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Fish and Bird Species Identification Guide

Explore the characteristics and features of various fish and bird species with this comprehensive identification guide. Discover key traits of brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout, Rio Grande cutthroat trout, and more. Learn to differentiate between channel catfish, flathead catfish, yellow bullhead catfish, and other catfish species. Delve into the distinct attributes of smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, striped bass, bluegill, crappie, and more. Gain insights into the appearances of crayfish, kokanee salmon, walleye, carp, sucker, and northern pike. Additionally, identify different waterfowl species such as Canada goose, snow goose, mallard, pintail, shoveler, gadwall, wigeon, wood duck, green-winged teal, and cinnamon teal based on their unique characteristics. Perfect for nature enthusiasts, anglers, and birdwatchers alike.

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Fish and Bird Species Identification Guide

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  1. Brook Trout • Bottom fins (pectoral, anal, pelvic ) have white margins • Spots on side merge along top and appear worm like • Slight notch in the tail fin

  2. Brown Trout • Brown in color • Red or gray – yellow spots surrounded by a white halo • Spotted adipose fin

  3. Rainbow Trout • Rainbow color characteristic on the sides • Black spots on the body and fins

  4. Rio Grande cutthroat trout • Red slash marks below the jaw. Large black irregular spots on tail and upper 2/3rds of the body

  5. Gila Trout • Gold / Copper Color • Black spots on upper half of the body and on the dorsal and caudal fins • Dark splotches along center line

  6. Channel catfish • Deep forked tail, upper jaw projects beyond bottom jaw • Dark spots on body, white belly

  7. Flathead catfish • Flat head, lower jaw projects beyond upper jaw. Pale yellow belly, mottled color. • Rounded caudal fin

  8. Yellow bullhead catfish • Lower body has yellow color. The anal fin is rounded, fins are dusky brown and the head is depressed.

  9. Smallmouth bass • Yellow-green with vertical bands • Jaw hinge slightly forward of the eye

  10. Largemouth Bass • Usually dark green, dark splotches form a horizontal line. • Dorsal fin almost divided. • Upper jaw reaches behind rear margin of the eye

  11. Striped bass • Olive green back, white belly with dark horizontal stripes. • Doral fin is separated

  12. Bluegill • The gill fringe is blue in color, with a black patch on the back of the gill. It has five dark vertical bars on the sides. Body tends to be orange in color.

  13. Crappie • Eyes locate near the top of the head. Dark flecking on the body.

  14. Crayfish • Hard segmented exoskeleton. May be brown, yellow or green I pair of antennae and one pair of pinchers.

  15. Kokanee Salmon • Bright silver on the sides. As they mature the female has a blue /green color and the male turns red with a hooked jaw.

  16. Walleye • The light reflects light, giving it the shiny glossy appearance. White belly with a yellow/olive colored body. Usually has five dark saddles on the back

  17. Carp • Small eyes, has thick lips with a barbel at the corner of its mouth. The carp has very large scales.

  18. Sucker • Elongated head with the small mouth adapted for bottom feeding. Heavily scaled and a tinge of red or pink on its sides

  19. Northern Pike • Olive green body with elongated white spots. Single dorsal fin and has a white underline, teeth are very evident.

  20. Longnose Gar • Extremely long nose with numerous teeth. Long cylindrical body with a white underline. The dorsal fin is located almost in front of the tail fin.

  21. Canada goose • Large brown goose • Long black neck • White Chin strap

  22. Snow Goose • White goose, black on the tips of the primary wing feathers.

  23. Mallard - Male • Green head, yellow bill, white ring on neck, gray back, blue wing speculum.

  24. Mallard - Female • Orange bill with a black central patch. Dark cap and eye line. Mottle brown with a blue wing speculum.

  25. Pintail - Male • Long pointed tail, blue – gray bill with a black stripe down the middle. White stripe on the back of then neck. Green wing speculum.

  26. Pintail - Female • Bluish bill, yellow brown in color, pale green wing speculum

  27. Shoveler - Male • Pronounced bill. Dark green head, white breast. Light blue shoulder patch, black – green speculums

  28. Shoveler - female • Gray – brown buff in color, light blue shoulder patch, black-green speculum • Pronounced bill

  29. Gadwall - Male • Grayish color, white patch on back of wing edge, black rump. Folded wings appear to have red/brown stripes

  30. Gadwall - Female • Mottled brown color, white patch on wing edge.

  31. Wigeon - Male • Brown body with a white abdomen, green on the back of the head. Pale yellow to white fore head. Pin/gray breast, green speculum. Blue Bill

  32. Wigeon - female • Brown mottled body with a green wing speculum. Blue bill

  33. Wood Duck - Male • Very colorful, body may be green, purple, burgundy. Green crested head and a white throat. Long square tail.

  34. Wood Duck - Female • Brown to gray in color, white patches around the eyes. Crested head.

  35. Green-winged teal Male • Cinnamon colored head with a green wing patch. White stripe down the side between the wing and breast. It has a black bill and feet and legs.

  36. Green-winged , Female • The female has a light brown head and neck with a whitish throat, green patches on the wing.

  37. Cinnamon teal - Male • Cinnamon colored head and body. Long dark bill, red eyes. Spatulate bill.

  38. Cinnamon teal - Female • Brown eye, pale head

  39. Blue –winged teal, male • The male has a blue gray head, a white curved stripe between the bill and the eye. Speckled pink and gray body.

  40. Blue-winged teal, female • Speckled black, white and brown body. The bill is black and blue

  41. Canvasback, male • Red head, long black bill, sloping forehead. Black chest with grey-white body.

  42. Canvasback - female • Lighter colored head than the male. Long bill and sloping fore head are evident.

  43. Lesser scaup - male • Dark green metallic head, speckled back, white side. Blue bill with a black nail tip.

  44. Lesser scaup - female • Blue bill, black nail at tip, white band at the base of the bill, dark body.

  45. Ring-necked duck - male • Dark head, very dark purple ring seen on the neck. Upper body and rear are black. Bill is blue/grey, white bordered with a black tip.

  46. Ring-necked duck - female • Bill is blue grey , white bordered with a black tip. Tan sides, brown back and white belly.

  47. Common merganser - male • Green-black head, white flanks, breast and belly. Long red, pointed, serrated bill. Dark back, white flanks, breast and belly.

  48. Common merganser - female • Long orange serrated bill. Brown head, grey back and grey/white body

  49. Hooded Merganser - male • Yellow eye, black head and back, large white patch in the center of the crest.

  50. Hooded merganser - female • Brown eye, gray brown head and body, faint red tinge to the crest, white belly.

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