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Evaluate the conditions that existed in France that allowed Napoleon to rise to power

Day 69-71 Objectives. Evaluate the conditions that existed in France that allowed Napoleon to rise to power Judge the PERSIAGM impact of Napoleon on France and Europe Chronicle the fall of Napoleon from 1812 to 1815. Napoleon’s Peak. Who is part of it? How did Napoleon do thi s?

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Evaluate the conditions that existed in France that allowed Napoleon to rise to power

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day 69-71 Objectives • Evaluate the conditions that existed in France that allowed Napoleon to rise to power • Judge the PERSIAGM impact of Napoleon on France and Europe • Chronicle the fall of Napoleon from 1812 to 1815

  2. Napoleon’s Peak • Who is part of it? • How did Napoleon do this? • 1 million men • How did he break this land up? • What impact did his empire make on European People?

  3. Napoleon & PERSIA • How did Napoleon run his empire • Politically • Socially • Jews in France • Economically • Religiously • Intellectually? • Metric System 1799 • All of these policies are actually very similar to a political policy we will learn later

  4. What will ruin Napoleon?? • Nationalism in Europe • You are a Spaniard, German, Pole…what do you think of Napoleon? • What will you do then? • Love of own “people.” Who needs a little self-love and confidence at this time? • _____can’t be defeated • #1 enemy GB

  5. France vs GB • 1805… • Battle of Trafalgar

  6. Napoleon then tries… • Continental system… • GB answers… • What might Europeans think now?

  7. 1812... The beginning of the end for Napoleon

  8. Napoleon vs Russia 1812 • Russia backs out of Continental System • Napoleon builds 600K army to invade Russia • Russia never engages in DIRECT BATTLES (except Borodino) • Why? Connection to today? • Russia retreats and uses “scorched earth” policy • French hungry and travel deeper and deeper into Russia

  9. September in Moscow NO FOOD!

  10. October The snowy Road back To France

  11. Retreat from Russia • 600K go into Russia (Napoleon’s best troops) • 40-100K come home

  12. Europe Capitalizes • Why is this the best time? • What old analogy/theme is used again… • German Nationalism unleashed…want war!!! • Klemens von Metternich, Austrian foreign minister is a powerful enemy to Napoleon • Napoleon offered peace offer to avoid war • Napoleon rejects it • Major Battle to ensue

  13. Battle of Leipzig...1813 • Russia, Austria and Prussia beat France • 200K (young+old) to 400K • 2ndmajor defeat for Napoleon

  14. Napoleon loses • Enemies close in on France after the victory • Suicide potion expires • Napoleon ABDICATES the French Throne • Exiled to island of Elba, off Italy

  15. France after Napoleon • Monarchy brought back by monarchs of Europe • Louis XVIII • Brother of Louis XVI • Fear of return to old regime makes his reign short

  16. March 1815 Napoleon returns to Paris

  17. Napoleon’s 100 Days • Escapes Elba • Bloodless retake of France • Louis XVIII flees • European Coalition reassemble forces for final battle…want… • Balance of Power • Napoleon offers truce • Rejected • Napoleon rushes to assemble army

  18. Battle of Waterloo June 18, 1815

  19. Battle of Waterloo • GB and Prussia defeat Napoleon • If only it didn’t rain for Napoleon • Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (GB) beats the man he studied for years • Napoleon abdicates throne again • Exiled to St. Helena until death

  20. ArthurWellesleyDuke ofWellington

  21. St. Helena… Where Napoleon will live the last 6 years of his life until his death in 1821

  22. Napoleon returns to France

  23. Napoleon’sFinalRestingPlace

  24. Napoleon’s Tomb

  25. Congress of Vienna 1815 • Austria hosts (Vienna) • Goals • Restore stability in Europe (for who?) • Bring Europe back to before 1792…what gov? • Conservatism… • Balance of Power… • Stability will be maintained by alliance of monarchs…how? • Will police Europe for any signs of…

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