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Kosovo War (1991-1999)

Kosovo War (1991-1999). What is the role of nationalism? Is Kosovo more Albanian? Serbian? Macedonian? What role does religion play in the conflict? What is the role of NATO? UN? Discuss the genocide/ethnic cleansing used during the conflict.

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Kosovo War (1991-1999)

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  1. Kosovo War (1991-1999) • What is the role of nationalism? • Is Kosovo more Albanian? Serbian? Macedonian? • What role does religion play in the conflict? • What is the role of NATO? UN? • Discuss the genocide/ethnic cleansing used during the conflict. • Discuss Kosovo’s recent independence in relationship to the conflict.

  2. Persian Gulf War (August 1990-February 1991) • Where did the conflict take place? • What border had been a major source of tension for several decades? • Who are the major groups/individuals involved in the conflict? • What were the causes of the conflict? • What did Iraq do that got the attention of the international community? • Why did the United States and the United Nations get involved? • HOW did the conflict play out? What happened? • What are some effects of the conflict? • What did the Bush administration consider doing after liberation? • What was the relationship like between Iraq and its neighbors and between Iraq and the U.S. / UN, 1991-2003?

  3. War in Iraq (March 2003- Present) • Where did the conflict take place? • What were the causes of the conflict? • What was the main reason for U.S. involvement in Iraq? • What other reasons have people given for U.S. involvement in Iraq? • What were the goals of the war? • Who are the major groups/individuals involved in the conflict? • Who did the U.S. and supporting nations defeat to take over Iraq? • What has the UN’s stance been on the situation in Iraq? • What nations have deployed troops to Iraq? • What rival religious groups have increasingly fought each other during the war? • Name several enemies of the United States in Iraq. • HOW did the conflict play out? What happened? • What are some key events of the Iraq War (government elections, major battles, casualty milestones, troop surges)? • What are some positive and negative effects of the war on Iraq (government, infrastructure, military, economy, civilian casualties)? • What are some effects of the war on the U.S. (economy, military, government, international relations)?

  4. Genocide in Darfur, Sudan • What are the underlying causes for the genocide in Darfur? How and why did it start? • Discuss the argument between the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Sudanese Government. • What role has the Sudanese Government played throughout the conflict? • What role has the United Nations played throughout the conflict? • Discuss the criticism of the international response.

  5. Genocide in Rwanda • How did colonial rule transform Rwandan society? • Why are the Hutus and Tutsis in conflict? • What string of events occurred in Rwanda after the Belgians left? • What is the role of the United Nations in Rwanda? • Has the conflict been resolved? If so, how? • What are the long-term effects of the genocide on Rwanda? • What is the legacy of the Rwandian Genocide?

  6. Iranian Revolution • How did oil wealth influence and transform the Middle East during the 20th century? How did it create conflict? • Why was the shah unpopular? • Why did people turn to the leadership of Khomeini? • What events unfolded after the shah traveled to the US for cancer treatments? • How was the Iranian Hostage Crisis resolved? • How did the Revolution affect the Islamic world in its immediate aftermath during the late 1970s/early 1980s? • What has been the lasting legacy of the Revolution to the present day?

  7. Iran-Iraq War • What caused the conflict to erupt? • To what extent did the legacy of conflicts between historical empires in the region (Assyrian, Persian, Ottoman, etc.) shape the war? • How did the recent Islamic Revolution in Iran influence the conflict? • What tactics were used during the war? • What was the role of weapons of mass destruction? • What role did the US play during the conflict? Who did it support and why? Iran-Contra Affair? • What role did the Soviet Union play in the conflict? • Who won? What was the immediate aftermath of the war? • How did the relationship between Iran and Iraq change? What was its legacy?

  8. Bosnian War • What was the ethnic/religious composition of Bosnia? How did this help make it a center of conflict? • Discuss the role of the ethnic cleansing during the war. Who carried it out against which population and what was its purpose? • Discuss the role of mass rape during the conflict. • Why did the UN intervene and what role did UN forces play? • In particular, what role did the UN play in the conflict? • Discuss the agreements made at the Dayton Accords. • What have been the lasting consequences of this war on the region? • What are the possibilities for a reigniting of conflict in the Balkans?

  9. India and Pakistan- Nuclear proliferation • What role did the post-WWII British withdrawal from the subcontinent? • Discuss the development of nuclear weapons in both nations (when, why, how). • What is the estimated nuclear strength of both nations? • Why are 1998, 2001 and 2008 turning points in the conflict? • What is the role of terrorist organizations in the conflict? Consider the Al Qaeda and the recent Mumbai attacks. • What role does Iran play in the conflict? the United States?

  10. Current war in Afghanistan • Explain how the Soviet invasion in 1979 affects current events. • What role did the Taliban play until its collapse in 2001? • Why did the US and coalition forces invade Afghanistan? • What does oil have to do with the conflict? • Who wants to rule Afghanistan (inside and outside of the nation) and why? • Explain the issues related to the current stabilization efforts. • Discuss the issues involved in westernizing Afghanistan.

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