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ICT Futures. Niel McLean Executive Director for Educational Practice, Becta. Standards. Use ICT to transform learning and raise standards across the curriculum. Innovation. Use ICT to transform schools and how they network, improving their effectiveness. Inclusion.
ICT Futures Niel McLean Executive Director for Educational Practice, Becta
Standards Use ICT to transform learning and raise standards across the curriculum. Innovation Use ICT to transform schools and how they network, improving their effectiveness. Inclusion Use ICT to provide universal access to educational opportunities. Skills Provide learners with skills for future employment, lifelong learning and to engage in ICT-rich society. Four main objectives
A vision A world-class education system that addresses both individuals’ needs for learning throughout their lives and the collective needs for an educated, engaged society.
ICT’s contribution • Personalise content sources and resources allowing those appropriate to each learners individual needs to be effectively identified, modified used and reused. • Provide pathways through that content which can be personalised to the needs of each learner and easily or automatically modified to take account of progress. • Present a range of interfaces to the content which are appropriate to the level and ability of the individual learner.
ICT’s contribution • Provide collaborative tools which provide new, interesting and powerful mechanisms for communication and collaboration. • Facilitate effective assessment and reporting tools which are flexible, adaptive, powerful, make minimal bureaucratic demands on teaching and non-teaching staff, and allow for a detailed understanding of the progress being made by individual learners, groups of learners, within and between institutions. • It provides flexibility about when and where to learn and about who to learn with.
Recognize the new technologies, their products and applications. Use the new technological tools to support learning, work and life. Apply the new technologies to produce new ‘products’ and services. Make critical judgments about the new technologies, their products and their impacts. Recognize the impact of the new technologies on how we think. Five technological capabilities Awareness User Maker Evaluator Holistic Prof. David Layton
Views of ICT learning Learner as ‘consumer’ - where educational content is ‘delivered’ to the learner. Learner as ‘producer’ - where the learner is provided with the tools to engage. ICT is not simply a ‘conduit for content’ but a powerful tool for thinking. Gareth Mills QCA
Techniques Facts Saving files, justifying text, entering a formula, clicking on an icon, entering a URL in a browser, cut and paste, click and drag, copying a file inserting an image, opening a file Processes Capability The T.A.C model Black/Harrison
Pedagogy and ICT • Bringing together the ‘right’: • teaching methods • technology and resources • classroom and lesson organisation • in a way that • addresses individual learning needs • to • meet teaching and learning objectives.
Pedagogy • Bringing together the ‘right’: • teaching methods • technology and resources • classroom and lesson organisation • addressing individual learning needs • to meet teaching and learning objectives.
Pedagogy • Objective: • teaching ICT capability • applying ICT capability in a subject context • teaching subject objectives that relate to ICT capability • teaching subject objectives using ICT as a teaching and learning tool.
Pedagogy • The Learner: • Kolb’s learning styles • Multiple intelligences • Bloom’s taxonomy • Aptitude and ability
Pedagogy • Teaching methods: • demonstrating • modelling • questioning • providing ‘authentic’ experiences • judging • giving feedback
Pedagogy • Speed • Automation • Capacity • Range • Provisionallity • Interactivity • Dynamic modelling • Re-representation • Communication • Non-linearity
Pedagogy • Organising the class • Creating an effective learning environment • Whole class, group, pair, individuals • Lesson structure • Managing time and pace • Supporting collaboration • Managing learning • Monitor learning • Extend beyond the lesson
Learner Needs Teaching Objective Methods Technology Organisation Another way of looking at it • Effective pedagogy builds a bridge between the learner and the teaching objective.: The three supports.
The educational workforce • build capacity and capability within the educational workforce by allowing teachers and lecturers to teach more effectively – an effective workforce • provide new opportunities for others within the educational workforce to support teachers, and extending their reach beyond the school – an out-reaching workforce • provide access to continuing professional development and link learners, teachers, lecturers and other members of the educational workforce in communities of professional practice – a networked workforce
Some background: Levels of ICT usage in teaching • Higher percentage of staff in primary schools than in secondary schools use ICT on a regular basis for teaching
Levels of ICT usage in administration • Majority of teaching staff in all schools using ICT regularly for administrative purposes
Transformed schools transform the ways in which learning is provided through new institutional models – effective schools break down existing barriers between schools, the communities they serve, phases of education, and ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ learning – engaged schools extend their offerings beyond the traditional limits of time, geography and culture – extended schools
Impact on ‘standards’ Primary schools with good ICT resourcestended to have higher achievementthan schools with unsatisfactory ICT.
When schools with similar quality of leadership were compared with those with good ICT resources still tended to have better achievements than schools with unsatisfactory ICT.
When schools in similarsocio-economic circumstanceswere compared, schools with good ICT resources still tended to have better achievements than schools with unsatisfactory ICT. Findings were similar across all subjects.
A developing model ICT enablers ICT resources ICT resources ICT deployed appropriately General teaching Good ICT learning opportunities ICT teaching Increased attainment in ICT ICT used effectively in classrooms for learning General leadership Improved learning ICT leadership Improved outcomes
Correlation Coefficient = .65 Correlation Coefficient = .63 Factors must all be in place
Number of ICT enablers in Number of ICT enablers in primary schools secondary schools 25% 25% 20% 20% 15% 15% proportion of schools proportion of schools 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of ICT enablers Number of ICT enablers Distribution of crucial factors
SCOOLS ARE ‘DATA RICH’ • Bringing together management, administration, teaching and learning. • Individual level: to ‘know’ pupils better, set targets, involve others • Classroom level: to evaluate practice • School level: support strategic decision making • Between schools: share practice • National level: ‘benchmark’ data
High Five. Redefinition & innovative use Four. Network redesign & embedding Degree of transformation Three. Process redesign Two. Internal Coordination One. Localised use High Low Range of potential benefits Developing schools Source MIT
Transformed system ensuring that innovation and effective practice spread throughout the system - an innovative system capturing and communicating information on the system’s performance, allowing intelligent accountability, where the locality both informs and influences the centre, and the centre adds value to the locality - a high-performing system
Beyond bi-polarism • Pole 1: Benevolent Centralism • Pole 2: Innovatory entrepreneurship • A new synthesis: knowledge generating communities harnessing the power of local innovation to meet a national agenda.
changing opportunities for learners developing role of teacher changing relationship between school and home creating communities. Opportunities: