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The Social CEO in 4 Minutes a day. Channels Execution Plan – 4 Minutes a day Personal Brand - Who to follow, what to share Overall BOQ Strategy with the Social CEO Twitter how to. BOQ warns 91M loss, plans to raise 450M. BOQ lowers rates by 35 points. BOQ posts $90.6 M predicted loss.
The Social CEOin 4 Minutes a day • Channels • Execution Plan – 4 Minutes a day • Personal Brand - Who to follow, what to share • Overall BOQ Strategy with the Social CEO • Twitter how to
BOQ warns 91M loss, plans to raise 450M BOQ lowers rates by 35 points BOQ posts $90.6 M predicted loss BOQ the first bank to cut rates Social media. "It's like having a conversion with your customer over the PA at the MCG" Recent surveys show C-suite engagement in social media can benefit how consumers view a brand and its executive leadership. The majority of survey respondents, • 78%, said CEO participation in social media leads to better communication • 71% said it leads to improved brand image. • 64% said it provides more transparency. Stuart Grimshaw was mentioned on social media 168 times in 90 days. Why? Bank of Queensland Limited ABN 32 009 656 740
Channels SM Channels to be used: We will use Twitter and LinkedIn as the main social engagement channels. We will also use industry blogs as a source of content. We setup Flipboard to view all of these channels like a magazine. It’s easy to read and share content from Flipboard to Twitter and LinkedIn Content sources and reporting:
How do we do this in 4 minutes a day? How do people have time to trawl the internet, read articles/blogs and share via social media? = Flipboard! First we setup your SM Channels, follow the right people, source the right content. Then all you have to do is login to Flipboard once per day and find a few articles you find interesting. Flipboard allows you to view each Social Media channel in the layout of a magazine. This alone will increase your SM presence without even logging into Twitter or LinkedIn. Any extra activity you create via Twitter or LinkedIn is a bonus. Flipboard - view and share content by combining the beauty and ease of print with the power of social media. http://flipboard.com/
THE SOCIAL CEO AIM: To build an online persona for Stuart Grimshaw as a Finance/Banking industry influencer… Personal Brand - Who you follow and what you share represents your personal brand. What is the overall impression you want to portray from your personal brand? Who to follow - People/Companies • Premiers • CEO’s – companies and banks • Key Business Journo's • Finance influencers – Koshie • Business Influencers - John Gerzema, Richard Branson • Sponsorships – Buffed and Smith Family • Advocates of SG & BOQ What to talk about - Topics • Banking & Finance Industry • Industry blogs – Agribusiness • WA Business, state business blogs. • Technology – Fin serv & Business • Sport – AFL, Hockey (Melbourne FC). • Inspiration - Ted Talks, the cool hunter. • Business Innovation • Inspiring Creative Business • Digital Buzz Blog • Families and Kids
Support BOQ SM Strategy The Hub and Spoke Strategy: The social CEO can help support the BOQ Hub and Spoke strategy. BOQ will be building a blog with content that is interesting and engaging to our customers. This will drive online traffic to our SM sites and to the BOQ Corporate Web. Every time our Social CEO supports our content, it will get further reach and influence. He will in return attract followers that are already advocates of BOQ to increase his SM reach.
SMM Support of the CEO The Social Media Channel Manager will be responsible for the following: • Setup of the Social CEO’s personal brand with direction from the CEO • The initial setup of the channels, blog RSS and Flipboard • Setup of twitter following, lists and searches. • Technical support of the CEO On a day to day basis: • Profile updates and development in line with Brand standards changes. • Moderation and support via Radian6 • Send tweets and re-tweets on the CEO’s behalf to support and promote the CEO’s personal brand direction. • Support of the BOQ Social Hub and Spoke strategy - Push BOQ brand when appropriate. Re-tweet and share content : Good article from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/markfidelman/2012/05/22/ibm-study-if-you-dont-have-a-social-ceo-youre-going-to-be-less-competitive/
Twitter How To If you build it they will come! There are 5 steps in building your twitter profile: 1. GET FOLLOWING: • Following interesting and industry relevant people and companies: • Industry members, experts & advocates • Suppliers and supporters. • Partners and sponsorships. • Follow them. • Follow who they are following. • Follow who is following them (followers). • Competitors – Follow them and group them into private lists (see below) • Who are competitors are following? • Who is following your competitors? This will often be your target market. Hopefully they will follow you back! 2. GET FOLLOWED: Before someone follows you they will check your FOLLOWERS, and who you are FOLLOWING. Just as you want your message to be received by them and their followers, they want their message to reach you and your followers. It’s a popularity contest, so you have to fake it till you make it! • A percentage of people who you follow will automatically follow you back. • These people are potential advocates, look at their twitter page and find out their interests and connect with them on a personal level.
Twitter How To 3. CREATE LISTS: Twitter is similar to a database of information. Lists are a database search that helps you group people. There are 2 types of lists: Private – Set up a group of people you want keep an eye on so you can view their tweets quickly. Public – create lists of people you want to be “seen” as following, this way other people will follow you and follow your list. EG: I am a football club, I create a list of famous footballers, this way, all their fans will follow me and my list. 4. SEARCH: You can search industry relevant topics to find content and people to follow. Save searches of key words relevant to your business, keep an eye on this on a regular basis to pick up on content. 5. GET TWEETING: Time to start sending tweets: • Tweet topics relevant to your role as industry influencer (See topic list). • Re-tweet interesting facts about the industry/product or anything that is interesting or humorous (to you). • Get re-tweeted. By keeping your tweets interesting and relevant you will find that your followers will re-tweet. • Mentions – mention people that are famous/popular on twitter or relevant to your industry. • Get mentioned – People may mention you back if you mention them. • Direct Messages – you can send a private message to anyone you want. Thank new followers or reply to mentions that you don’t want everyone to see. • Check trending topics and if they are relevant to your business.
Notes • Here is what we need to do: • Discussion around personal brand – personality, who not to follow etc. • My involement and support • Gmail account for RSS feeds. • Access to ipad to setup Flipboard • Email address used on Twitter • Notifications on iPad • Comms process if you receive a tweet that has not been responded to, and I don’t know how to action it? • Generally 25 hour delay in reply ok max. • Issues management. Complaints? Lets monitor how this goes. • Personal account at the end of the day. Staff SM Policy! We will use Google Reader to subscribe to blogs and popular news sites. Once the RSS reader is setup we will feed this into Flipboard. Need a Gmail account to do this: The Social CEO http://thesocialceo.blogspot.com.au/ Agribusiness http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/fmISBlogHome?OpenForm&is=Agribusiness&blog=AgriBuzz PSFK – Inspiring creative business http://www.psfk.com/ Mashable http://mashable.com/ Fastcompany http://www.fastcompany.com/ FST Media http://www.fst.net.au/