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AMADEUS: Status Report C. Curceanu for the AMADEUS collaboration 21 May 2008, LNF-INFN

AMADEUS: Status Report C. Curceanu for the AMADEUS collaboration 21 May 2008, LNF-INFN 36 th LNF Scientific Committee. AMADEUS. Antikaonic Matter At DA F NE: an Experiment Unraveling Spectroscopy. AMADEUS – is going on “mass-shell” Highlights on: Strategy Activities

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AMADEUS: Status Report C. Curceanu for the AMADEUS collaboration 21 May 2008, LNF-INFN

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  1. AMADEUS: Status Report C. Curceanu for the AMADEUS collaboration 21 May 2008, LNF-INFN 36th LNF Scientific Committee

  2. AMADEUS AntikaonicMatterAtDAFNE: anExperimentUnravelingSpectroscopy

  3. AMADEUS – is going on “mass-shell” • Highlights on: • Strategy • Activities • AMADEUS collaboration • AMADEUS – KLOE • AMADEUS requests

  4. AMADEUS global strategy: AMADEUS phase-1: start in 2010 (after KLOE2 step0), study di- and tri – baryon kaonic nuclei and low-energy kaon-nucleon/nuclei interactions AMADEUS phase-2: after 2010 (2012?), higher integrated luminosity, refined study of di- tri-baryon kaonic nuclei; extend to other nuclei (spectroscopy of kaonic nuclei along the periodic table…)

  5. The scientific case of the so-called “deeply bound kaonic nuclear states” is hotter than ever, both in the theoretical (intensive debate) and experimental sectors. What emerges is the strong need for a complete experimental study of the scientific case, i.e. a clear and clean experiment (so without the need to make hypothesis on involved physics processes), measuring kaonic clusters both in formation and in the decay processes. AMADEUS’s main aim is to perform the first full acceptance, high precision measurement of DBKNS both in formation and in the decay processes, by implementing the KLOE detector with an inner AMADEUS-dedicated setup, containing a cryogenic target and a trigger system (and an inner tracker in a second phase), Either situations: EXISTENCE or NON-EXISTENCE of the deeply bound kaonic nuclear clusters will have strong impact in kaon-nucleon/nuclei physics!!!

  6. Experimental programmeAMADEUS phase-1 (1) • study of the (most) fundamental antikaon deeply bound nuclear systems, the • kaonic dibaryon states: ppK- and (pnK-) • produced in a 3He gas target, in formation and decay processes • as next step, the • kaonic 3-baryon states: ppnK- and pnnK- • produced in a 4He gas target, in formation and decay processes

  7. Experimental programmeAMADEUS phase-1 (2) • Low-energy charged kaon cross sections on Helium(3 and 4), for K- momentum lower than 100 MeV/c (missing today); • The K- nuclear interactions in Helium reactions (poorly known – based on one paper from 1970 …) • Properties of L(1116) and chargedS– for example decays in channels with neutrino -> astrophysics implications (cooling of compact stars) • Resonance states as the elusive-in-nature but so important L(1405) or the S(1385)could be better understood with high statistics; their behaviour in the nuclear mediumcan be studied too. Excellent feasibility test – Oton Vazquez Doce (KLOE data)

  8. AMADEUS @ KLOE, phase-1

  9. AMADEUS @ KLOE, phase-1

  10. AMADEUS @ KLOE, phase-1 Low-mass cryogenic gas target cell: T = 10 K P = 1.0 bar Rin = 5 cm Rout = 15 cm L = 20 cm Kaon trigger: two layers of scint. fibers, stereo angel = 30° readout on both sides with SiPM

  11. Technical items needing special attention(35th LNF Scientific Committee)- The beam pipe: we plan to develop (with KLOE and DAFNE) a technical solution which should be easy to extract/implement. - Cryogenic target: dedicated studies not only for the target itself,but for its mechanical supports and cooling power needed and how to bring the cryogeny inside.- Trigger system: a technical solution for the trigger system, including the optimization of geometry and cabling.- Slow controls: we study the slow control system (to be complemented to the KLOE one) for the specific AMADEUS items.- DAQ: software and hardware. We are aware and started already to collaborate with KLOE on the item of DAQ needs, from software and hardware points of view. We will rely on KLOE solution for the software, eventually developing dedicated on-line and (mostly) off-line analyses and Monte Carlo simulations, the hardware should be care of AMADEUS, with expertize from KLOE.

  12. Possible solution for beam-pipe(thanks to Giancarlo Sensolini and Sandro Tomassini)

  13. Possible solution for beam-pipe(thanks to Giancarlo Sensolini and Sandro Tomassini)

  14. Cryogenic target Low-mass cryogenic gas target cell: T = 10 K P = 1.0 bar Rin = 5 cm Rout = 15 cm L = 20 cm => Prototype to be built and tested at SMI Vienna in 2009

  15. SIDDHARTA Cryogenic target cell Working T 22 K Working P 2.0 bar Alu-grid Side wall: Kapton 50 µm Kaon entrance Window: Kapton 50 µm

  16. Trigger System(Scintillating fibers read with SiPM) Hamamatsu and Photonique Prototypes atLNFSMIand Russian SiPM at ITEP

  17. SiPM tested at BTF in January 2008

  18. SiPM tested at BTF in January 2008

  19. Trigger System – LNF undergoing work (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM)

  20. Trigger System – LNF undergoing work (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM)

  21. Trigger System – LNF undergoing work (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM)

  22. Trigger System – LNF undergoing work

  23. Trigger System – LNF undergoing work (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM) Oton Vazquez DoceAntonio Romero Alessandro Scordo Giovanni Corradi Massimiliano BazziDiego TagnaniCesidio Capoccia

  24. Trigger System – LNF undergoing work (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM)

  25. Trigger System – LNF undergoing work (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM)

  26. Work going on at LNF:- Stabilized Power Supply realization- Preamplifier design- Test setup design and realization (mechanics, cooling, electronics…)

  27. Test setup for SiPM (Cesidio Capoccia)

  28. Test setup for SiPM

  29. Test setup for SiPM

  30. Slow Controls and DAQ- Alessandro D’Uffizi – LNF-INFN fellowship: works with KLOE team (100%) for both: -> Slow Controls code (autorun…) -> DAQwill coordinate the AMADEUS specific integrationAMADEUS in phase of definition of trigger to be used (giving the volume of disk space etc.)

  31. Other activities going on:- inner tracker: cylindrical GEM and TPG (SMI Vienna and TU-Munchen, in collaboration with FOPI), first prototype in 2009- specific trigger implementation- MCarlo simulationsWe are participating in FP7 HadronPhysics in JRAs for SiPM and GEM detectors.

  32. AMADEUS collaboration: 119 scientists from 13 Countries and 34 Institutes

  33. AMADEUS collaboration • LNF: beam-pipe definition; Slow Controls and DAQ; trigger; SiPM electronics; inner tracker (GEM); mechanics • SMI-Vienna: target system; SiPM; inner tracker (TPG, GEM); MCarlo simulations • ITEP Moscow: SiPM tests • Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow: electronics for inner tracker • JINR: trigger definition, data analyses algorithm • TU Munich: inner tracker (TPG) system • Inst. Physics Cracow: trigger and DAQ • IFIN-HH Bucharest: Slow Control System (target) and SiPM electronics • Ist. Superiore Sanita’ Roma: SiPM development • Isfahan Univ., Iran: MCarlo simulations • Poli Milano, Italy: front-end electronics (SiPM, inner tracker) • TRIUMF Canada: target system • GSI: SiPM system • RIKEN, Japan: target definition

  34. AMADEUS - KLOE • Collaboration already started: • analyses of the KLOE data (Oton Vazquez Doce); • SLOW Controls and DAQ (Alessandro d’Uffizi); • KLOE2 electronics (DiegoTagnani and Massimiliano Bazzi); • KLONE; • it can and should be reinforced • MoU is being prepared • “Memorandum of Understanding • for collaboration in the maintenance • and upgrade of the KLOE detector” • between • The KLOE Collaboration • and • The AMADEUS Collaboration

  35. The luminosity request for AMADEUS Phase-1 is: • 2 fb-1of integrated luminosity with He4 target in order to study the tribaryonDBKNS • 1-2 fb-1of integrated luminosity with He3 target in order to study the dibaryon DBKNS • 0.5 fb-1of integrated luminosity for low-energy kaon-nuclear dedicated measurements for an overall integrated luminosity of 3.5 - 4 fb-1 With the luminosity upgrade of DAFNE, the machine could deliver at least 500pb-1/month, which means that the overall AMADEUS Phase-1 program could becompleted in about 10 months (considering installation).

  36. Preparation, implementation plan and roll-in proposal - 2008 and 2009:take part to KLOE maintenance, roll-in and data taking (training) • AMADEUS construction and assembly: the AMADEUS inner setup - the specific one - will be built, assembled and tested in 2009 so as to be ready for: • roll-in of AMADEUS: roll-in in 2010, compatible withKLOE end of step 0. • AMADEUS DAQ: for an integrated luminosity of about 4 fb-1 in 2010-2011. In parallel – AMADEUS phase2

  37. AMADEUS Phase-2 (after 2010)• Improve and complement the setup with different possible technical solutions, inorder either to reduce the background and/or to perform more refined (better reso-lution)dedicated measurements;• eventually to install an inner tracker inside the DC of KLOE: we are consideringtwo possible solutions, either cylindrical GEM detectors or a TPC-GEM combination (in collaboration with KLOE);• increase the statistics for di- tri-baryon DBKNS following the suggestions whichwill come out from Phase-1 of the experiment;• study DBKNS produced in heavier targets as: Li, B, Be, C …• complete the physics program by:binding energies, decay widths and – determination of quantum numbers of allstates, including excited ones,measurement of the spin-orbit interaction,determination of partial widths of kaonic nuclear states by observation of alldecay channels, Dalitz plots Continue studies of kaon-nucleon/nuclei interactionIntegrated luminosity request of about 10-20 fb-1

  38. AMADEUS phase-2 Tracking device: TPC-GEM or 3-4 C-GEMs Kaon trigger: Scint. fibers with SiPMs Target system: cylindrical cryogenic cell in vacuum chamber

  39. Conclusions DAFNE is actually the only place in the world where measurements of DBKNS using stopped K- method, complemented with low-energy kaonic nuclei physics, could be performed in a complete and unambigous way, and this will , hopefully, be done by AMADEUS

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