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NESDIS Report Information Update for TWG

This report provides updates on the NOAA GOES DCS program, including new support contractor, task monitoring, database management, and customer service activities. It highlights major operational and planning activities related to satellite data collection systems and transition planning.

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NESDIS Report Information Update for TWG

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  1. NESDIS ReportInformation Update for TWG Kay Metcalf NOAA GOES DCS Program Manager May 6, 2014

  2. DADDS Updates • What’s New • New Support Contractor for Management and Customer Service • SID Provides Customer Service assistance, Data Base Management Assistance, and Consulting (including Meeting Support) Assistance • NSOF Support Tested Steps for Consistency • Kay Metcalf is Task Monitor, Led Procurement Effort • Jason Dong is Data Base Administrator • Monitoring DADDS database • Helps with Monitoring and Supporting System at NSOF • Performs Queries for NOAA and Users • Valerie Randall Is Customer Service Support • Initiates System Use Agreement Processing • Sends out Notifications for Expiring SUA’s • Sending out Most Email Notifications from DADDS Mailing List • Performing Other Queries, Searches, etc. NOAA GOES DCS

  3. Major Activities DADDS has been Primary Focus Writing/Developing New Features ` Monitoring Daily Operations Developing and Implementing Configuration Management ProcessesF Populating Tables and Data Bases Planning CS2 Transition Planning DOMSAT Follow on and Transition to LRIT Planning HRIT (GOES-R era) Transition NOAA GOES DCS

  4. DOMSAT Status • Final Option of DOMSAT contract almost ending • New Combined Contract Activities Continue • 2014 funded by NOS, NOAA/NCDC, USBR and USACE • MOU’s set up for 2 BR, amended for USACE • NOS and NCDC funds directly tapped through procurement documents (means no MOU required) • 2014 Funding Sufficient (when completed) due to short term extensions. • NOAA/NESDIS Contributed $20k+ for year • STIWG to take to parent committee NOAA GOES DCS

  5. Operational Activities Major activities Continued Construction at NSOF and WCDA to prepare for GOES-R Launch expected 2016 Planning Repeat of 2013 NOAA Satellite Conference Presumably Washington DC Area Would like to Hold DCS TWG/STIWG week before to invite International Attendees NOAA GOES DCS

  6. GOES 15 Outage Some Continued Data Losses due to Ionospheric Scintillation (solar flares) but appear to have decreased (not disappeared yet) No apparent major data losses or failures within the last year Due to redundancy from WCDA, NSOF, EDDN, Others NOAA GOES DCS

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