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Welcome to Back to School Night! Experience my 20th year of teaching and learn about my background and goals for the 3rd grade. Get information about behavior management, communication, homework, and the daily schedule. Discover the subjects covered in language arts, math, spelling, social studies, and science. Don't miss the Star Attraction event and important reminders.
Welcome to Back to School Night! Please sit in your child’s seat and reply to the letter they wrote to you. Thanks!
Experience * 20th year of teaching * Have taught 1st,3rd, & 5th grade * Opened Dapplegray in 1999
Background * Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Chico State University, Minor in Sociology • Masters in Education and Teaching credential from Pepperdine University
3rd Grade Goals * Considered upper graders now * Student Council * Foster independence & responsibility (HW, library books, Agenda Books, bring home study materials, water bottles, etc.) * Prepare students for 4th Grade
Behavior Management * Super Stars -Earn: Signed Agenda Books, 100% completion of homework, 0utstanding behavior, excellent character -Lose: Inappropriate behavior, Unprepared for class, Forgetting Math 4 Today & Spelling Notes at home, Nameless papers, etc. • Earn Friday Raffles and Student Store (donations?), Super Star Celebrations • Colts Care Cards-can earn prizes from Ms. Stutzel and character awards
Communication * Best way to contact me is through email nelson@pvpusd.net * Can leave voicemails or send a note with your child in the morning, I’ll get back to you when time allows * Leaving voicemails-not always able to get messages in time * If you’d like to meet-let’s schedule a time outside of the school day because I want to give you my full attention * Open lines of communication (310) 541-3706 EXT. 617
Homework * Students record their homework daily in Agenda Books & are responsible for making sure they bring home materials * Homework should take 45-60 minutes each night. * Students will be expected to read for 20+ min., practice math facts on Reflex Math, complete all assignments given, some writing assignments and projects given * Missing Work Reports/Behavior Reports * Part of HW is remembering to turn it in and put name on the top * Tuesday Folders: review each test/quiz with your child, sign, and return to school. I keep the tests on file should you ever need to see one. Please remove all other papers that are sent home.
Typical Daily Schedule 8:30 AM Business, Daily Language 9:00 Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Grammar, Spelling, Cursive) 10:30 Recess 10:50 Math 12:00 Lunch 12:45 S.S.R. (Super Silent Reading) 1:05 Agenda Books 1:15 Social Studies, Health, Science, Art Library-Fridays 2:00-2:30 Music- Wednesdays 2:15-3:00 P.E.- Tuesdays 8:30-9:20 & Thursdays 9:30-10:20 Computer-Chrome Books in class Buddies- Fridays 1:30-2:00
Math * District adopted series: Math In Focus -Gradual release -Reteach -Enrichment *CGI -helps students develop critical thinking skills -problem solving approach based on everyday situations • Math For Today: Completed in class M-Th, Quiz-Fri (return books) • Think Central-textbook, games, hands on activities, and practice tests online • Reflex Math: math facts, homework • IXL: Online math concepts
Language Arts * Reading: Core Literature, Ready Reading, reading groups * Daily Language: Grammar, Editing, Vocabulary * Big focus: Comprehension (predict, retell, monitor/clarify, summarize, visualize, infer, evaluate), Reading Notebook * Common Core focus is a balance between fiction and non-fiction * Writing: Step Up To Writing, Pieces will go through entire writing process, Monthly Writing Assignments * Cursive- Handwriting Without Tears -3rd trimester all final writing will be done in cursive or typed • What’s Up?- Oral presentations/speaking skills • Keyboarding Skills-Typing.com
Spelling * Rebecca Sitton current program used * No weekly spelling lists to memorize • Preview Words- 5 words that will be on the test • List of words missed in the back of the spelling notes to practice * Skills Test-look in Spelling Notes for study tips • Other words tested are from spelling patterns/concepts taught throughout the week or high frequency words • No excuse words * Cloze Test: both spelling and capitalization counts • Spelling Homework given 2x per week • Forever spellers, Not Friday spellers!
Social Studies & Science * Social Studies: main focus on California communities, geography, basic government • Science: balancing forces, weather and climate, environments and survival, inheritance and traits Alternate between the two subjects * Students will bring home study guides and materials to prepare for tests • Quizlets • New Generation Science Standards/STEM
Extras * Music: Wednesdays 2:15-3:00 with Mrs. Perkins -You will be asked to purchase a recorder * AAYF- 5 lessons throughout the year • Technology: Chrome Books, • * Check Edlio daily- General, HW, and Calendar sections * Birthdays- No food, invitations to entire class if passed out at school
STAR ATTRACTION(on Edline) * One student per week: poster/schedule sent home the week prior * The events planned for T,W,Th can be switched * Monday- Poster & Photos * Tuesday- Personal Treasures (3) * Wednesday- Favorite Book * Thursday- Parent Letter * Friday- Class Recognition Poster
Mystery Readers (sign up on Sign up Genius) *Sign up to be a Mystery Reader * Fridays at 2:00 in Library * Fun surprise for students * Send in 3-5 clues and students try to guess who our reader is * Read a book of your choice to class for about 20 min.
Parent Volunteers * Sign ups on Sign up Genius * If you can’t make it, please find a replacement * Tuesday-Friday (checking in homework, prep work, but mostly working with students) 8:30-10:30 on Wednesdays and Fridays & 10:50-11:50 Tuesdays and Thursdays • Editing during writing on as needed basis • Field Trips, Parties • Answer keys and check-in sheets on the back table • Put homework into Tuesday Folders