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Indian Creek Teacher – Advisor Program

Indian Creek Teacher – Advisor Program. Learning From Mistakes. INDIAN CREEK HS 520 Students 30 miles south of Indy Faculty committed to raising student achievement. Mrs. R’s TAP Group. WHY?. SUCCESSFUL SCHOOLS High Expectations Standards Engaged Students Extra Help / Extra Time

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Indian Creek Teacher – Advisor Program

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  1. Indian Creek Teacher – Advisor Program

  2. Learning From Mistakes

  3. INDIAN CREEK HS 520 Students 30 miles south of Indy Faculty committed to raising student achievement

  4. Mrs. R’s TAP Group

  5. WHY?

  6. SUCCESSFUL SCHOOLS High Expectations Standards Engaged Students Extra Help / Extra Time Guidance Relationship

  7. GUIDANCE RELATIONSHIP • Meaningful relationship with a caring • adult who: • knows the student • values education • understands educational / career development • 4) has knowledge of the educational system • 5) meets regularly with the student for advising TASKS • Guidance lessons • Individual advising • Goal setting • Relationship building PROVIDERS • Parents • Teacher advisors • Community mentors • Activity sponsors



  10. ADVISORY GROUPS STUDENT ADVISORY GROUP COMMUNITY COUNCIL Feedback – Past Activities Input – Future Activities

  11. Activity Types Guidance Lessons Individual Advisement Goal Setting Relationship Building

  12. Guidance Indicators 36 indicators 9 per grade level Written by teachers, counselors, administrators, students, parents & community members.

  13. Indicator Examples Academic All students will identify their learning style(s) All students will identify high school electives that match their career interests. Career All students will identify their Holland career code. All students will describe the educational level required for jobs in today’s labor market. Personal-Social All students will practice conflict management skills. All students will demonstrate consensus building.

  14. Lesson Plans Lesson Title: Learning Styles Indicator: All students will describe ways in which they can adjust their classroom learning strategies to compliment their learning style. Materials: Learning Style Assessment Learning Style Activity Sheet Time Required: 50 minutes Procedure: 1. Introduce the activity by explain- ing that people learn in different ways (see facilitator notes). 2. Distribute copies of the “I Like Your Style” learning styles . . .

  15. Integration Counselor Activities Classroom Activities Community Activities CLASSROOM Learning style – bonus question (all classes) GPA calculation (math) Postsecondary options comparison paper (Eng) Resumes (computer ap) Senior Exhibition (Eng) COUNSELORS Four-year HS Course Plans PSAT Registration Relationship counseling COMMUNITY Mock Interviews (Chamber of Commerce) Scholarship foundation (Dollars for Scholars)


  17. Format

  18. Assumption Couldn’t implement all at once. Stepped implementation Add one grade level each year Set up for success first year

  19. Assumption Teachers only have 5 min. to prep for Advisory Provide Lesson Plans Handout Copies for Class Materials

  20. Assumption Teachers need professional development to be good advisors. Guidance Curriculum Active Listening Counseling vs Support Limits of Confidentiality Referral Procedures

  21. Assumption Teachers need regular support to be good advisors. MONTHLY ADVISOR MEETINGS - LUNCH Feedback – Last Month Preview – Upcoming Month Joint Problem Solving

  22. Assumption Many need to share leadership responsibilities in an organized manner Overall Coordinator Grade-Level Coordinators

  23. Grade Level Coordinator Responsibilities: Develop lesson plans Distribute materials weekly Facilitate peer coaching Conduct evaluation


  25. First year is really hard ! Different situation for kids:  With kids from different peer groups  Teachers trying to get to know them  Teachers care Response:  Advisor to advisor coaching / support  Patience

  26. Students think work isn’t important unless it’s graded. Workforce Readiness Checklist  Items - mastery of guidance indicators - self management skills - team-building skills  distributed with report cards  students include in job applications

  27. Relationships Can’t Be Forced ! Response:  Informal activities - TAP group name & logo - Art projects - Non-competitive games - Hobby day - Whole school break-outs - Picnics

  28. Lessons Don’t Really Engage Kids Response: PROJECT-BASED GUIDANCE

  29. Project-Based Guidance B.I.T.A.

  30. Comprehensive Portfolio BINDER TABS ASSESSMENT 10. Assessments EXTRACURRICULAR 11. Extracurricular WORKFORCE READINESS 12. Personal Management 13. Team Work 14. Problem Solving 15. Leadership GUIDANCE 1. Self Knowledge 2. Exploration 3. Planning ACADEMIC 4. Best English 5. Best Math 6. Best Science 7. Best Soc St 8. Best For Lang 9. Best Career Major

  31. Working on the ICHS Portfolio


  33. TAP Assessment

  34. Indian Creek TAP - Results STANDARDS 100% have applied career interests to course selection 100% have applied learning styles strategies when completing class assignments 100% have a resume on file in the Counseling Center CHOICES Intend to continue education after high school 53%  94% Taking PSAT 28%  67% OBSERVATIONS Faculty vote of con-fidence after 4 years Kids pressured disengaged teachers to get involved Kids requested advisor to be on stage with them at graduation Still in place even though original TAP Steering Team members no longer at ICHS ACHIEVEMENT Passing Algebra I 55% - 94%

  35. The Starfish Story – Revised There was a frail man walking down a deserted beach just before sunset. In the distance he saw a young boy. As he approached, the old man saw the boy throwing a net into the sea. The old man asked, “Young boy, why are you spending so much energy throwing your net into the sea? There are no fish there.” The young boy explained that the net would stop the starfish from washing onto the beach that night and dying in the morning sun. “But young boy,” replied the old man, “there are nice people here who spend their mornings throwing the starfish back into the sea.” “Yes,” said the boy, “but there are thousands of beaches and millions of starfish! They are not able to reach every one.” The old man looked out to sea and imagined all the starfish that would wash onto the beach that night. After a while, he helped the boy throw his net into the sea and exclaimed, “Your net makes a different for every one!”

  36. Resources http://asai.indstate.edu/ecs.htm Power Points How-to Guide Introductory Video Guidance Indicators Lesson Plans

  37. HSTW National Workshop Guidance and Advisement:  Preparing Effective Teacher-Advisers Charlotte, NC October 6- 7, 2003

  38. Indian Creek Teacher – Advisor Program

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