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South Redmond Tract Proposed Land Use and Management Plan. JUNE, 2008. South Redmond Tract Proposed Land Use and Management Plan. Prepared by: Asset Management Section Land Management Division Oregon Department of State Lands In Conjunction With: Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC
South Redmond Tract ProposedLand Use and Management Plan JUNE, 2008
South Redmond TractProposed Land Use and Management Plan Prepared by: Asset Management Section Land Management Division Oregon Department of State Lands In Conjunction With: Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC SERA Architects, Inc. Century West Engineering Johnson-Gardner, LLC
PROPOSED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY • Pursue short-term urban growth boundary amendment for large-lot industrial uses and planned extension of 19th Street. • Retain approximately 2/3 of Tract. • Consider exchange of approximately ¼ of Tract to Deschutes County and Oregon Military Department. • Pursue acquisition of Juniper Scenic Wayside. • Identify corridors for future transportation facilities.
BACKGROUND • 945 acres acquired from BLM in 2007 as a land grant. • Located south of Fairgrounds and Exposition Center; south and east of Juniper Golf Course; southwest of Roberts Field-Redmond Municipal Airport. • Contiguous to, but outside, Redmond urban growth boundary (UGB); not designated as urban area reserve (UAR). • 80 acres of State Parks & Recreation Department (OPRD) land (Juniper Scenic Wayside) included as part of study area. • Managed as Trust land to benefit Common School Fund.
PURPOSE AND SCOPE • Identify short and long-term management strategies that: • generate the greatest possible revenues for Common School Fund • are compatible with community interests • are consistent with Oregon land use law. • Bring Tract into UGB and City at earliest possible time and ensure that it is designated and used for urban uses. • Continue collaborative planning process that began before Tract was acquired. • Ensure that short-term management decisions do not irrevocably commit or adversely affect long-term revenue or value appreciation potential. • Manage and plan to be a model for responsiveness to sustainability principles and global climate change.
PLANNING PROCESS • Initiated in March, 2006 as collaborative effort with federal, state and local agencies. • Consultant team retained in July, 2006. • Regular presentations to South Redmond Collaborative Planning Group and Central Oregon Economic Recovery Team. • Briefings with Redmond City Council and Deschutes County Board of Commissioners. • Circulated October, 2007 Draft Plan for public review. • November 6, 2007 public meeting. • Proposed Plan circulated for additional public and agency review. • June 17, 2008 public meeting.
SITE CHARACTERISTICS • Historic uses = wildlife habitat, rangeland, open space, military training. • Current uses = hiking, horseback riding, variety of unauthorized activities. • BNSF/UP railroad right-of-way at western boundary; expanded right-of-way for rail station or siding. • Electric utility lines parallel railroad; electric transmission lines extend through southwest portion. • Access limited to dead end on 19th Street on north. • Zoned EFU with minimum lot size of 80 acres if not irrigated or 36 acres if irrigated. • Single, large vacant parcel with no known environmental or cultural resource constraints. • Not suitable for agricultural production.
PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS • DSL Trust obligations. • OPRD Juniper Scenic Wayside Complex lands included but no commitment to non-park use or disposal. • Railroad – feasibility of rerouting existing alignment being assessed; ongoing discussions about enhancing rail service, including rail spur on the Tract. • Transmission lines – development precluded within buffer. • US Highway 97 Phase 2 Realignment – Alternative 3B would run through middle of Tract, segregating eastern portion; need for interchange access. • 19th Street Extension – an alignment has been tentatively accepted that provides access to the Tract’s center and enhances the street’s role as a key design feature. • Pronghorn Secondary Access – proposed alignment would facilitate access to 19th Street and lower portion of Tract.
PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS, cont. • Roberts Field-Redmond Municipal Airport – portion of Tract within Airport Safety Combining Zone which limits height of structures; airport flight paths affect types of uses desirable. • Deschutes County land exchange – desire expressed for land exchange for purposes such as Fairgrounds and Exposition Center expansion. • Oregon Military Department – compatibility of future urban uses with ongoing military exercises; desire expressed for land for new armory and related facilities. • Responsiveness to global climate change. • Role as a gateway to South Redmond. • Development timeframe. • Industrial land needs – limited regional supply of large tracts with rail access.
PROPOSED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY UGB Amendment Based to Meet Regional Industrial Land Needs • Economic opportunity analysis (EOA) identified as only viable means to expedite inclusion in UGB. • EOA to establish unmet regional need for large-lot industrial. • Tract strategically located for large-lot industrial use. • Proximity to airport, US 97, BNSF mainline. • 19th Street extension and realigned US 97 provide access. • Adjacent to UGB and city limits. • Large size, single ownership, access to infrastructure. • Lack of environmental and other development constraints.
PROPOSED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY, cont. Land Management Concept • Classify as Industrial/Commercial/Residential (ICR) land and actively manage in accordance with 2006-2016 Asset Management Plan. • Review existing administrative rules and procedures and revise as needed to restrict unauthorized activities on the Tract. • Aggressively pursue UGB amendment in short term and possible land exchange with OPRD.
PROPOSED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY, cont. Land Use Concept • Large-lot industrial land uses on approximately 640 acres. • Mixed-use employment on approximately 80 acres in middle of Tract along 19th street extension and on lands west of BNSF railroad. • Multi-modal transportation corridor along southern boundary. • New transportation corridors for 19th Street extension and proposed US 97 realignment.
IMPLEMENTATION Land Exchanges • Based upon the acquisition standards in the 2006-2016 Asset Management Plan, continue deliberations with Deschutes County and Oregon Military Department on a land exchange, lease, or combination of the two to accommodate County needs and siting of new armory. • Pursue land exchange with OPRD for entire 80-acre Juniper Scenic Wayside complex. Alternatively, seek to acquire all OPRD land on the east side of the railroad right-of-way and the parcel west of US Highway 97.
IMPLEMENTATION Transportation Improvements • Locate an extension of 19th Street based on draft Redmond TSP. • Coordinate with Redmond, County and ODOT on US Highway 97 Phase 2 Realignment. Pursue negotiation with ODOT for needed right-of-way. • Coordinate with Redmond, County and Resort to identify alignment for secondary Pronghorn access road that maximizes site development options while providing efficient circulation and safe access. • Cooperate in COACT rail planning, including the feasibility of rerouting the BNSF/UP railroad to the eastside of Redmond. • Ensure that planning and future development protect the utility of the railroad alignment.
IMPLEMENTATION Cooperative Planning • Consult with Deschutes County and DLCD regarding the establishment of an interim Urban Transition overlay designation for the Tract. • Monitor and participate in the Redmond and Deschutes County UGB and UAR amendment processes with the goal of inclusion of the entire Tract within the Redmond UGB. • Actively participate in Redmond’s infrastructure and capital improvement planning to ensure that City sewer, stormwater and water facilities are appropriately located and sized to serve urban-level development of the South Redmond Tract. • Continue to actively participate in the South Redmond Collaborative Group planning process.
IMPLEMENTATION Funding • Budget for a subsurface water reconnaissance study and initiate the process for obtaining water rights. • Budget for an increase in land management costs to control access; for site management functions such as vegetation management and trash removal; and to protect against wildfire and unauthorized uses such as firewood cutting, off-road vehicles, unregulated target shooting, temporary shelters and trash dumping. Responsiveness to Global Climate Change and Sustainability • Model responsiveness to global climate change and integrate sustainability into all aspects of planning and design. • Ensure that new transportation facilities serve as models for implementation of Governor’s initiative. • Aggressively pursue leading-edge solar energy production and utilization for sustainability and revenue generation purposes. • Apply a variety of sustainability principles to site planning and design.
IMPLEMENTATION Marketing • Develop marketing partnerships with EDCO and others. • Seek “Certified Industrial Site” status. Plan Updates • Update the Land Use and Management Plan every 5-8 years.
NEXT STEPS • Public review through June 30. • Land Board adoption anticipated in Fall, 2008. • EOA prepared by DSL in conjunction with Redmond, Deschutes County and DLCD. • UGB amendment process initiated by Redmond.