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Free Kicks: Positioning, Rules, and Enforcement

This article covers the positioning, rules, and enforcement of free kicks in football, including onside kicks and scrimmage kicks. It also provides information on the restrictions and mechanics for both Team A and Team B. The text is in English.

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Free Kicks: Positioning, Rules, and Enforcement

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  1. KICKS Anefo September 25, 2017 Kevin Chapman & Brian Harrison

  2. Agenda 1. Free Kicks • Positioning • Rules/Enforcement • Onside Kicks • Scrimmage Kicks • Positioning • Rules/Enforcement • Tries

  3. Free Kicks Brian Harrison

  4. Free Kicks • Positioning & Mechanics H R U Press Box B L

  5. H • Team A: • 1. 4 players on either side of ball • 2. All players: • Within the 9’s after RFP • Starting within 5yds. of ball (exc. the player who kicks the ball) • Behind ball when kicked(exc. Kicker/holder) • All inbounds • Ball on/between the hash marks on the restraining line • Illegal procedure/offside – 5yds. • Team B: • 1. All inbounds • 2. All behind restraining line when kicked • Legal Formation K L

  6. H U • Cannot touch until: • The ball hits a Team B player • The ball breaks plane of B’s restraining line and remains beyond • Touches anything beyond B’s restraining line • Illegal Touch: • Team B may take at touch spot unless: • Accepted foul, or • Offsetting fouls • Team A Restrictions K • Cannot block until: • Team A is eligible to touch the ball • Illegal Block – 5yds. • Can catch or recover ball, but cannot return a free kick B L

  7. H U • U and L • Check for legal formation • Officiate Restraining Line as a plane • Observe: • Action on the kicker • Illegal Blocks (flag) • Illegal Touch (beanbag) • Onside Kick Mechanics K • H and B • No Team B in buffer zone • Observe: • Illegal Blocks • Illegal Touch • Fair catch/KCI • Wind clock • Kill play if Team A recovers B L

  8. Onside Kick Example

  9. Cannot step out of bounds • Must remain out of bounds or immediately return if forced OOB • Illegal Procedure – 5yds. Team A Restrictions (Ball in Play)

  10. Cannot kick the ball out of bounds before it is touched by Team B • Penalty Enforcement: • 1. 5 yards from previous spot and rekick • 2. 5 yards from dead ball spot (on inbound hash) • 3. 30 yards beyond Team A’s restraining line (usually Team B 30) • Suggested Mechanics: • Drop flag at OOB spot • Relay to upfield official the yard line (26 yd. line or closer) • Official covering sideline gives offended team only two options • Covering official signals • Give Illegal Procedure signal for rekick • Potpourri: • Team B player who, while inbounds, leaps and catches a free kick inbounds but lands out of bounds is OOB. Penalty for kickoff OOB unless another Team B player has touched. • Team B player who catches a free kick with one foot OOB is deemed to be OOB. It is a Penalty for kickoff OOB even if ball was caught in bounds. Team A Restrictions (Ball in Play)

  11. Cannot block kicker until: • Has gone 5 yds. beyond restraining line, or • Kick has touched something • Illegal Block – 15yds. Team B Restrictions (Ball in Play) • Cannot form an illegal wedge • Definition • 1. 3+ members • 2. Shoulder-to-shoulder • 3. Within 2 yds. of each other • Illegal Block – 15 yds. • Any time after it is kicked • Foul even with no contact

  12. Team A Kickers Team B Receivers Free Kick – Penalty Enforcement All foulsExcept KCI All Others KCI Block After Fair Catch Previous Spot Spot Foul SpotFoul Team B Possesses Team A Possesses PreviousSpot PreviousorTack-on

  13. Scrimmage Kicks Kevin Chapman

  14. New for 2017 • Rule Change: • Leaping (9-1-11-b) • A defensive player who runs forward from beyond the NZ may not leap or hurdlein an obvious attempt to block a FG or try. It is not a foul if at the snap: • Player was (1) stationary and (2) within 1 yd. of the LOS

  15. Scrimmage Kicks • Positioning & Mechanics H B R B K X U Press Box L

  16. Definitions • Scrimmage Kick: • Kick made in or behind the NZ • Punt, drop kick, or place kick (for a field goal/try) Illegal Kick – entire body beyond the NZ (whistle!) 5yds. Previous spot and LOD • Scrimmage Kick Formation: • At least 1 player 10yds. behind NZ • No player in position to receive hand-to-hand

  17. Punt Block • Ball crossed the NZ? • NZ is extended 3yds. NO YES • Either Team Can Recover & Advance • Team A: • Run • Pass • Kick Again • Continuity of Downs NOT broken • Either Team Can Catch or Recover • ONLY Team B can advance • Team A cannot be first to touch: • Illegal Touch Violation • Beanbag A’s touch, but keep officiating! • Continuity of Downs IS broken • No more line to gain • Kick OOB ALWAYS belongs to B unless an accepted penalty is enforced

  18. Team A Kickers Team B Receivers Scrimmage Kick – Penalty Enforcement All foulsExcept KCI All Others: 1. Roughing 2. Running 3. Leaping 4. Leverage 5. Fouls at snap KCI PSK • IF: • Ball crosses NZ • Foul During Kick • B possesses at end SpotFoul Team B Possesses Team A Possesses PreviousSpot PreviousorTack-on PreviousSpot Basic Spot is End of Kick (BEANBAG!) • Fouls by Team A in own EZ is a SAFETY

  19. Kick Catch Interference • All Team B players must have legitimate and unmolested opportunity to catch a kick • Applies to Free Kicks and Scrimmage Kicks • Applies on Onside Kicks where ball is kicked immediately off the ground and pops up • “Mini Halo” – No team A player can enter area: • Width of receiver’s shoulder • Extending 1 yard in front • KCI is judgment call of covering official, but: • Contact with a receiver before the ball arrives is KCI • Contact simultaneous with arrival of the ball is KCI • Causing a returner to alter or adjust route the ball is KCI • Philosophy: • Contact not necessary but do not over officiate – 15 yd. penalty • Does not matter if receiver gave fair catch signal • Does not matter if receiver caught the ball • If Team A tackles – not an additional penalty unless UNR

  20. Fair Catches INVALID VALID • Extending 1 hand (only) above head, and • Waving side to side more than once • Any signal that doesn’t qualify as a valid fair catch. (e.g. “get away”),or • 2. Any signal after: • Ball hits the ground • Ball is touched by a player • Ball already caught/recovered

  21. Fair Catches INVALID • Ball is still dead once caught, but • 2.No protection from being tackled (KCI still possible), and • 3. No opp’y. to complete catch VALID • Afforded Protection from being contacted/tackled after catch • 2. Protection continues even if muffed into the air (“unimpeded opp’y. to complete catch”) • 3. Ball dead once caught • 4. 15 yd. penalty • In either case, B can foul by: • Deliberately advancing the ball (DOG – 5 yds.) (WHISTLE!) • Signaler cannot commit ANY foul after signaling (n.b.15 yds. for ANY foul PSK or spot foul)

  22. Other Kick Rules • Field Goals • Unsuccessful, beyond NZ, untouched by B Spot is previous spot or 20 yd. line • Team B may not line up 3 defenders, shoulder-to-shoulder, moving forward, with contact against single Team A player (5yds. Previous spot) • Team B may not run into or rough the kicker or holder (kicker loses protection outside tackle box) (no foul if B is legally OR illegally blocked into)

  23. How to Get to Officiate a Super Bowl? READ The Rules!!!!

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