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Groupware: Facilitation, Cooperation, & Collaboration

Groupware: Facilitation, Cooperation, & Collaboration. Kristin Davis i385q/KMS November 10, 2005. Overview. Groupware terms & concepts Review readings Systems Questions. Groupware terms & concepts. Groupware Collaborative software CSCW-computer supported cooperative work

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Groupware: Facilitation, Cooperation, & Collaboration

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  1. Groupware: Facilitation, Cooperation, & Collaboration Kristin Davis i385q/KMS November 10, 2005

  2. Overview • Groupware terms & concepts • Review readings • Systems • Questions

  3. Groupware terms & concepts • Groupware • Collaborative software • CSCW-computer supported cooperative work • Social software

  4. Groupware breakdown From Usability First

  5. Groupware breakdown • Levels of groupware • Communication tools • Conferencing tools • Collaborative management tools

  6. Lotus Software • Productivity & Office Suites • Content management • Information Integration • Learning Software • Advanced Messaging • Real-time & Team Collaboration • Design & Construction • Wireless

  7. Groove Virtual Office • Manage: • Workspaces • Contacts • Documents • Calendars

  8. BSCW: Basic Support for CooperativeWork on the World Wide Web • BSCW: Basic Support for Cooperative Work (10/95) • Web based collaboration service • Shared Workspace • Broad but lightweight tools • Storing documents, editing • Events and activity tracking • Multiple access levels • Threaded text-based conferencing

  9. What Groupware Functionality do Users Really Use? • Logfile evaluation 6/99-4/00 • 72% read operations • Creation of information • Modification of information • Security & privacy issues • Primarily asynchronous communication • v4.3 features

  10. BSCW Awareness Maps

  11. Making Contact: Getting the Group to Communicate with Groupware • People have trouble getting in touch with one another • It is hard for people to choose an appropriate communication or groupware channel

  12. Interaction and Outeraction: Instant Messaging in Action • Outeraction: communicative process people use to connect with each other and manage communication • Negotiate availability • Maintain a sense of connection • Quick questions & clarifications • Coordination and scheduling • Facilitate media switching

  13. Messaging and Informality:Will IM Follow in the Footsteps of Email? • What happens when IM conversations are automatically saved? • What happens when email, voicemail are forwarded? Does this change your behavior?

  14. Examples of groupware

  15. Questions?

  16. References • Appelt, W. (2001) What Groupware Functionality do Users Really Use? In Proceedings of the 9th Euromicro Workshop on PDP 2001, Mantua, February 7-9, 2001. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos. • Bentley, R., Appelt, W., Busbach, U., et al. (1997) Basic Support for Cooperative Work on the World Wide Web. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 46, pp. 827-846. • Ellis, C. , Gibbs, S., Rein, G. (1991) Groupware: some issues and Experiences  Communications of the ACM,  Volume 34 Issue 1 Publisher: ACM Press • Gross, T., Wirsam, W., & Graether, W. (2003) Awareness Maps: Visualizing Awareness in Shared Workspaces. CHI 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. ACM Press. • Grudin, J. (1994), Groupware and Social Dynamics: Eight Challenges for Developers. CACM94, ACM Press. • Lovejoy, T. & Grudin, J. (2003) Messaging and Formality: Will IM Follow in the Footsteps of Email?Proc. INTERACT 2003, 817-820. • Nardi, B., Whittaker, S., & Bradner, E. (2000) Interaction and Outeraction: Instant Messaging in Action. Proceedings of CSCW 2000. Philadelphia, PA. ACM Press. • Usability First, Retrieved October 23, 2005 , http://www.usabilityfirst.com/groupware/intro.txl

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