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Biology and Physiology of Laboratory Rodents

Biology and Physiology of Laboratory Rodents. Bersényi, András DVM, PhD research fellow Szent István Univ. Fac. of Veterinary Science Institute of Anim. Breeding, Nutrition and Lab Anim. Sci. bersenyi.andras@aotk.szie.hu. Experimental animals  Lab animals.

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Biology and Physiology of Laboratory Rodents

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  1. Biology and Physiology of Laboratory Rodents Bersényi, András DVM, PhDresearch fellow Szent István Univ. Fac. of Veterinary Science Institute of Anim. Breeding, Nutrition and Lab Anim. Sci. bersenyi.andras@aotk.szie.hu

  2. Experimental animals Lab animals

  3. Állatmodellekkel szembeni elvárások • Accurate mimicry • Data extrapolation • Result reproduction • Readily available • Tractable • Convenient size and prolificacy • Long lifetime • Easy to maintain • Relatively inexpensive

  4. Mouse (M. musculus) Taxonomy Class: Glires Order: Rodentia Suborder: Myomorpha Family: Muridae Genus& Species: Mus house mouse(M. musculus)

  5. History Biology I. Large Surface Area(20 g: 36 cm2) Cold (thermoneutral zone: 29.6-30.5oC) Heat

  6. Conclusion: housing (20-24oC!), drinking water, floor II. Fast Heart and Respiratory Frequency(100-200/min.; 300-800/min.)

  7. III. Urinary System IV. Pheromones Lee-Boot-, Whitten-, Bruce-effect

  8. Mice in Research • Gerontology: • Genetics: (pregnancy: 19-21 days vs rat: 21-23 days) • Oncology: • Virology: • Toxicology • Radiobiology:

  9. Rat (R. norvegicus) Taxonomy Class: Glires Order: Rodentia Suborder: Myomorpha Family: Muridae Genus& Species: RattusNorwegian rat(R. norvegicus)

  10. History Biology Heat loss: sweat glands, tail vessels, saliva on body

  11. Rats in Research • Nutrition • Toxicology • Behaviour(stress) • Inherited Diseases: hypertension, diabetes insipidus, retinal degeneration, audiogenic seizures, hydrocephalus, microophtalmia, deafness, obesity, non-eruption of teeth

  12. Syrian/Golden Hamsters (M. auratus) Chinese/striped back hamster (Cricetus griseus) Armenian/grey hamster (Cricetulus migratorius) European hamster (Cricetus cricetus) Taxonomy Suborder: Myomorpha Family: Cricetidae Genus & Species: Mesocricetus golden hamster(M. auratus)

  13. History Allepo, Syria (1930) Biology • black spot/sebaceous gland (males!)

  14. I. Prolificacy(6 litters/year, 4-10 pups/litter) II. Freedom from Spontaneous Diseases

  15. III. Anatomy & Physiology • Hibernation (2-3 days sleep + 12 hrs wakefulness): • Cheek Pouch: • Dentition: • Respiratory Tract: IV. Rapid Development(pregnancy: 15-17 days)

  16. Other Chinese hamster

  17. Gerbil (M. unguiculatus) Taxonomy Suborder: Myomorpha Family: Cricetidae Genus & Species: Meriones Mongoliangerbil (M. unguiculatus)

  18. History Biology • sebaceous glands (males!) • short erythrocyte lifespan • desert origin: (thermoneutral zone(0-35oC), water requirement, urine excretion) • free of spontaneous diseases

  19. Gerbils in Research • neurological research: idiopathic epilepsy • cholesterol metabolism:obesityatherosclerosis

  20. Guinea pig (C. porcellus) short-haired/English rough-haired/Abyssinian (Ethiopian), long-haired/Peruvian Suborder: Hystricomorpha Family: Caviidae Octodontidae Genus& Species: Caviaguinea pig (C. porcellus)

  21. History Biology • 1 pair of nipples; fingers: 4/3 • Biorhythm: appr. 20 hours activity and appr. 10 min sleeping • Coprophagia - caecotrophy(rabbit; guinea pig; chinchilla; degu; hamster; rat!)

  22. Normal Caecotroph Form hard, singular globules 5-10 globules, cluster Components Dry matter (%) 50-55 30-40 Crude protein (%) 15-16 25-30 Crude fibre (%) 30 15-18 Vitamin ‘B’ low high Chemical composition of the rabbit’s two types of faeces (Fekete and Bokori, 1984)

  23. Faeces of guinea pigs - Normal: crescent-shaped & dark - Caecotroph: cucumber seed-shaped & bright • Kurloff cells (3-4%)

  24. Guinea pigs in Research • Easy to immunize: TBC, diphtheria, leptospirosis, brucellosis • Otology research • Scorbutus

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