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Structure and Productivity of Aquatic Systems. Functional Lake Zones. Pelagial. Living Things in Lakes. Distribution & abundance of living things in lake controlled by physical and chemical conditions in different zones. Organic Matter in Lakes.
Functional Lake Zones Pelagial
Living Things in Lakes • Distribution & abundance of living things in lake controlled by physical and chemical conditions in different zones
Organic Matter in Lakes • Living things make up only small portion of organic matter in lakes • Most is in form of non-living detritus • Both particulate and dissolved
Organic Matter in Lakes • In most lakes, dissolved organic matter is 10 X more abundant than particulate • Living things make up small portion of particulate • Detritus is habitat & energy resource for living things
Organic Matter in Lakes • Much of the organic production of photosynthesis within a system is not consumed, but becomes part of detritus reserve
Primary Producers in Lakes • 3 major categories of primary producers: • Phytoplankton • Photic zone throughout lake • Generally small, unicellular or colonial organisms
Primary Producers in Lakes • Emergent macrophytes • Shallow portions of littoral zone • Roots and lower portions in water, tops above water surface
Primary Producers in Lakes • Submersed macrophytes • Deeper portions of littoral zone • Completely underwater
Productivity Hierarchy • Emergents most productive (Carbon fixed/area/year) • More productive than terrestrial grassland, forest • Submersed much less productive • Phytoplankton least productive
Phytoplankton • Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae • Important nitrogen fixers • High densities in late-summer • Odor (and taste) problems
Phytoplankton Desmids • Green algae • Tremendous diversity • Planktonic, but can be attached, benthic (often filamentous)
Phytoplankton • Golden-brown algae • Low diversity, but can be important segment of phytoplankton • Dinobryon important under low P conditions
Phytoplankton • Diatoms • Very important group • Planktonic and attached forms • Cell walls with silica -- maximum abundance in spring when silica is most abundant
Phytoplankton • Cryptomonads • Extremely small • May reach high densities during cold periods with low light intensities (winter under ice)
Phytoplankton • Dinoflagellates • Unicellular, flagellated, with spines • Strict requirements for Ca, pH, temperature, dissolved organics
Phytoplankton • Some exhibit cyclomorphosis - seasonal change in size & form • Ceratium - more spines, longer spines, more divergent spines as water temperature increases • Reduce sinking rate out of photic zone in less viscous water
Phytoplankton • Euglenoids • Unicellular • Most abundant in areas with high ammonia, dissolved organics • Shallow farm ponds in cow pastures
Paradox of the Plankton • Lakes usually have a few dominant species and many rarer species • Theoretically should have only single dominant species (niche overlap leads to competitive exclusion)
Paradox of the Plankton • Multispecies equilibrium in open waters • 4 possible explanations:
Paradox of the Plankton • Environmental change too rapid for competitive exclusion to occur • Symbiotic relations among species (commensalism) • Selective grazing on competitive dominants by zooplankton (size-based) • Some species alternating between plankton and benthos • Not truly competing with pure planktonic forms
Phytoplankton andWater Quality • Assemblage indicates level of nutrient enrichment • Desmids and certain diatoms in nutrient-poor systems • Different diatoms, greens, and blue-greens dominate as enrichment increases
Phytoplankton andEnvironmental Factors • Temperature and light control type, abundance of plankton • Diatoms have lower temperature optimum, blue-greens higher optimum
Phytoplankton andEnvironmental Factors • Many can adapt to changing light intensities • Chlorella changes pigments per cell to maintain same rate of photosynthesis • Blue-greens regulate gas pressure in vacuoles to position themselves at depth with optimum light intensities
Phytoplankton andEnvironmental Factors • Some phytoplankton experience photoinhibition • High light intensities near lake surface may temporarily destroy enzymes and decrease photosynthesis • Sunny days - less photosynthesis near surface than at greater depths
Phytoplankton - Seasonal Succession • Changes in light, nutrients, temperature drive a shift in phytoplankton during the year
Phytoplankton - Seasonal Succession • Low growth in winter • Diatoms and cryptophytes dominate in spring • Greens take over in summer, joined or replaced by blue-greens as N runs low in productive lakes • Less productive lakes - few greens, blue-greens, only peaks of diatoms spring and fall (silica)
Phytoplankton - Seasonal Succession • Seasonal abundance varies much more in temperate (1000 X) than in tropical (5 X) lakes, but total populations are much greater in tropical lakes • Selective grazing by zooplankton can influence succession • Eating some, providing nutrients for others
Phytoplankton - Nutrient Enrichment • Enrichment can greatly increase productivity (per volume) up to a point • Eventually self-shading develops and thickness of photic zone reduced • Inhibits further increases • Productivity/m2 of surface remains virtually unchanged • Photosynthetic efficiency low (<1% of incident light)
Phytoplankton - Variation in Production • More production in littoral zones than pelagial areas • Peak production during midday (except at surface - earlier in day) • Seasonal production peaks in summer
Macrophytes • Restricted to the littoral zones • In small, shallow lakes with no profundal zone, macrophytes may occur basin-wide
Emergent Macrophytes • Rooted in water or saturated soil with aerial leaves/stems • Upper littoral - out to 1.5 m depth • Typha - cattail
Emergent Macrophytes • Special category occupying mid-littoral region - 0.5-3.0 m • Floating-leaved plants • Water lily
Submersed Macrophytes • All depths within photic zone down to ~10 m for vascular plants • Macroalgae - may occur slightly deeper • Coontail, curlyleaf pondweed, Elodea
Free-floating Macrophytes • Not rooted • May have well-developed submersed roots, or no roots • Lemna - duckweed
Aquatic vs. Terrestrial • Aquatics mostly similar to terrestrial macrophytes • One major difference - rooting tissues grow in anaerobic substratum
Aquatic vs. Terrestrial • Roots need O2 to respire • Only can get it by transporting it from tissues in other parts of plant • Extensive system of intercellular gas lacunae for gas transport, exchange
Aquatic vs. Terrestrial • Emergent macrophytes have leaf structure similar to terrestrial plants • Linear, thick leaves - no problem obtaining light, CO2 • High transpiration - lose lots of water
Aquatic vs. Terrestrial • Submersed macrophytes often look much different than terrestrials • >70% of volume is intercellular lacunae • Leaves very thin, divided and broadened to increase surface area to volume ratio • Better absorb sunlight, CO2
Aquatic vs. Terrestrial • Some submersed forms also capable of assimilating bicarbonate for use in photosynthesis • Based on relative scarcity of free CO2 in most environments
Nutrient Needs • Most nutrients required by macrophytes come from sediments • Free floaters get it from water
Nutrient Needs • Interstitial waters generally contain much higher concentration of nutrients than waters above sediments (anoxic conditions) • Most macrophytes can assimilate nutrients from water if concentrations rise (just like phytoplankton)
Leaky Macrophytes • Submersed macrophytes are very leaky • Lose nutrients to surrounding water during active growth • Developed on land and not adapted to water? • Compromise - improved light, CO2 uptake at cost of losing some nutrients?
Light Limitations • Emergent macrophytes are seldom light-limited - tremendous capacity for production • Submersed macrophytes are light-limited • Depth distribution regulated by light, in part
Depth Limitations • Even in systems with light penetrating to great depths (unproductive systems), macrophytes only occur down to ~10 m • Results from hydrostatic pressure - doubles atmospheric pressure by 10 m • Inhibits movement of gas through lacunae
Macrophytes vs. Phytoplankton • Phytoplankton productivity may be very low in littoral areas with many macrophytes - 3 reasons: • 1) Competition for nutrients • 2) Shading • 3) Release of inhibitory organic chemicals by macrophytes
Macrophytes vs. Algae • Productivity of some types of algae may be very high in close proximity to macrophytes • Grow attached to macrophytes and live off materials leaking out