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Unit 7. 新职业英语. 职业综合英语 1. ENGLISH FOR CAREERS. Unit 7 Customer Service. Contents. 1. Warming-up. 5. Writing. < Back. Next >. Home. Reading A. 2. 6. Mini-project. Reading B. 7. 7. 3. Language Lab. Language Lab. 4. Listening & Speaking. Warm-1-1. < Back. Next >.
Unit 7 新职业英语 职业综合英语 1 ENGLISH FOR CAREERS Unit 7 Customer Service
Contents 1 Warming-up 5 Writing < Back Next > Home Reading A 2 6 Mini-project Reading B 7 7 3 Language Lab Language Lab 4 Listening & Speaking
Warm-1-1 < Back Next > Home Warming-up Task 1 Complete the following survey form about campus canteens.
Warm-1-2 < Back Next > Home Warming-up Task 2 Suppose you are the CEO of the Campus Canteen Corporation. According to the completed survey above, are your customers satisfied? How could you make improvements?
Reading A < Back Next > Home Reading A Text Task 1 Task 2 Business Know-how
Text A-1 < Back Next > Home Reading A 翻译 声音 I Really Want to Know Friday night I went off my diet. I daresay I deserved a good meal after losing thetwenty pounds I gained from too many trips toManhattan restaurants last year. My wife and Iwent to one of our favorite Houston restaurantsto celebrate the successful conclusion of mydiet.
Text A-2 < Back Next > Home Reading A 翻译 声音 The food, as always, was wonderful. Theservice was even better than usual. I reallywould have given the restaurant top marks onevery item—but I didn't. Why? We'll see in amoment.
Text A-3 < Back Next > Home Reading A 翻译 声音 It is admirable for an organization to wantto measure customer satisfaction. However,to do so correctly, the entire measurementprocess must be properly designed andimplemented from start to finish. Properquestionnaire design is just the first step in theprocess. Equally as important is establishing aprocess of gathering data which will obtain arepresentative sample of customers, and whichkeeps bias to a minimum. This is where manyorganizations fail. This is where this particularrestaurant failed.
Text A-4 < Back Next > Home Reading A 翻译 声音 After we had finished our coffee, the waiterbrought over the check. With the check was abrief customer satisfaction survey. One side ofthe questionnaire contained a note from theowner, beginning with the words “I really want to know”. The other side of the questionnaire contained a few standard measurement items and room for comments. What was a little different about this survey was that the questionnaire had already been filled out by the waiter. On a scale of “excellent”, “good”, and “needs improvement”, the waiter had drawn a line through all the “excellent” boxes.
Text A-5 < Back Next > Home Reading A 翻译 声音 As much as I enjoyed the service, I was not aboutto deposit a questionnaire that somebody else hadcompleted into a ballot box. However, many peoplewould return such a questionnaire without thinkingtwice.
Text A-6 < Back Next > Home Reading A 翻译 声音 The owner of the restaurant is only foolinghimself by keeping the current customersatisfactionmeasurement program in place. Ifhe “really wants to know”, he would be betteroff asking someone to hand out postage-paidquestionnaires to people as they left the restaurant.
Text A-7 < Back Next > Home Reading A 翻译 声音 If you have a customer satisfactionmeasurementprogram in place, or if you are thinking ofimplementingone, we urge you to give as much attention to thedistribution and collection process as you do to thequestionnaire design.
A-Trans-1 < Back Reading A 我真的很想知道 周五晚上我结束了节食。把去年因常去曼哈顿的餐馆吃饭而增加的20磅减掉之后,我敢说我该理直气壮地美餐一顿了。为了庆祝节食成功,我和太太去了休斯顿一家我们最喜欢的餐馆。
A-Trans-2 < Back Reading A 饭菜与往常一样,味道好极了,服务比平常还要好。我真想给这家餐馆的每个项目都打最高分,但我没有。为什么?一会儿我们就知道了。
A-Trans-3 < Back Reading A 一家公司想度量一下顾客满意度是件好事。但是,要想把这件事做好,整个度量过程必须妥善设计,并自始至终完整地实施。合理设计调查问卷仅仅是这个过程的第一步。为了能够从顾客那里获得代表性的数据样本,并将偏见降到最低,建立数据搜集程序也同样重要。许多公司却未能做到这一点,而这也正是这家餐馆的失败之处。
A-Trans-4 < Back Reading A 话说我们喝完咖啡之后,侍者拿来了账单。与账单附在一起的,还有一份简要的顾客满意度调查问卷。问卷的一面是餐馆老板的一份说明,开头写着“我真的很想知道”;另一面是一些标准的测量项目,以及顾客填写意见的空白处。有一点不同的是,这份调查问卷已经由侍者填完了。在“很好”、“好”和“有待提高”三个级别上,侍者已经在所有“很好”的方框内划了一条线。
A-Trans-5 < Back Reading A 尽管我很满意这家餐馆的服务,我也不打算把一份已由别人完成了的调查问卷放到意见箱里。然而,很多人却会不假思索就将这种问卷交回。
A-Trans-6 < Back Reading A 如此进行顾客满意度调查,这家餐馆的老板只是在愚弄自己罢了。如果他“真的很想知道”,在顾客离开时,让人给他们分发一些邮资已付的调查问卷,会对他更有好处。
A-Trans-7 < Back Reading A 如果你正在进行或者正打算进行顾客满意度调查,我们强烈建议你除了注重问卷的设计外,也要特别注意问卷的发放和回收过程。
go off < Back Reading A to stop e.g.He went off driving after the accident.
deserve < Back Reading A v. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior e.g.You’ve been working all the morning—I think you deserve a rest.
gain < Back Reading A v. to increase in weight, speed, height orvalue e.g.Last week I gained another five pounds.
admirable < Back Reading A a.having many good qualities that people respect and admire e.g.This essay is admirable in all respects.
measure < Back Reading A v.to judge the importance or value ofsomething e.g. Education shouldn’t be measured only by examination results.
entire < Back Reading A a. whole; complete e.g.It was the worst day in my entire life.
implement < Back Reading A v. to take action or put into practice e.g.We have decided to implement the president’s suggestion in full.
establish < Back Reading A v. to start; to set up e.g.1. My grandfather established the family business in 1938. 2. The relationships between the two companies were established two years ago.
obtain < Back Reading A v. to get something especially by means of effort e.g.We wish to obtain first-hand information.
particular < Back Reading A a.unusual, single and different from others e.g.They have conducted a research in this particular field.
survey < Back Reading A n. a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by asking people questions e.g.A recent survey shows that many teenagers spend three hours a day playing computer games.
comment < Back Reading A n. opinion given briefly in speech or writing about something or someone e.g.Do you have any comments to make upon my story?
fill out < Back Reading A to complete (a form) by answering the questions in the spaces provided e.g.Could you fill out this application form quickly?
deposit < Back Reading A v. to put something down in a particular place; to put money or something valuable in a bank or other places where it will be safe e.g.1. She deposited her case in the corner. 2. You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.
think twice < Back Reading A to think very carefully about something e.g.The teacher advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school.
in place < Back Reading A in existence and ready to be used e.g.The new regulations are now in place.
hand out < Back Reading A to give something to each member of a group e.g.Could you start handing these books out, please?
urge < Back Reading A v. to strongly advise someone to do something e.g.Brown urged her to reconsider his decision.
distribution < Back Reading A n. the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned way e.g. The distribution of the food supplies in the earthquake area began two days ago.
A-Task 1-1 < Back Next > Home Reading A Task 1Answer the following questionsaccording to the passage. • Where does the writer most probably live? • 2. Why did the man and his wife go to their favorite restaurant for dinner? • 3. Why is the process of gathering data important for customer satisfaction measurement? Houston. Because they wanted to celebrate thesuccessful conclusion of his diet. Because it helps to obtain a representativesample ofcustomers and keep bias to aminimum.
A-Task 1-2 < Back Next > Home Reading A 4. What did the owner’s note in the questionnaire begin with? 5. In order to successfully measure customer satisfaction, what should an organization pay much attention to? It began with the words “I really want toknow”. It should pay much attention to thedistribution and collection process.
A-Task 2 < Back Next > Home Reading A Task 2Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. ( ) 1. The writer was not satisfied with the meal of the restaurant. ( ) 2. Establishing a process of gathering data is as important as proper questionnaire design for customer satisfaction measurement. ( ) 3. The owner of the restaurant didn’t really want to measure customer satisfaction. ( ) 4. The writer hadn’t intended to fill in the blank questionnaire. ( )5. The writer thought postage-paid questionnaires would be a good way to measure customer satisfaction. F T T F T
Conducting a Survey < Back Next > Home Business Know-how ●Establish the goals of the project—what to learn; ● Determine what people are targeted and how many are to be interviewed; ● Choose how to interview (face to face, telephone, etc.); ●Design the questionnaire; ●Pretest the questionnaire, if practical; ●Conduct interviews and collect data; ●Analyze the data—produce the findings.
Reading B < Back Next > Home Reading B Text Task 1 Task 2
Text B-1 < Back Next > Home Reading B 翻译 Motorola Limited Warranty This limited warranty applies as follows to new Products, Accessories and Software purchased by consumers in the United States or Canada. * Applies only to defects in the CD-ROMs that contain the software.
Text B-2 < Back Next > Home Reading B 翻译 To obtain service or information, please call: Motorola Customer Services 1-800-453-0920 or 954-723-4910 Or visit us online at http://www.motorola.com/iden/support. You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products, Accessories or Software, at your expense, to a Motorola Authorized Repair Center. To obtain service, you must include: (a) a copy of your receipt, or other proof of purchase; (b) a written description of the problem; (c) and, most importantly, your address and telephone number.
B-Trans-1 摩托罗拉有限产品质量保证书 本有限产品质量保证书适用于消费者在美国或加拿大购买的下列新产品、附件和软件。 *只适用于含有该软件的CD-ROM上的缺陷。 < Back Reading B
B-Trans-2 < Back Reading B 如需售后服务或信息,请致电: 摩托罗拉客服电话:1-800-453-0920 或 954-723-4910 或访问我们的网站: http://www.motorola.com/iden/support 您将获得如何将您的产品、附件或软件寄送给摩托罗拉授权维修点的指示。寄送费用自理。 为了获得售后服务,您必须随件附上: (a) 收据的复印件或其他购货凭证; (b) 产品问题的书面描述; (c) 您的地址和电话号码——这是最重要的。
B-Task 1 < Back Next > Home Reading B Task 1Decide whether the followingstatements are true (T) or false (F)according to thewarranty. () 1. Motorola, Inc. warrants its products and software, excluding its accessories. ( ) 2. The warranty on new products ends one year from the date of purchase by the first consumer purchaser. ( ) 3. You cannot get serviced if you fail to provide the receipt. ( ) 4. You need to ship the product to a Motorola repair center and they will pay all charges. ( ) 5. The warranty applies to products purchased by consumers all over the world. F T F F F
B-Task 2 < Back Next > Home Reading B Task 2Fill in the flow chart to illustrate how toobtain a repair service from Motorola, Inc.and explain it to your partner. Call _________________________________; Or visit online at __ _________ _____ __. 1-800-453-0920 or 954-723-4910 http://www.motorola.com/iden/support Provide ___ __ _ or other proof of purchase; Describe ___________; Give ___ __________________. a copy of your receipt the problem your address and telephone number a Motorola Authorized Ship the product to ___ _ Repair Center.
Listening < Back Next > Home Listening & Speaking Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5