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The RAICES Program aims to enhance national scientific and technological capacities by fostering connections with Argentinean researchers abroad, promoting their return to Argentina. The program includes a scientific database, seminars, and initiatives for repatriation of scientists. It seeks to improve sector competitiveness and promote knowledge-based enterprises in key areas such as energy, health, and biotechnology.

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  2. Execution National Science and Technology System INTA CONAE Promotion INTI Articulation IAA Planning and Policy Making INIDEP Federalization CNEA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Economy Public Universities INA Ministry of Education Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation National Government Ministry of Federal Panning Promotion Provincial Organizations SEGEMAR Private Demand Council Social Demand Council Planning and Policy Making Provincial Government Executive Provincial Organizations Ministry of Defense INPRES SECYT Ministry of Health CONICET ANPCYT CITEFA Promotion Private Universities GACTEC COFECYT CICYT Non-Profit Organizations Companies IGM CONICET ANPCYT Other Institutions Other Institutions ANLIS

  3. MISSION Give answers to social and sectorial problems to improve society´s life quality Increase sector competitive productivity, based on the development of a new development model Promote the creation of knowledge-based enterprises

  4. Energy Agroindustry Health Social Development Biotechnology ICTs Nanotechnology STRATEGIC AREAS

  5. Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Secretariat of Planning and Policies in Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Secretariat of Scientific and Technological Articulation. National Directorate of International Relations CONICET ANPCyT

  6. The Program: “Network of Argentinean Researchers and Scientists living Abroad” RAICES has been implemented as a State Policy Act Nº 26.421

  7. AIMS To Strengthen national scientific and technological capacities by developing linkages with Argentinean Researchers residing abroad. To promote the stay of researchers in the country and encourage the return of those interested in developing their activities in Argentina.

  8. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS Scientific Database • It is estimated that between 6,000 and 7,000 Argentinean scientists and technologists are residing abroad. • The RAICES Program database comprises data corresponding to 4,500 researchers.

  9. Argentinean Scientists and Technologists Residing Abroad Distribution as per Geographical Area Asia 2% Oceania 1% North Europe 32% Africa 0,8% America 39% Central America0,22% South America 25%

  10. Argentinean Scientists and Technologists Residing Abroad Distribution as per Country Others 17% Israel 1% USA 30% Mexico 2% Italy 3% United Kingdom 3% Canada 4% Brazil 21% Germany 5% Spain 6% France 8%

  11. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS Highly qualified professional offer Dissemination of the working interest of highly qualified professionals residing abroad throughout the scientific, technological and entrepreneurial sectors. Information Network Communication of information and employment opportunities in the Argentinean Scientific and Technological Area. Science and Technology Bulletin distributed fortnightly

  12. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS Seminars – Scientific Meetings • Implementation of seminars and meetings aimed at promoting knowledge transfer among Argentineans living in the country and those living abroad. Total: 16 • Seminar: “Disruption and Reconstruction of Argentinean Science” 2007 • International Workshop of the RAICES Program Road to the Bicentennial: “Experiences and policies related to migration of scientists and technologists in MERCOSUR” December 11 and 12 2008

  13. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS Repatriation of ScientistsCONICET - Reintegration Postdoctoral Fellowships ANPCyT - Research and Development Projects for the Return of Researchers (PIDRI)Return grants Repatriated Researchers: 745

  14. Repatriated as per gender Women 41% Men 59%

  15. Distribution of the Repatriated As per Continent Europe 44% America 53% Oceania 2% Asia 1%

  16. Repatriated Researchers Europe (44% of the total number) Switzerland 4% Holland 2% Spain 32% Italy 9% United Kingdom 12% Sweden 2% Germany 15% France 21% Finland 1% Austria 1% Denmark 1%

  17. Repatriated Researchers America (53% of the total amount) Mexico 5% Brazil 10% Canada 8% Chile 3% Colombia / Peru /Uruguay 1% USA 73%

  18. Repatriated as per Provinces Tierra del Fuego Neuquén Jujuy Catamarca La Rioja Chaco Misiones San Luis San Juan Salta Corrientes Entre Rios La Pampa Chubut Mendoza Tucumán Río Negro Santa Fe Córdoba Buenos Aires CABA 0 50 100 150 200 250

  19. Returns as per Institution Official Entities 17% Private Entities 5% National Universities 49% CONICET 26% Private Universities 3%

  20. PIDRI as per Institution Official Entities 8% PrivateUniversities 6% NationalUniversities 86%

  21. Distribution of Repatriated Researchers as per Knowledge Areas Technology 3% Agricultural Sciences Social Sciences and Engineering and Humanities 13% Materials 14% Exact and Natural Health and Biological Sciences 33% Sciences 37%

  22. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS Dr. César Milstein Grant • Total approved: 105 • Under consideration and evaluation: 3

  23. Rate of Visits as per Geographical Distribution Entre Ríos 2% Tucumán 2% Salta 2% San Juan 2% Others 3% Corrientes 3% Río Negro 3% CABA 42% Mendoza 4% Santa Fe 5% Córdoba 12% Buenos Aires 20%

  24. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS Network Calls 2004 - 2009 • Call 2004: 14 approved networks • Call 2005/2006: 4 approved networks • Call 2006/2007: 8 approved networks • Call 2008/2009: 6 approved networks

  25. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS SEED FUNDS - MyPES Call for projects of micro and small technology-based enterprises • Call 2008/2009, 3 projects approved in Biotechnology and CIT´s

  26. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS PICT - RAICES Scientific and Technological Research Projects - ANPCyT • Scientific and Technological Research Project including a RAICES Program member in the responsible group 2006: 13 submitted projects, 8 approved 2007: 79 submitted projects, 29 approved 2008: 29 submitted projects, 9 approved

  27. GUIDELINES AND RESULTS Subprogram Back to Work MINCyT – MRECIC Cooperation Agreement to disseminate employment opportunities with foundations and private sector enterprises TECHINT - TECPETROL - SIDERCA - SIDERAR - CORE IBM - ARCOR - ACEITERA GENERAL DEHEZA (AGD) VOLKSWAGEN ARGENTINA - DU PONT – CIPIBIC INTEL - CAMARCO - ADIMRA

  28. Advisory Committee for International Programs of Scientific and Technological Cooperation Abroad. • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. • United States of America • Canada • Spain

  29. R@ices Program www.raices.mincyt.gov.ar raices@mincyt.gov.ar National Directorate of International Relations Córdoba Av, 831, 4 floor (1054) CABA Phone: 4891-8470/73 www.mincyt.gov.ar

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