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Haddonfield School District “ Differentiating Learning for All ”

Haddonfield School District “ Differentiating Learning for All ”. Progress Report June, 2007. Haddonfield School District 2006 – 2007 Goals.

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Haddonfield School District “ Differentiating Learning for All ”

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  1. Haddonfield School District “Differentiating Learning for All” Progress Report June, 2007

  2. Haddonfield School District 2006 – 2007 Goals • The administration, in collaboration with faculty, will design a system for defining/developing a learning plan for each elementary student addressing individual strengths and challenges that may be passed on from year to year. • We will develop and begin to implement comprehensive and classroom based technology plans to integrate technologies into learning and instruction. • We will improve our communication with all our constituents. • We will seek creative alternative funding sources. • To be continued and finished early in the 2006 – 2007 school year: We will develop a student focused Haddonfield School District disciplinary code for all our students and schools.

  3. The administration, in collaboration with faculty, will design a system for defining/developing a learning plan for each elementary student addressing individual strengths and challenges that may be passed on from year to year. PROGRESS NOTES: Goal Achieved: Elementary Student Learning profiles are finished and are currently implemented in Haddonfield School District. Haddonfield School District Goal 1

  4. We will develop and begin to implement comprehensive and classroom based technology plans to integrate technologies into learning and instruction. PROGRESS NOTES: Our Technology Committee identified three exploratory options: Video Streaming Distance Learning for World Language Laptop for students proposal Administrators have asked to pilot one wireless laptop mobile unit. Goal Achievement: We have implemented video streaming. We could implement the world language class technology in summer 2007. We could add one mobile lab for elementary students and staff. Distance Learning equipment could be installed in C-8 at High School next year Laptops will not be viable at this time. However, Research is done on student laptop initiative. Haddonfield School District Goal 2

  5. We will improve our communication with all our constituents. PROGRESS NOTES: Our expectation is that we will and must continue this goal into the future. A Board level Communications Committee has been established to monitor and improve all levels of our communication Board members are attending all PTA meetings and working with our PTA groups Board members have volunteered to speak with any Haddonfield community groups and/or service groups Budget sessions with all PTA groups were held and budget information was posted This Goals Final Report will be posted on the website Our Board Communication Committee is valuable and unique to Haddonfield. Haddonfield School District Goal 3

  6. We will seek creative alternative funding sources. PROGRESS NOTES: Our expectation is that we will continue this goal. We have applied for grant funding in three new areas this school year: special education; technology initiatives; and professional development monies We did receive three special education grants from New Jersey. Total amount = $72,000. We did not get the $300,000 grant, but we will apply again next year. We have contacted suitable vendors to see what funding opportunities may exist to generate new revenues: Capture revenue stream from vending machines Work with Sodexho to develop revenue options Contact Mobile Phone companies about revenue ideas Contacting potential sponsors for school projects and special athletic issues Concerns expressed are related to finding the administrative time to explore the funding ideas We do have one major fundraising activity (QSP) for implementation next fall – which could generate about $35,000 per year for Haddonfield School District Haddonfield School District Goal 4

  7. To be continued and finished early in the 2006 – 2007 school year: We will develop a student focused Haddonfield School District disciplinary code for all our students and schools. We did adopt 24/7 policy early this school year It is in place and consistently applied We have had 39 cases to date Student presentations will be done by coaches; advisors; etc… Feedback has been solicited from coaches; advisors; community; and students Haddonfield School District Goal 5

  8. 100% Success for HSD Students • 100% Of HMHS Students Wishing To Attend College Will Be Accepted To College • This includes 4 year and 2 year options • 100% of HMHS Students Who Do Not Plan To Go To College Will Receive Comprehensive Career Options Counseling • Detailed Learning Profile on Each HSD Graduate

  9. HSD Goals: Successful Work Celebrate & Re-Focus • Haddonfield School District Goals were the focus of administrative activity. Hopefully, the goals will continue to be our focus. • Know that we have excellent students, parents, and staff. Thus, our definition for success needs to be about more than excellent test scores – Success for All • We need to define success for all through differentiated instruction

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