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What are the structures found in eukaryotic animal and plant cells?

Learn about the structures found in animal and plant cells, including cell shape, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplasts, and vacuoles. Understand the differences between animal and plant cells.

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What are the structures found in eukaryotic animal and plant cells?

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  1. What are the structures found in eukaryotic animal and plant cells?

  2. Structures of the Animal Cell

  3. Animal Cells • No definite shape • Cell membrane (no cell wall) • No chloroplasts • animals eat other organisms for energy, therefore their cells do not need to make their own food • Many small vacuoles

  4. Structures of the Plant Cell

  5. Plant Cells • Rectangular shape • Cell membrane and cell wall • Cell wall gives shape and structure • Chloroplasts • Captures sun’s energy to create chemical energy (photosynthesis) • Large vacuole • Storage for water

  6. So what are the differences between plant and animal cells? • Cell shape • Plant cells have a rectangular shape and animal cells have an irregular shape. • This is because plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells do not. • Plant cells have chloroplasts and animal cells do not. • This is because plants need to make their own food through photosynthesis and animals do not. • Plant cells have one large vacuole and animal cells have many smaller vacuoles.

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