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Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Habitat Work Group Update. Hannibal Bolton Chair, Habitat Work Group. Habitat Work Group Update Recent Activities. Convened Habitat Work Group meeting at James Madison University; Harrisonville, VA (Nov. 2005) Meeting Outcomes:
Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Habitat Work Group Update Hannibal Bolton Chair, Habitat Work Group
Habitat Work Group UpdateRecent Activities Convened Habitat Work Group meeting at James Madison University; Harrisonville, VA (Nov. 2005) Meeting Outcomes: • Identified habitat goals for the next 15-20 years based on the assessment work of Hudy et. al. • Decision: Individual states should develop their own strategies for meeting these goals due to the diversity of habitat threats that occur rangewide. • Identified protection of habitat/watersheds that support intact brook trout populations a key goal of the EBTJV.
Habitat Goals • Protect and maintain the current classification status on 100 % of the watersheds currently classified as intact. • Establish self-sustaining brook trout populations on 10% of the currently extirpated watersheds. • Improve 30% of greatly reduced watersheds to a higher classification; maintain 70% in existing condition. • Validate (inventory and monitor) classification of predicted watersheds
Habitat Work Group Update Meeting Outcomes: • Identified immediate needfor protection and restoration of "islands" of habitat, with long term goal of creating continuous habitat "corridors” • Identified key components of aproject ranking and prioritization system; further developed by an HWG subgroup: • Larry Mohn (VDGIF), Mark Staley (MDNR), Bryan Moore (TU), Shelaine Curd-Hetrick (USGS), and Maureen Gallagher (USFWS)
Habitat Work Group Update Meeting Outcomes: • Draft project ranking document intended for use in choosing projects funded through or endorsed by EBTJV • Next steps for the project prioritization process include: • Develop funding guidelines and a process for future funding • Refine ranking tool based on comments from this meeting and committee member feedback
Habitat Work Group Update Meeting Outcomes: • Developed list of tactics to address top 10 threats to eastern brook trout (as identified in“ Distribution, Status, & Perturbations to Brook Trout within the Eastern United States, Hudy et al.) • Drafted “Tactics and Strategies” document to address top 10 threats to brook trout (as identified above); further developed by an HWG subgroup: • Larry Mohn (VDGIF), Mark Staley (MDNR), Tom Oldham (WVDNR), Andrew Madden (MDFWEL), Bryan Moore (TU), Shelaine Curd-Hetrick (USGS), and Mike Weimer (USFWS) • Document to complement “Conserving the Eastern Brook Trout: An Overview of Status, Threats, and Trends”
Habitat Work Group Update Please provide comments on EBTJV Habitat Work Group documents to:Hannibal Bolton, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicehannibal_bolton@fws.gov 703-358-1718 Next Steps for “Tactics and Strategies” document: • Revise and finalize “Tactics and Strategies” document based on input from: - EBTJV HWG and Steering Committee - EBTJV Partner meeting attendees
NFHI Joint Venture Funding$1Million Add from Congress • Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership-$225K • Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture-$200K • Western Native Trout Initiative-$200K • Midwest Driftless-$100K • Matanuska-Siska Watershed (Alaska)-$100K • Washington Office-$175K
Federal Funding Opportunities • Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program • Fish Passage Program • Farm Bill (CRP, WRP, CREP, WHIP, EQUP, etc.) • Landowner Incentive Program • Private Stewardship Grants • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Mo’ Fish Campaign)