to the Purple Mountain. The Purple Mountain is one of the most beautiful places in Nanjing. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ It contains the tomb of Qinshihuang, who was one of the greatest Chinese emperors. We’re coming up to the Purple Mountain, which is one of the most beautiful places in nanjing.

  38. Text A Grammar and Structure 3. This is the Olympic Sports Centre. All the big concerts and sports events are held in the Olympic Sports Centre. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 4. I went to school with a woman called Zora. Zora’s son is a tour guide of England. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ This is the Olympic Sports Centre, where all the big concerts and sports events are held. It contains the tomb of Qinshihuang, who was one of the greatest Chinese emperors.

  39. Text A Grammar and Structure 5. The Spring Festival takes place at the beginning of spring every year. During that time, people in China usually eat a lot of traditional foods. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 6. We produce bathroom tiles (瓷砖). Most of these tiles are exported to northern Europe. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ The Spring Festival takes place at the beginning of spring every year, during which time, people in China usually eat a lot of traditional foods. We produce bathroom tiles, most of which are exported to northern Europe.

  40. Unit 7Travel Text A Text A Grammar and Structure II. Study the patterns in the boxes below and then translate the following sentences. • ... I haven’t written for so long ... (Para. 1) • ……我已经很久没写信了…… • The ship has been in the harbour (港口) for a whole week. • 这条船已经在港口停了一整个星期了。 • 她已经有一个月没有给爸妈打电话了。。 • She hasn’t phoned her parents for a month. 1. 现在完成时 要点:由has / have+过去分 词构成。

  41. Unit 7Travel Text A Text A • (If you had come to Venice,) You would’ve loved it. (Para. 2) • 你本来也会喜欢上它的。 • Finding a hotel at this time would’ve been almost impossible if I had not booked one. • 如果我没有预定的话,那么在这个时间想找到一家旅馆就是几乎不可能的。 • 如果我不忙,一定早就给你回信了。 • If I had not been busy, I would have written back to you earlier. 2. would have done 要点:意为“本 来会做”,表示 对过去事情的 虚拟。

  42. Unit 7Travel Text A Text A • It was really kind of her to put me up. (Para. 2) • 她留我住宿,真是太好了。 • It makes me happy to hear from her. • 收到她的来信,我很高兴。 • 学习一门外语是有用的。 • It is useful to learn a foreign language. 3. it做形式主语 要点:真正的 主语是动词不 定式。

  43. Unit 7Travel Text A Text A • ... it’s transformed as they have big fireworks displays, parties and so on. (Para. 5) • 威尼斯变成了另一番景象,因为他们举行盛大的烟火表演、开办晚会等活动。 • As he was just a little boy, I let him go. • 因为他只是个小男孩,我就让他走了。 • 因为家里穷,他从未放过烟花。 • He never set off fireworks as his family was poor. 4. as引导原因状语 从句 要点:从句可置于 主句之前或之后。

  44. Unit 7 Travel Text B Background Information bank holiday 银行假日,即公共假日。在此期间,银行和大部分商业场所均暂停营业。目前在英国,除北爱尔兰外,英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰每年有八天银行假日。 TEXT A

  45. Unit 7 Travel Text B Background Information Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚,东欧国家。1991年获得独立,2004年加入欧盟,人口约200万。

  46. Unit 7 Travel Text B Background Information Puerto Rico 波多黎各。位于加勒比海大安的列斯群岛东部,人口约400万。 TEXT A

  47. Unit 7 Travel Text B Translation Slovenia has sixteen public holidays a year; while Britain has only eight. How many public holidays are there in China?

  48. Unit 7 Travel Text B Workers Can’t Bank on Holidays Translation 1 The August bank holiday is here again. Travelling during this time is not a good idea. The busiest weekend of the year will see millions of people get stuck in traffic on the motorway; bored children ask, “Are we there yet?”; delays at airports and accidents on the roads. Hundreds of people will get sunburnt on crowded beaches; children will throw up after eating too much ice cream; adults will drink too much beer; families will argue and kids will scream “It’s not fair!” Then it’s home: more traffic jams, more delays, more arguments.

  49. Unit 7 Travel Text B Translation 2You might think that anyone who is going to miss this annual horror show is lucky. However, British trade unions are using this weekend to highlight the low number of public holidays in Britain compared to the rest of Europe. They also want to draw attention to the fact that a large number of workers are not getting their legal entitlement of twenty days’ holiday per year.

  50. Unit 7 Travel Text B Translation 3 A trade union spokesman said yesterday, “British workers get fewer public holidays than workers in any other European country, and the government also allows companies to include those eight days within the compulsory 20. British workers are being ripped off and it needs to change.” The unions want the government to start by declaring three new public holidays. Britain has just eight public holidays compared to sixteen in Slovenia.

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