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Kingdom Righteousness: Overcoming Traditional Teaching

In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges the traditional teachings of the Pharisees and scribes, emphasizing the importance of inner motives and attitudes. Explore the six contrasts Jesus presents, revealing the true heart of Kingdom righteousness.

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Kingdom Righteousness: Overcoming Traditional Teaching

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  1. Message From The Mount The Sermon On The Mount (Matt. 5-7)

  2. “You’ve heard Moses say… But I’m setting you straight. Here’s how it really is…” Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 • This section has been greatly misunderstood • The “general” understanding…

  3. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 • The greatest barrier to the kingdom would not be Gentile idolatry & immorality • The greatest barrier would be the perversions of the Pharisees & scribes Mt 23:13-15 • “Legalistic thinking” Mt 23:16-24

  4. God is not just concerned about outward actions…He is also concerned with motives that might lead to those actions. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 • Jesus’ 6 “contrasts” illustrate 1 main point…

  5. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 1 ÙMurder(vv. 21-26) • A “legalistic” Jew saw Ex 20:13 and thought “Don’t take another man’s life” • This left untouched malice, hatred, contempt… areas courts cannot condemn

  6. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 1 ÙMurder(vv. 21-26) • Jesus teaches otherwise • The Jews missed the Law’s intent Lev 19:17 • “Divine courts” will condemn a heart full of ill-will towards another person

  7. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 1 ÙMurder(vv. 21-26) • Jesus even emphasis how such malice towards another affects one’s worship • The gospel of the kingdom connects hatred and murder 1 Jn 3:14-15

  8. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 2 ÙAdultery(vv. 27-30) • A “legalistic” Jew saw Ex 20:14 and thought “Don’t go to bed with another man’s wife” • This left untouched lust, sinful desires • Jesus teaches otherwise

  9. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 2 ÙAdultery(vv. 27-30) • Lust is already “adultery of the heart” • Left unchecked, it will lead to literal adultery • A point even taught before the Law Job 31:1

  10. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 2 ÙAdultery(vv. 27-30) • David’s sin was not so much in “seeing” a naked Bathsheba…it was in “looking upon her” and finding a way to satisfy his desire 2 Sam 11 • Such temptations must be “radically removed”

  11. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 3 ÙDivorce(vv. 31-32) • A “legalistic” Jew saw Ex 24:1b as a “right” and even a “command” from Moses Mt 19:7 • Jesus teaches otherwise…He affirms the real intent of marriage “from the beginning” Mt 19:8

  12. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 3 ÙDivorce(vv. 31-32) • The “putting away party” can divorce & remarry if he/she puts away a mate for fornication • The “put away party” cannot remarry…it doesn’t matter whether the divorce is lawful or unlawful

  13. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 4 ÙVows(vv. 33-37) • A “legalistic” Jew saw Lev 19:12 and thought “Just don’t commit perjury, especially when the name of God has been invoked…all other vows are not binding” Mt 23:16-22 Loophole

  14. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 4 ÙVows(vv. 33-37) • Jesus teaches otherwise • This was “sophistry” (deceptive word games) • Kingdom citizens are people of their word • Every word spoken will be judged Mt 12:36-37

  15. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 5 ÙVengeance(vv. 38-42) • A “legalistic” Jew saw Ex 21:24 and saw a “license” for personal revenge • Jesus teaches otherwise…this precept was meant to govern legal retribution

  16. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 5 ÙVengeance(vv. 38-42) • Kingdom citizens will be “wronged” 5:10-12 • Nowhere does Jesus ever teach a disciple cannot restrain someone from doing evil • The point is how this can & must be done

  17. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 5 ÙVengeance(vv. 38-42) • Whatever we do in response to another’s evil toward us or others we love must be done in love…not personal revenge • Evil cannot be resisted with evil Rom 12:17-21

  18. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 6 ÙLove(vv. 43-48) • A “legalistic” Jew was quick to quote Lev 19:18,but also always showed contempt to “enemies” • They were “separatists” (kept themselves aloof from others they deemed “unworthy”)

  19. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 6 ÙLove(vv. 43-48) • A “legalistic” Jew would also “nit-pick” how “neighbor” would be defined Lk 10:27-29 • Jesus teaches otherwise

  20. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Man’s Traditional Teaching5:21-48 Contrast # 6 ÙLove(vv. 43-48) • If a kingdom citizen sees an “enemy” in need, he will not refuse to serve him out of love for him • This is a character trait learned from a “perfect” Father Rom 5:6-10

  21. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 • The “kind” of righteousness Jesus has been discussing is not academic…it is active • He now instructs how one will practice the righteousness of His kingdom • Right actions can be done wrong

  22. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 • Remember His words from 5:20 • The scribes & Pharisees were the epitome of such “shallow” righteousness Mt 23:1-12 • Hypocrisy Ù strategically planned “praise” • Those who exalt themselves will be humbled

  23. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 • If all we seek & receive is “men’s praise”… we have our reward in full vv. 2b, 5b, 16b • Such get no reward from the Father v. 1b • The over-riding principle is found in 5:16b • To illustrate, Jesus uses 3 “topics”

  24. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 1 ÙCharity(vv. 2-4) • The object = help others less fortunate • The concern is not to draw attention to yourself • If that is one’s motive…he has his “reward”

  25. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 1 ÙCharity(vv. 2-4) • “Do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing” • TranslationÙ make your charitable deeds so secret that not even your other hand is aware

  26. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 1 ÙCharity(vv. 2-4) • Even if no one else sees/knows your actions…. …the needy still get helped …the Father who “sees in secret” knows and will reward you

  27. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 2 ÙPrayer(vv. 5-15) • The object = petition God for help, cast cares • The concern is not to be heard by others • If that is one’s motive…he has his “reward”

  28. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 2 ÙPrayer(vv. 5-15) • Many words…vain repetitions are useless • They may impress men…they don’t impress God • Pray in your “closet”…the God who sees in secret will hear you and grant what you need

  29. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 2 ÙPrayer(vv. 5-15) • The God to Whom we pray already knows our needs before we ask them • As an “example,” Jesus gives a Model Prayer

  30. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 2 ÙPrayer(vv. 5-15) • The Model Prayer • Praise to God…a desire for His will to succeed • Petition for daily needs, temptation deliverance • Request for mercy from God…to others

  31. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 2 ÙPrayer(vv. 5-15) • The very attitude re: prayer Jesus is addressing here is illustrated in Lk 18:9-14

  32. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 3 ÙFasting(vv. 16-18) • The object = to humble self…seek God’s favor • It is not just to appear “righteously afflicted” • If that is one’s motive…he has his “reward”

  33. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 3 ÙFasting(vv. 16-18) • Fasting appears to be the result of spiritual activity and not “planning” to abstain from food • Because one pursues a spiritual goal, he may not take the time to eat

  34. Kingdom Righteousness 5:17 – 7:12 Re: Empty Self-Righteousness6:1-18 Topic # 3 ÙFasting(vv. 16-18) • “Anoint your head…wash your face” v. 17 • Don’t appear to be “spiritually afflicted” so that men will notice and praise you…the Father who “sees in secret” knows and will reward

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