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The 2010 Population and Housing Census

The 2010 Population and Housing Census. National Statistical Office, Thailand. 10-14 May 2010, Bangkok, Thailand. The Population and Housing Census. The first population census in Thailand was conducted in 1909-1910. The latest Population and Housing Census was carried out in 2000.

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The 2010 Population and Housing Census

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  1. The 2010 Population and Housing Census National Statistical Office, Thailand 10-14 May 2010, Bangkok, Thailand

  2. The Population and Housing Census • The first population census in Thailand was conducted in 1909-1910 • The latest Population and Housing Census was carried out in 2000

  3. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Planning Fiscal Year Major activities 2008-2009 Preparation ( all stages) 2010 Data Collection and Data Processing 2011 Report and Data Dissemination

  4. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Census Date • Set on 1 July, 2010 Questionnaire Form : two types • Listing form for countingthe number of population and dwelling unit • Enumeration formfor enumeratingbasic and more detailed characteristics of both population and housing

  5. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Pretest • 2007 : Tak and Chonburi Province Developing a survey technique and outreach strategy for incorporating migrant population (technical assistance by World Bank and IOM : International Organization for Migration)

  6. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Pilot Test • 2008 : Phitsanulok Province • 2009 : Bangkok to test all stages • Preparation and Planning • Data Collection • Data Processing

  7. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Data Collection Method • Multi-modal data collection (1-31 July) Face to Face interview Self-enumeration • dropped-off questionnaire • the telephone • the internet

  8. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Field Personnel • Supervisor : 9,000 person • Enumerator : 62,000 person (Total of enumeration area about 130,000 EAs) Training (intensive) • Master trainer : 4 days (2 times) • Supervisor : 4 days • Enumerator : 4 days

  9. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Data Processing • Data Capture : ICR • Data Coding & Editing • Data analysis • Tabulation

  10. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Data Dissemination • Publication • CD-Rom • Data Warehouse • Website: www.nso.go.th • GIS

  11. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Public Relation • To increase Local People and Organizations Participationin PHC • Cooperation with line Ministry, private sector and social network: MOU share resource persons and knowledge • Set up networking in special areas (chief of community, people in high building) • The Poster Contest in school; UNFPA (Except TV, radio and other media)


  13. Major Problems Encountered in 2000 Census • Undercount in the Bangkok Metropolis and other big cities • Undercount of international migrants • High turn over rate of enumerators and field staff • ICR System

  14. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Preparation • Calendar & Budget & Methodology • User Consultant • Field Operation: Mapping & Questionnaire design & Data Collection Method etc. • Census Test • Data Processing & Data Dissemination • Public Relation

  15. National Statistical Office National Statistical Office National Statistical Office Planning for 2010 PHC • Improve field operation in big cities • Increase local people and organizations participation in the PHC • Solve the problem on international migration • Improve data capturing/ processing/ data dissemination system • Improve the use of IT 15

  16. National Statistical Office National Statistical Office National Statistical Office • Improve Data Capturing/Processing • Install scanner at regions or cluster of provinces • Increase ICR system capacity • Improve data processing system 16

  17. National Statistical Office National Statistical Office National Statistical Office • Improve Data Dissemination System • Develop more user-friendly system : Census Info, Data Warehouse • Publish more analytical papers : collaborate research with academic institutions • Establish network with academic institutions :create more in-depth analysis of PHC results • Promote the use of PHC at national, provincial and local levels: micro data 17

  18. National Statistical Office National Statistical Office National Statistical Office • Solve the problem on international migration Developing a survey technique and outreach strategy for incorporating migrant population in Census, 2010.  Pilot study under technical assistance by World Bank and IOM (International Organization for Migration) 18

  19. National Statistical Office National Statistical Office National Statistical Office Plans for the 2010 Census Round Improve the Use of IT Field operations Data Capture and Processing Data Dissemination 19

  20. National Statistical Office National Statistical Office National Statistical Office Conclusion • Follow UN Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses • Improve the use of IT (Effective use of IT) • Improve ICR System • Set up networking in special areas • Set up local steering committee • Improve public relation 20

  21. Field Personnel • In Bangkok, all enumerators aretemporary employees,commune volunteers • In Municipal Area, enumerator are both employees and localvolunteers • In Non - Municipal Area, all enumerators are village volunteer, commune volunteer and others Supervisors : at least Bachelor degree Enumerators : at least senior secondary school level (Grade 11 or above)

  22. การนำเสนอผลและเผยแพร่ข้อมูลการนำเสนอผลและเผยแพร่ข้อมูล จัดทำรายงานผล รายงานผลเบื้องต้น ;3 เดือนหลังงานสนาม รายงานผลล่วงหน้า ;6 เดือนหลังงานสนาม รายงานผลฉบับสมบูรณ์ ; ปี 2554 (ทยอยทีละจังหวัด) นำเสนอข้อมูลผ่านทาง Web Site http://www.nso.go.th จัดทำ Web Page รายงานผล จัดทำคลังข้อมูลสถิติ (Data Warehouse) จัดทำระบบการนำเสนอข้อมูลด้วยแผนที่ (GIS) วิเคราะห์เฉพาะเรื่อง (ร่วมกับสถาบันการศึกษา) 22

  23. 1 Coverage Population included in the census coverage - All Thai residing in the country as of the census date. - Persons having their usual residence in Thailand and being temporarily away.

  24. Contd. Coverage - Government officials, both civilian and military, including Thai diplomatic personnel, and their families. - Civilian citizens of foreign countries having their usual residence in Thailand, or those who have resided in Thailand for at least three months.

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