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The Church in Medieval times. ´ Making sense ´ of the Estates system Providing services to society Preserving knowledge. Power. Economic - powerful landowner Political - Kings had divine power , so they needed Popes´ support
TheChurch in Medieval times ´Makingsense´ of theEstatessystem Providingservicestosociety Preservingknowledge
Power • Economic- powerfullandowner • Political- • Kings haddivinepower, so theyneeded Popes´ support • Estatessystemwas ´supported/explained´ byreligion
The Church was divided functionally into the ordinary clergy, who are referred to as secular because they minister to the needs of secular people, and the monastics, who are referred to as regular because they are regulated by monastic rules. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_the_social_structure_of_medieval_times#ixzz1daELc4k2 Clergy Secular Regular Weresecluded (monks& nuns) awayfrom secular people Monastries & Abbeys Followedrules of theirorder (someindependencefromthe Pope) : clothes, tasks, dailytimetable. Studied Prayed Copiedtexts (amanuensis) • Took care of secular people daily • Churches • Celebrated Mass • Celebrated rites (baptism, weddings,ect)
Hierarchies in the Church • Secular • Pope in Rome or Patriarch of Constantinople Cardinals (Roman Church), archbishops who could elect a new pope Archbishops (Roman Church), senior bishops Bishops, heads of dioceses, which consisted of geographical groups of churches Priests of local churches Deacons, lower order in local churches • Regular • Pope or Patriarch Grand Master, heads of monastic order, which could be worldwide in scope Abbots, heads of local monasteries Monks, who were the members of monasteries Novices, training to become monks
Monastic Rule:Monks lifestyle (1) • The daily life of Medieval monks in the Middle Ages were based on the three main vows: • The Vow of Poverty • The Vow of Chastity • The Vow of Obediencevow: voto • The life of medieval monks were filled with the following work and chores: • Washing and cooking for the monastery • Raising the necessary supplies of vegetables and grain • Reaping, Sowing, Ploughing, Binding and Thatching, Haymaking and Threshing • Producing wine, ale and honey • Providingmedical care for the community • Providing education for boys and novices • Copyingthe manuscripts of classical authors • Providing hospitality for pilgrims
Monks lifestyle (2) • The times of these prayers were called by the following names - Matins,Lauds,Prime,Terce,Sext,Nones,Vespers andCompline.Matins : the night office; the service recited at 2 am in the divine officePrime : The 6am serviceVespers : the evening service of divine office, recited before dark (4 - 5pm)Compline : the last of the day services of divine office, recited before retiring (6pm)Any work was immediately ceased at these times of daily prayer. The monks were required to stop what they were doing and attend the services. • The food of the monks was generally basic and the mainstay of which was bread and meat. The beds they slept on were pallets filled with straw.
Amanuensis monk • Copyingreligious and scientifictexts (Bibles, prayerbooks, astronomytexts) • Preservingknowledge (fromtheClassic Era: Greek and Romandiscoveries) • Copyingimportantworksbycontemporaryreligiousthinkers (phylosophy)
Where did the regular clergy live? • The monastery was the religious home of a group of monks. Many monasteries were built across Europe in medieval times. • A nunnery was the religious home for a group of nuns. An abbey is simply another name for a monastery where the head person was called an abbot (male) or abbess (female). Apriory is another name for a monastery where the head person was called a prior.
Religion- regulating daily life Religion was important for people in medieval times and was part of the daily structure for many of them. Each village had a church and many monasteries were built all across Europe. Kings, Queen and nobles of the time gave donations to the Church in exchange for blessings and for forgiveness for their wrong-doings. The Church looked after the poor and the sick were taken care of in monasteries. Without books and the ability to read, preachers were the only source of information about God and the scriptures. The insides of churches were not white as we see them today but would have been covered in brightlycoloured pictures showing stories from the Bible. It was common for people to choose to dedicate their lives to the Church.
Benedictine Monks-an important medieval order Saint Benedict founded several monasteries in Italy in the early sixth century (A.D. 500 ? A.D. 550). Benedict devised a series of rules that had to be followed by his monks. These rules became known as the Benedictine Order. The rules were easy to follow and were adopted in many other countries as well. The monks had to obey three vows; poverty, chastity and obedience. This protected them from the deceits of the World, the lust of the flesh and the snares of the devil. Their day was divided into three parts.: 1st devoted to services in the church; 2nd devoted to work in the cloisters, reading, writing and meditation 3rd devoted to manual labour, to help in the gardens or the infirmary. The Benedictine monks were known as the 'Black Monks' because of the colour of their clothing.
What happened when? Key dates: 476—Fall of Rome 814—Death of Charlemagne 1215—Magna Carta & 4th Lateran Council 1347-1349—Great Plague 1517—Martin Luther publishes 95 theses 1492—Columbus